Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Possible to raise npp from 100mg to 150 mg ml?

Think people will like it

It still possible to order oils like 150 test 100 primo /ml or npp at 200mg? How many kits min?

And still possible to order like 1 kits test with 4 vials tren and 4 primo ?
I'm just curious how many primo kits sold the first day? The way this thread acts, shit better be near infinity lol

oh okay i never cook tren that way i only add bb at the end of the prep with ba when the temperature decrease

My last tren e okay its over 300mg/ml look like this Because of the hight concentration but it’s crazy because your color is pretty the same but with the half of concentration
Uhh bro, are you brewing naked?
Update new Test batch;

Test E PIP
Test C fine
Buddy says zero pip from same kit so it's just personal reaction to Test E
i used to get the worst inflammation like the first 6mos i was using test e. Multiple suppliers. I thought i was doing something wrong when pinning and after doing some reading, switched to test c, been great ever since. Lesson learned, i dont react well to test e
i used to get the worst inflammation like the first 6mos i was using test e. Multiple suppliers. I thought i was doing something wrong when pinning and after doing some reading, switched to test c, been great ever since. Lesson learned, i dont react well to test e
My glutes looked like horns.
Hard as a rock.
Praying sust 400 comes back.
Anyone use the L-Carnitine @ 200mg and if so EOD or how?
I purchased some of QSCs L-carn @ 250mg.
Before I ran out, I pinned every day sub-q 1/2 mil on one side and a half a mill on the other side.

To complicate things, I ppinned another 1ml every day Intra-m, Mon thru Fri.

I am hoping one day QSC increases does to 500mg. I am definitely thinking about trying to homebrew my own.

Small question for all the people saying the test e is causing them PIP. I’ve noticed in just about every good sponsors pages people complaining about PIP from test e. Has it always been like this for people? Or is it just the recent test eth that’s been Comin out the last year or more? I’m only asking because I’ve never had any issue with test e and PIP with anyone’s and still haven’t any at all and I’m currently using QSC test eth as well. Is it the actual compound itself causing the pain or the carrier oil used? The only pip I’ve ever really had over the years has been with certain high dosed test and certain brands DHB. Looking foward to using QSC DHB in the future and seeing it agrees with my body as well. Cause the DHB I’ve used in past that didn’t cause pip always gave me amazing results at 400mg Week