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As long as you understand the difference. I want to consistently apply the same standards to everyone regardless of the popularity of the member and or source.

It's often a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation because most people will support banning an unpopular member or unpopular source but be outraged when you ban a popular member or popular source for the same rule violation/behavior. Moderation based on principle rather than popularity is the goal.
Yes you’ve made it clear. Apologies for the witty smart ass remark. I mentioned it before to the admin, I just wanted clarification of the rules. Thank you sir.
Apologies @SkankHunt I don't mean to derail your thread but since @Millard is here I have a quick somewhat related question.

@Millard what are your thoughts on sources posting tracking information to "prove" that they made a shipment?

I don't have a particular source in mind, but sometimes I see it happen and it is concerning. With most postal carriers, you can just put the tracking number in a box and it will tell you the address the package is heading to.
It's a no-no. While it may not be clearly present personally-identifying information. It provides information that can narrow down location.

This thread really isn't the place to discuss these issues. I will start another thread in the next day or so where we can discuss such matters on how to best hold sources accountable, what should be allowed, what should not, and how to improve the steroid underground subforum.
Yes they do and all new Russian meds.

I heard this and asked the other day but it's a rumor and nothing else.
I have some Russian Nords. Didn’t you mention there’s a QR code or something on them? Does it require an app like the Turkish ITS?
Yes you’ve made it clear. Apologies for the witty smart ass remark. I mentioned it before to the admin, I just wanted clarification of the rules. Thank you sir.
No worries. I'm always open to discussing/clarifying.
I hope it is. Losing access to things Like Balkan products or Russian Nords/omnitrope would suck big time.

Well...... I just spoke to a friend about this again to confirm if the rumors once again were true to confirm, and you are right. Russian Government has placed a banned on selling HGH products and the ban will take place sometime next year.

Some really depressing news this morning.

@SkankHunt stock up on those Jins while you can get brother.
Well...... I just spoke to a friend about this again to confirm if the rumors once again were true to confirm, and you are right. Russian Government has placed a banned on selling HGH products and the ban will take place sometime next year.

Some really depressing news this morning.

@SkankHunt stock up on those Jins while you can get brother.
I’m not much of a GH guy; but have you heard anything in regards to being more difficult to obtain mainstream AAS? *test, Adrol, Deca,* etc? From any countries such as Thailand, China, Turkey, etc?
I’m not much of a GH guy; but have you heard anything in regards to being more difficult to obtain mainstream AAS? *test, Adrol, Deca,* etc? From any countries such as Thailand, China, Turkey, etc?

No, just GH and peptides in Russia. In Russia it was perfectly legal to obtain. Now, they passed a law making it a illegal sometime next year. Thank their communist leaders for this.

No word on anything about AAS and GH in other countries, please don't spam threads saying stuff not true brother, I don't need 100s of Pms on people tagging and asking me.
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Nah bro. That fuckstick carlito. He’s my bitch. Someone even made a donation to the French lab test group so everyone knows he’s my bitch.
Lol I'm your bitch but yet you go crying to a mod. You scammed me that's a fact and I have proof! Now you're calling me a troll because I'm calling you out.