Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Some random websites claim ARB's cause insomnia but this is not supported by any evidence nor is it mentioned as a side effect in the literature from the drug manufacturer.
Never heard of it to be a side effect. I sleep like a baby on 80mg German pharmacy Telmisartan.
I'd bump your test up a small amount say 50mg a week for a while and re-evaluate bloods. Once you find a good ratio for test to primo save the larger primo numbers for a blast and do the same ratio for whatever amount you're wanting to run at the higher dose. Still might take some experimenting with the blast dose but should keep you somewhat level.
I don't blast anymore. Its all trt stuff. 50 now. Over the blasting. Wonder if I throw in some var. What will var do to my lipids? Maybe 50mg a day or less
After 3 weeks of Test E recent batch I am definitely noticing soreness anywhere I inject for a good 3-5 days.
This is following QSC Sust 400 and Primo 200 for last 12mos either blast or cruise.
Zero pip ever.

Going to try switching to the Test Cyp.

Will switch and report back.
I am just tired from the constant moaning and bitching from the same 5 accounts that only surface to do that. If QSC was a scamming shit bucket there would be multiple DIFFERENT accounts throwing accusations. What I have seen so far is some fuckups that are expected when you have such a high volume business. And most of them were made right one way or another afaik.

And he can't test all the things he sells. There is 100s of items some bizarre and uncommon, most of.of the oils and raws are tested and many high volume peptides.

In perfect world ALL things would be tested but we don't live in one. It's a compromise that many choose to deal for better prices.

If someone has a problem with that they should go elsewhere.
There’s small time domestic sources that test every raw and finished product so don’t feed me some bullshit about how they can’t test everything when indeed they can. A source of this size should have no issues testing everything as they’re not making a shitload of little batches. I’m not saying he’s a scammer or hasn’t/doesn’t have good gear, but shit needs to be tested before selling it to customers.
There’s small time domestic sources that test every raw and finished product so don’t feed me some bullshit about how they can’t test everything when indeed they can. A source of this size should have no issues testing everything as they’re not making a shitload of little batches. I’m not saying he’s a scammer or hasn’t/doesn’t have good gear, but shit needs to be tested before selling it to customers.
Yeah you are right.

P.S. Another one bites the dust.
I don't blast anymore. Its all trt stuff. 50 now. Over the blasting. Wonder if I throw in some var. What will var do to my lipids? Maybe 50mg a day or less
Did var 50mg ed for 8 weeks and my hdl went from 43 to 19, and LDL went from 100 to 157.
There’s small time domestic sources that test every raw and finished product so don’t feed me some bullshit about how they can’t test everything when indeed they can. A source of this size should have no issues testing everything as they’re not making a shitload of little batches. I’m not saying he’s a scammer or hasn’t/doesn’t have good gear, but shit needs to be tested before selling it to customers.
Small time domestic sources don't sell 10 bottles of testosterone cypionate for $70 and have a list of several hundred different items they stock.
There’s small time domestic sources that test every raw and finished product so don’t feed me some bullshit about how they can’t test everything when indeed they can. A source of this size should have no issues testing everything as they’re not making a shitload of little batches. I’m not saying he’s a scammer or hasn’t/doesn’t have good gear, but shit needs to be tested before selling it to customers.
This topic has been gone through like a million times.

You are mistaking the vendors care about your health. They are McDonald's or Wal-Mart, they only care about money; worst part you cannot sue them. If you expect your drug dealer to have integrity, you are naive my friend.

Here's a tip, buy the most common compound that has been tested by the source and customers alike or cheap enough not worth it to be faked. You will minimize getting underdosed or substituted compounds.

Pick the best sellers from each source, they are the most tested and reliable. So unless you are prescribed, you are always gambling when buying drugs you buy off the net.

It's a noble idea for all sources to test their products but it is not feasible profit wise. You can only look after yourself, so take the responsibility to TEST what you inject your butt, do not leave it to someone else. If you can’t afford that, then piggyback ride off the guys who post their results just like the majority of guys here. Most, if not all sources offer store credit so at least you get some money back.

I hope this question needs to stop popping up every day. Now where's my primo!!!!
Got my 10mg Tirzepatide order, I swear there's like double the powder in here compared to my SAF vial (now empty). Did SAF underdose me, or is it just unreasonable to expect to judge powder by sight?PXL_20230416_185721674.jpg
There’s small time domestic sources that test every raw and finished product so don’t feed me some bullshit about how they can’t test everything when indeed they can. A source of this size should have no issues testing everything as they’re not making a shitload of little batches. I’m not saying he’s a scammer or hasn’t/doesn’t have good gear, but shit needs to be tested before selling it to customers.
pharmasource was testing for all batches. It was the best source here for 4 years.
Got my 10mg Tirzepatide order, I swear there's like double the powder in here compared to my SAF vial (now empty). Did SAF underdose me, or is it just unreasonable to expect to judge powder by sight?View attachment 255930
Powder amount doesn't matter but I wouldn't trust SAF anyway. SAF had horrible feedback a year ago, idk about recently but they are a small time social media vendor that target teens with sarms and other things. I would never buy them.
Made in USA my ass
Agree. The label was (maybe) made in the US. And the markup profit for sure!

All this shit bros, is coming from China. Don’t be fooled.

Also to previous poster asking about var. Run it for short periods. It murders your lipids. Watch Dr. Rand’s excellent video about this. I’d stay clear if just doing TRT.
Agree. The label was (maybe) made in the US. And the markup profit for sure!

All this shit bros, is coming from China. Don’t be fooled.

Also to previous poster asking about var. Run it for short periods. It murders your lipids. Watch Dr. Rand’s excellent video about this. I’d stay clear if just doing TRT.
Even "pharma var" from compounding pharmacies here is from China.

So many of these places are full of shit.