Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That's even more embarrassing. You're 43 and sound like a 17 year old in an Xbox game chat. "I make so much money and have lots of guns!!" .... Nobody cares. You're Canadian. Take the L.
I agree with this as well. At some point being a good person to everyone matters more than the bank account. Before you reply with, " That's what someone with no money would say.", I do very well, but once you hit mid to upper 40s, it's about how you make people feel, and social interactions.
That's even more embarrassing. You're 43 and sound like a 17 year old in an Xbox game chat. "I make so much money and have lots of guns!!" .... Nobody cares. You're Canadian. Take the L.
I give a shit.
If some morons being a close minded bigot he can go to he'll.
Regardless of forum.
And yes I hope they keep.voting to fill my pockets cause they scared they might like cock.
Bro, at the end of the day, we are a bunch of dudes, (mostly) buying UGL Gear trying to be a better us. We should be lifting each other up. Right now you are throwing a temper tantrum and I am sending you to your room, leave your phone on my desk and you can get it back after dinner.
Can the Canadians just have their own meso website to bitch and complain on, go join the French and you guys can complain together
Come on now, not all Canadians come here to bitch about politics, trans and vaccine bullshit. Some of us are smart enough to realize this board is made up of drug dealers and abusers, not the smartest of the bunch.

I'm basically saying, I'm just here for drugs nothing else lol
You guys are impressed by this situation and defend this source? There’s absolutely no reason why a source this size isn’t testing every compound before selling it. Who tf knows what was in the compound and people were putting that shit in their bodies. QSC absolutely needs to do better and that’s unacceptable.
I am just tired from the constant moaning and bitching from the same 5 accounts that only surface to do that. If QSC was a scamming shit bucket there would be multiple DIFFERENT accounts throwing accusations. What I have seen so far is some fuckups that are expected when you have such a high volume business. And most of them were made right one way or another afaik.

And he can't test all the things he sells. There is 100s of items some bizarre and uncommon, most of.of the oils and raws are tested and many high volume peptides.

In perfect world ALL things would be tested but we don't live in one. It's a compromise that many choose to deal for better prices.

If someone has a problem with that they should go elsewhere.
Bro, at the end of the day, we are a bunch of dudes, (mostly) buying UGL Gear trying to be a better us. We should be lifting each other up. Right now you are throwing a temper tantrum and I am sending you to your room, leave your phone on my desk and you can get it back after dinner.
if he doesn't go to his room, can we use duct tape!?

Yes that's how kits are typically composed.

I'm answering because I'm super keen for QSC L-carnitine. But I don't think 200mg/ml is a very useful concentration when it's something you'll typically want 300 - 600mg of daily.

I'm doing 1ml of 600mg/ml most days and I'd love it if QSC were to match this. For reference I pay about $100 USD for 100ml.
What benefits do you see from injectable carnitine?
The best QSC cycle for lean mass, opinions?
I think hgh, test p, masteron p, tren a, anadrol, anavar.
Personally I think that is way overkill for bulking. If I were to run tren and anadrol at the same time I wouldn't be able to eat and gain mass.

I think if your trying to add lean mass, a moderate dose of test and primo & hgh.
I would run it as long as your bloodwork allows in a caloric surplus.

Save the tren and anavar for a cut would be my advice.