Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's better to just allow QSC advertise their own business where they feel it is appropriate. And even if business went well on reddit, there will be shortages of products
More demand, more production, the demand from reddit forced us to get new production line, now our capacity of production of tirzepatide is way bigger, about 400 kits weekly, it's never a bad thing, we always adjust the offer to the demand.
More demand, more production, the demand from reddit forced us to get new production line, now our capacity of production of tirzepatide is way bigger, about 400 kits weekly, it's never a bad thing, we always adjust the offer to the demand.
Considering most Reddit users are chronically obese bisexual “women”, you should triple production
Why are people laugh reacting and disliking this mundane non-interesting comment? Any ideas @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ?

Anyways, sent an email and paid.
Just imagine what this thread would look like if everyone did what you just did. “Hey I sent an order” would be posted here over one hundred times per day.

Yeah…they know you sent an order. It’s in their email inbox. They get 100 of them every day and deal with each and every one. The rest of us don’t need to hear about it.

In everything you do, think “what if everyone else did it this way too? What would the world look like then?”
That's my next course of action. My previous comment reflects on my experience with my family doctor, to whom I opened up about my use, and said I'd like to monitor my blood work and other health critical metrics and to which they responded by saying I need to go to an addictions clinic. I gave them an honest background to why I started initially 9 years ago(test levels below reference range, endo turned me down saying I was too much liability)

And that's the answer I got from my doctor.

Thanks for the suggestion brother
Whoever gave you that advise has no clue what they are talking about. You have to go to a testosterone clinic, most family doctors and other types are terribly scared to give you what you need in that type of situation.
Howdy Gentlemen,

After going through a 12 week cycle with products from this source, I feel like I can give a fairly informed opinion.
Ordered some nootropics, var, a test C and a bold C kit, some spare tren vials just because.
ALL Vials came in various degrees of crashed (order had to travel in very cold weather so... not an issue per se, for me at least), heat fixed the issue permanently for both test and tren vials, Boldenone kept crashing back unless kept well isolated.
Test C worked like a charm. 0 PiP.

Tren E I discontinued too early to say anything about its effectiveness. 0 PiP.

Bold C worked fine but... well it was VERY inflammatory for me, not PiPpy per se, but BIG painful swelling both in IM injections AND subQ.
Hard, painful lumps, my guess would be an inflammatory reaction that got worse as the body's immune system identified and selectively attacked the compound producing sterile abscesses or sth similar. YMMV they all healed fine and I had no fever.
Had to cut the cycle short because of this reaction, Again, YMMV.
My injections where 0,6ml Test C (150mg) + 0,4ml Bold C (100mg) with 1 slin pin IM or subq, daily, rotating spots.

Nootropics did their magic AFAIK, helping me with studying and having a blast reading Infinite Jest and Godel/Escher/Bach.
Var varred.

Having read about Boldenone's shorter esters being tough cookies, (I went for it anywas only because I read somewhere that some people don't use EQ well because of a genetic polymorphism concerning the undecylinate ester. Will try THAT next time though) nothing that was unexpected or underwhelming was provided.
I am overall very satisfied with my order, altough I'd like some more communication regarding order prices as I fucked up come calculations and wasn't told that I would receive less Noopept as a result, again, my distraction, but one could have reviewed the order in that case and make changes.

Order delivered in less than 20 days so... Again, not bat at all.
Howdy Gentlemen,

After going through a 12 week cycle with products from this source, I feel like I can give a fairly informed opinion.
Ordered some nootropics, var, a test C and a bold C kit, some spare tren vials just because.
ALL Vials came in various degrees of crashed (order had to travel in very cold weather so... not an issue per se, for me at least), heat fixed the issue permanently for both test and tren vials, Boldenone kept crashing back unless kept well isolated.
Test C worked like a charm. 0 PiP.

Tren E I discontinued too early to say anything about its effectiveness. 0 PiP.

