SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

definitely schizo, not autistic. if he were autistic then he'd demand nothing but the truth. (ask me how I know lol)
Could be schizo. He forgets what he says. First it was fake EQ. Then it was test. Then he said he lab tested it. Then he said “what labtest”?

He won’t be getting a response from me. Any dumbass can make an account and say “hey I made a $3000 order and you scammed me”! He can say he emailed me all day, but he hasn’t. People have entirely way too much free time on their hands.
So, after months of claiming to have proof that skank sells fake gear, carlito decided he'd like to purchase some of that same gear he says he knows for certain is fake? I mean, sure, seems legit.
Received my order from @SkankHunt quickly.
Responding as normal to Bayer hcg (I b&c, ran out of hcg and the boys start to ache/shrink. Symptoms stopped after 2x doses of 250 mcg Bayer hcg).
Hadn't used b12 before, but think i felt a boost.
Holding on to Balkan winny, pharmaqo primo for a bit but excited to use tested, pseudo -pharma stuff. Only used domestic ugl stuff (tested, but still).
Would prefer if his name was skankhuntER, otherwise 10/10
@SkankHunt, just caught up on the pharmaqo thread. Understand why you wouldn't carry their gear despite all the testing you did (and good results).
Do you plan on testing/carrying any other "high end" ugls?
Or have any you recommend?
Domestic ugls seem to be be in an especially shitshow state at present.
@SkankHunt, just caught up on the pharmaqo thread. Understand why you wouldn't carry their gear despite all the testing you did (and good results).
Do you plan on testing/carrying any other "high end" ugls?
Or have any you recommend?
Domestic ugls seem to be be in an especially shitshow state at present.
Nah probably not. If there’s an issue with a floater or lid coming off I’d rather not be responsible for it.

I’ve used Pharmacom and great results. Even lab tested both the mixed I used. No complaints except the price.

Pharmaqo I’ve used as well and it was very popular. Only recent complaints I’ve seen is shipping times. Prices are more competitive as well.
Nah probably not. If there’s an issue with a floater or lid coming off I’d rather not be responsible for it.

I’ve used Pharmacom and great results. Even lab tested both the mixed I used. No complaints except the price.

Pharmaqo I’ve used as well and it was very popular. Only recent complaints I’ve seen is shipping times. Prices are more competitive as well.
i don’t get his comment of the UGL scene being a shitshow. I normally don’t like UGLs. But lately, I ran Colonial labs and Stanford and I didn’t have any problems besides a top coming off on stans vial, but that was an easy fix. I think you even tested some 1 test Cyp from colonial recently, which made me a little more comfortable on their Superdrol and Test E
Nah probably not. If there’s an issue with a floater or lid coming off I’d rather not be responsible for it.

I’ve used Pharmacom and great results. Even lab tested both the mixed I used. No complaints except the price.

Pharmaqo I’ve used as well and it was very popular. Only recent complaints I’ve seen is shipping times. Prices are more competitive as well.
I think he was referring to the higher end guys. I’ve never had an issue with Trip. The primo from dragon was 10%ish underdosed. Never had any issues with GoodLyfe either. I had his first batch tho.

I’ve never had issues with floaters or pip from any labs except Odin. Shit was underdosed, wrong compounds in vials and the lid came off the test prop. So I’d avoid them if anything.
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new to entering the game. sent an email, hopefully people will take me seriously. Appears that OP is a legit researcher/quality guy based off of his other posts.

A friend got a hold of a multiple vials from Pharmqo and this led me to this forum and ultimately here.
Ordered more gear from SkankHunt. Total time before touchdown=three business days. That's one day longer than normal but honestly given that we're in Christmas season and all the package carriers are starting to get swamped I was pleasantly surprised it only took that long. Anyone needing to order anything, I'd strongly recommend you get it done because before long we're going to be at a point where you might not get your gear for a couple of weeks or longer no matter how fast SkankHunt can get it shipped out. Last year I ordered from another (USA) source around 15 December and even though he got it shipped the next day I didn't see it until after January 1st. Tracking showed that it got stuck at some Midwestern sorting facility for over ten days. Calling the carrier to inquire about it got me a recording that essentially said "It's Christmas season and as in every prior year we're swamped, so be patient and fuck off."