SkankPharma Domestic USA PCT Shop

Well...... I just spoke to a friend about this again to confirm if the rumors once again were true to confirm, and you are right. Russian Government has placed a banned on selling HGH products and the ban will take place sometime next year.

Some really depressing news this morning.

@SkankHunt stock up on those Jins while you can get brother.
And the jins are not cheap either. 500 something for the 200 iu kit in the pharmacies. I see Russia getting flooded with low quality Gh and copies galore soon
And the jins are not cheap either. 500 something for the 200 iu kit in the pharmacies. I see Russia getting flooded with low quality Gh and copies galore soon

I believe more than that. Last time I looked, that was the old price before the new batches came out this year that @SkankHunt had under new owner of Gensci.

@SkankHunt tested them at 98% purity and 0 dimer better than Serostims LOL

I don't know about copies, copies always existed in large amounts already.

So fucking depressing to have the news broken to me today.
That guy was
Sorry @SkankHunt don't mean to jam up your thread, but I gotta let this fool know what time it is.... No disrespect

that was a very good friend of mine you faggot. Your best bet is to beet feet punk. Don't let my join date confuse you bitch. You mite as well leave. Nobody here will show you any kind of respect. Bounce lame!
Sorry @SkankHunt don't mean to jam up your thread, but I gotta let this fool know what time it is.... No disrespect

that was a very good friend of mine you faggot. Your best bet is to beet feet punk. Don't let my join date confuse you bitch. You mite as well leave. Nobody here will show you any kind of respect. Bounce lame!
He was banned I believe.
Hi sir, I am interested in seeing this proof please
@Carlitosaso you going to ignore this? Third day in a row now with you in my PMs asking me for money. You gunna post up any proof or continue to run your fuckin mouth?

You already dug yourself into a hole saying I sold you bold which I don’t even carry. Then you said it was test. (All of my testosterone is lab tested by Jano)

So which is it bud? Maybe a roidtest? But then again, this came from your mouth too.

Lmao roidtests are trash gtfo
@Carlitosaso you going to ignore this? Third day in a row now with you in my PMs asking me for money. You gunna post up any proof or continue to run your fuckin mouth?

You already dug yourself into a hole saying I sold you bold which I don’t even carry. Then you said it was test. (All of my testosterone is lab tested by Jano)

So which is it bud? Maybe a roidtest? But then again, this came from your mouth too.
What do labtests have to do with you scamming me and not sending me what I ordered? You stupid or what?

What do labtests have to do with you scamming me and not sending me what I ordered? You stupid or what?

Are you fucking retarded?
This source sells fake gear buyer beware!! He sold me boldenone but it was tren, labtested it myself.
That lab test.I’m done wasting time on you, you inbred moron.
What do labtests have to do with you scamming me and not sending me what I ordered? You stupid or what?

Look who decided to slide in LOL
Penis Carlito.jpg

So post a screenshot of @SkankHunt replying to your emails for your order............

Make sure we see his reply that he collected your funds and the order and time too.

Is business for you that rough? Lol
I see all your dickriding friends are here too. Again I send Skankhunt an e-mail requesting my money back or the products delivered he didn't reply...
Via PM here he claims I didn't order anything which is a LIE.
I see all your dickriding friends are here too. Again I send Skankhunt an e-mail requesting my money back or the products delivered he didn't reply...
Via PM here he claims I didn't order anything which is a LIE.

So take that dick out your mouth and post that screenshot. Proof or GTFO eq using beta bitch.