Bold C worked fine but... well it was VERY inflammatory for me, not PiPpy per se, but BIG painful swelling both in IM injections AND subQ.
Hard, painful lumps, my guess would be an inflammatory reaction that got worse as the body's immune system identified and selectively attacked the compound producing sterile abscesses or sth similar. YMMV they all healed fine and I had no fever.
Had to cut the cycle short because of this reaction, Again, YMMV.
My injections where 0,6ml Test
Nootropics did their magic AFAIK, helping me with studying and having a blast reading Infinite Jest and Godel/Escher/Bach.
Var varred.
Whats got you reading the eternal thread? Havent had anyone bring up that book or Godel in years.
I’ve also been having persistent inflammatory responses… from everything though. Primo, test c I’m using now and it happens every time. I’m starting to think I’m developing allergy to mct
Whats got you reading the eternal thread? Havent had anyone bring up that book or Godel in years.
Mostly my father thinking weights will shrink my brain and gifting me tough reads to keep his idealized version of his smart son alive. It's an incredible read though... It was a delicacy for my brain.
@GreyscaleLife what nootropics did u try?
Noopept and fasoracetam. First time i tried snorting noopept I could see and smell differently than ever, BETTER than ever. Also retained information like a sponge. Fasoracetam helped me study after heavy training sessions and gave me that NICE flow feeling when learning, where you can visualize concepts in real time.
I’ve also been having persistent inflammatory responses… from everything though. Primo, test c I’m using now and it happens every time. I’m starting to think I’m developing allergy to mct
Should have said I tried isolated injections too AND oils from kther sources and ONLY Bold C gave me issues.
And what was your E2 with the 500/400?
when I did 1 to 1 ratio which was just trt 100mg cyp a week and 100mg primo a week my e2 was 9 and test was 1087. Felt like shit due to the low estrogen. However Im more about health and keeping my levels good so not sure what to do next. Id like to run more primo at a higher dose but that means id gotta jack up my test which in return will mess my lipids up. Right now with 100mg cyp every 5 days everything is in great range when I pull labs. Just pulled labs a week agao and got them back. Been off everything expect 2iu of hgh a night and test came back 667 estrogen 29 IGF 246 Free test 70. All lipids great. Glucose a tad high at 105. So not sure what to do dose wise next with the cyp and primo next run.
when I did 1 to 1 ratio which was just trt 100mg cyp a week and 100mg primo a week my e2 was 9 and test was 1087. Felt like shit due to the low estrogen. However Im more about health and keeping my levels good so not sure what to do next. Id like to run more primo at a higher dose but that means id gotta jack up my test which in return will mess my lipids up. Right now with 100mg cyp every 5 days everything is in great range when I pull labs. Just pulled labs a week agao and got them back. Been off everything expect 2iu of hgh a night and test came back 667 estrogen 29 IGF 246 Free test 70. All lipids great. Glucose a tad high at 105. So not sure what to do dose wise next with the cyp and primo next run.

I'd bump your test up a small amount say 50mg a week for a while and re-evaluate bloods. Once you find a good ratio for test to primo save the larger primo numbers for a blast and do the same ratio for whatever amount you're wanting to run at the higher dose. Still might take some experimenting with the blast dose but should keep you somewhat level.
when I did 1 to 1 ratio which was just trt 100mg cyp a week and 100mg primo a week my e2 was 9 and test was 1087. Felt like shit due to the low estrogen. However Im more about health and keeping my levels good so not sure what to do next. Id like to run more primo at a higher dose but that means id gotta jack up my test which in return will mess my lipids up. Right now with 100mg cyp every 5 days everything is in great range when I pull labs. Just pulled labs a week agao and got them back. Been off everything expect 2iu of hgh a night and test came back 667 estrogen 29 IGF 246 Free test 70. All lipids great. Glucose a tad high at 105. So not sure what to do dose wise next with the cyp and primo next run.
Consider adding hcg
Does QSC have any heavy metals testing done on their products? Not throwing around any accusations but I’ve been feeling sick for 4 weeks since I started using his gear on my cruise. I could count on one hand the amount of hours I slept last week cause my body and brain have been physically unable to chill out.

Switched sources for the time being to confirm that I’m not going crazy. Been running his GH for more than a year though, no problems there
update: turns out telmisartan was the culprit. Looked up side effect online and insomnia is a big one apparently. The AT1 and AT2 receptors that are targeted by ARBs are in charge of wakefulness and sleep modulation. Live and learn!
Either QSC ramps up their production or they end up getting shut down. 6 months from now there will be a 60minutes or a Trafficked with Marianna van Zeller about the dangers of UGL weight loss drugs. The QSC rep will have a mask on and a voice disguiser.

HOPEFULLY one of these scrawny 18 year olds gets all the SARMs companies in trouble. That should distract the feds for a year or two while they try and pass laws against it.

Ever since the pencilneck TIktok boys started doing SARMs, my gym has been packed as shit with kids fucking around the whole time. 75+ people in there and only 25 of them are actually lifting.
update: turns out telmisartan was the culprit. Looked up side effect online and insomnia is a big one apparently. The AT1 and AT2 receptors that are targeted by ARBs are in charge of wakefulness and sleep modulation. Live and learn!
Where did you read that? I’ve read a ton on this drug and I did not see insomnia mentioned once.
Where did you read that? I’ve read a ton on this drug and I did not see insomnia mentioned once.
Some random websites claim ARB's cause insomnia but this is not supported by any evidence nor is it mentioned as a side effect in the literature from the drug manufacturer.