Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yes that's how kits are typically composed.

I'm answering because I'm super keen for QSC L-carnitine. But I don't think 200mg/ml is a very useful concentration when it's something you'll typically want 300 - 600mg of daily.

I'm doing 1ml of 600mg/ml most days and I'd love it if QSC were to match this. For reference I pay about $100 USD for 100ml.

What benefits do you see from injectable carnitine?
I wanted to try it out for mental clarity. But I'm still looking into it.
I used to take Acetyl L-Carnitine since it crossed the blood brain barrier.
Cardio recovery.

Recovery between high intensity sets is improved noticeably.

I see the most improvement when I'm out for a dedicated run. It'll knock 30 seconds off my 1km split, endurance goes up.

Does make you sweat at a standstill though.

I used it I conjunction with HGH before fasted cardio on my last cut and had really good results. My understanding is that HGH liberates fatty acids and Carnitine improves the efficiency with which your body oxidises them.

I don't start to see those benefits until about 400mg.
Did you notice anything like improved mental focus??
I'm a Canadian and I agree! Fuckin bitches
unfortunately Alberta and sask are wanting to pull a Quebec now and bitch and separate, I always hated Quebec for that BS just so feds would give them what they wanted... west doesn't have the population so just posturing of a Chihuahua, and pisses me off as further division will just turn canada into the states. that premier in sask drank and drove killed a lady, got busted again for drinking and driving, lost every single business he ever started including his family farm, (and a pharmacy which is next to impossible to do esp a previously running profitable one that was the only place in town, siphon funds much?) then cant even keep his kids in check and gets busted for being a drunk asshole blowing stop signs in Vancouver with his daddy's truck, and magically never got a slap on the wrist like his dad.. and folks in sask love him lol hilarious. less regulation they say, is great they say! builds a new bridge after being open for 2 hours collapsed because of lack of regulations lol, turns out soil tests are important.. Albertas old health minister was a kid diddler anyhoo, now im bitching
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Thanks, man, I’ll check them out. Hoping for QSD to have it. A one stop shop for us to shop till we drop kind of deal lol
Original Cerebrolysin is made by Ever Pharma only. There is a lot of fake Cerebrolysin on the market, made with Cerebroprotein hydrolysate (Chinese analogue of Cerebrolysin). Cerebrolysin hydrolysate is very cheap and is also available as powder, and can be bought in bulk. Any Cerebrolysin you get from China will most likely be Cerebroprotein hydrolysate.
Can anyone tell me what one is eq and mast e
It’s got number 1 and 2 it’s not me it’s for a friend


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Imagine asking strangers in a forum for help to identify their order instead of just asking the source who sold it. Makes sense.