Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

For what kind of injury?
I picked some up for a family member and have him on just 400mcg a day and 5mg tb500 m/f trying to avoid a knee replacement. Today would be day 4, but not really any improvement yet. Think a higher dose works better/faster??
That’s a 5mg vial of TB500 each injection? How much do you reconstitute it with?
Turkey have no more reship policy

After several incidents, when almost all parcels by post NL clear turkish customs but some get opened by local post office before delivery and decide to return them back, I think I reshipped enough to decide to not offer any reship policy anymore.

Reminder for countries with no reship policy: India, Norway, Israel, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, African countries.
Original Cerebrolysin is made by Ever Pharma only. There is a lot of fake Cerebrolysin on the market, made with Cerebroprotein hydrolysate (Chinese analogue of Cerebrolysin). Cerebrolysin hydrolysate is very cheap and is also available as powder, and can be bought in bulk. Any Cerebrolysin you get from China will most likely be Cerebroprotein hydrolysate.

Oh, wow. I didn’t know that at all, thanks.

Would it still be worth using the Chinese form in your opinion? I’m going to look into it myself.

What about P21, does it fall under the same fate?
And all this time I’m not saying his products are bad . I’m not saying his products aren’t pure. I’m not saying is parks aren’t legit. I’m saying that I think I accidentally got sent the wrong Raws . It’s a common mistake that could easily happen. But when you email them about it they say nope it’s not the wrong ones and if you don’t believe me go get it tested yourself that’s not good customer service
Jesus christ man. Send it in for testing if you question it.
@Detroitmonster Thank you for your suggestions about how to conduct my business and adjust my profit, but with all due respect, I don't look for happy customers like you or give 2 fucks about your peace of mind regarding what you received, I even prefer that you never buy again from me and buy elsewhere if you can't afford $120 to do your own test and instead spamming my thread and my email with your shit.

The fact that you are selling drugs that can potentially harm your customers without testing them shows how little you care about their health.

Your arrogant attitude on top of that is just despicable
Imagine selling this dude weed.
What's the the and cbd %?
Like a dealer is gonna test shit for you.

Never in my life saw paretto or syn with test results on their website
I would rather see some sort of testing.

Like I am ordering Var Powder. Do I think there is a chance that it can have a mixup? Yes, I am always concerned about it.

Its the same risk with every other thing. I am sending that shit for testing.

Take the risk, or dont take the risk. If you are going to claim bunk, then you better have something to back your claim up. its not like one is a certified AAS Sommelier
At the rate new batches are made, wouldn’t people have to wait to buy if each one was tested? Because it’s not a quick turn around for testing to be conducted. It takes a while. So that’s time the seller has to sit on their product and cannot move it. Which means buyers have to wait as well. It might be easier and quicker to have your own purchase tested on your behalf.
The fact that you are selling drugs that can potentially harm your customers without testing them shows how little you care about their health.

Your arrogant attitude on top of that is just despicable
No offense but if you expect your drug dealer to show care for you, you are either gullible or plain stupid. These guys are on an illegal trade, they only care about money.

We are all adults here involved in a game of who's gonna get scammed or busted. Only way to hurt them is by not buying from them. If there are better options out there take it.

Sometimes people forget the simple fact that even your most outstanding go to source never cared about your well-being, they are just here to provide a service just like McDonald's. It's worse since they don't answer to anyone.
The fact that you are selling drugs that can potentially harm your customers without testing them shows how little you care about their health.

Your arrogant attitude on top of that is just despicable
Can you name a raw supplier that has more testing than QSC? I don’t know of any.

What drugs is he selling that could potentially harm someone?
No offense but if you expect your drug dealer to show care for you, you are either gullible or plain stupid. These guys are on an illegal trade, they only care about money.

We are all adults here involved in a game of who's gonna get scammed or busted. Only way to hurt them is by not buying from them. If there are better options out there take it.

Sometimes people forget the simple fact that even your most outstanding go to source never cared about your well-being, they are just here to provide a service just like McDonald's. It's worse since they don't answer to anyone.

People care about the wellbeing of their customer because they know the financial impact a mess up can have on their business.
I suggest qsc send you a few gram of his unidentified powder and you take it for a month.
He tested it, then didn’t like the result so he never listed it for sale.

You’re kinda proving my point here big guy lol. There is testing on nearly everything he offers for sale.
The fact that you are selling drugs that can potentially harm your customers without testing them shows how little you care about their health.

Your arrogant attitude on top of that is just despicable
Most of products are tested.
No one force you to buy untested products.
Untested raws are eligible for credit store if it's third party tested.

Getting raws ready for sale and waiting a month to get results that will look same as previous ones, because it's same factory is just idiotic, and I have no benefit it, if it's just to satisfy a bunch of greedy fucks like you who will order 10g at the end of the day.

If you have better options, go buy there, but wait, shit let's see the market.

No raw source test their raws.
Most of them think Janoshik isn't reliable.
and the few who have some lab tests don't have even 1/10 of the number of tests we have.
We have about 200 ones or more.

Let me guess, canadian?
He tested it, then didn’t like the result so he never listed it for sale.

You’re kinda proving my point here big guy lol. There is testing on nearly everything he offers for sale.
That's not accurate. It was listed for sale, someone else found it was not as described via Janoshik testing. He denied it the testing was valid. Then later conceded it may be valid and pulled the item while he waited for his own test results. His own test results confirmed the results of the Jano testing, that it wasn't real. He removed the item from the list completely.

It is useful to be accurate when describing the events, if only for public record.