Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What's the easiest way to send these people funds from Canada? They do interact? Is credit card going to be a hassle?
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For the U.S., having the extended zip-code can cause a declined payment on various payment methods, if so try deleteing the +4 digits & see if it goes through.
Small question for all the people saying the test e is causing them PIP. I’ve noticed in just about every good sponsors pages people complaining about PIP from test e. Has it always been like this for people? Or is it just the recent test eth that’s been Comin out the last year or more? I’m only asking because I’ve never had any issue with test e and PIP with anyone’s and still haven’t any at all and I’m currently using QSC test eth as well. Is it the actual compound itself causing the pain or the carrier oil used? The only pip I’ve ever really had over the years has been with certain high dosed test and certain brands DHB. Looking foward to using QSC DHB in the future and seeing it agrees with my body as well. Cause the DHB I’ve used in past that didn’t cause pip always gave me amazing results at 400mg Week
I started with test e like a year and a half ago and had pip from multiple suppliers until i switched to test c
IMO it's 100% related to the most recent raws for Test E. I've gotten some sort of slight PIP from Test E from multiple sources for the last 2 years or so. Just used to it at this point if I'm using E.
Not sure.
I tried test suspension once and felt like I was shot with a 22 lol
Small question for all the people saying the test e is causing them PIP. I’ve noticed in just about every good sponsors pages people complaining about PIP from test e. Has it always been like this for people? Or is it just the recent test eth that’s been Comin out the last year or more? I’m only asking because I’ve never had any issue with test e and PIP with anyone’s and still haven’t any at all and I’m currently using QSC test eth as well. Is it the actual compound itself causing the pain or the carrier oil used? The only pip I’ve ever really had over the years has been with certain high dosed test and certain brands DHB. Looking foward to using QSC DHB in the future and seeing it agrees with my body as well. Cause the DHB I’ve used in past that didn’t cause pip always gave me amazing results at 400mg Week
Small question for all the people saying the test e is causing them PIP. I’ve noticed in just about every good sponsors pages people complaining about PIP from test e. Has it always been like this for people? Or is it just the recent test eth that’s been Comin out the last year or more? I’m only asking because I’ve never had any issue with test e and PIP with anyone’s and still haven’t any at all and I’m currently using QSC test eth as well. Is it the actual compound itself causing the pain or the carrier oil used? The only pip I’ve ever really had over the years has been with certain high dosed test and certain brands DHB. Looking foward to using QSC DHB in the future and seeing it agrees with my body as well. Cause the DHB I’ve used in past that didn’t cause pip always gave me amazing results at 400mg Week
I have heard the same as well. I have only used Test E. I have used pharma grade, QSCs Test E, and two other UGLs and have not had any issues in the glutes.

However, my quads are a litle bit more sensitive. All newly used oil gives me PIP for about 10 days and then after that, the PIP goes away.

As usual, everybodies body just responds different!

Just had my pharmacy tell me for the third time in a row that they wouldn’t be able to fill my TRT prescription. I just ordered a few years worth of Test C, and a kit of primo for good measure. So happy to have QSC.
Ok guys so I have normal thyroid function and took thyroxine 100mcg for around 8 weeks and want to hop off cause its a fucken chore now. How long will my natural thyroid production be suppressed ?
Also anyone with tons of HGH experience tied Qingdao's HGH? I took it last year and I got massive water retention at 1.5 iu a day and developed carpel tunnel from it. I took it last year for about 5 months and stopped but I still have the carpel tunnel.

I know the carpel tunnel is a side effect of HGH but I've been hearing that different brands brings different Sides for hgh due to filler/purity. Any truth in this? Is Qingdao's generics relatively decent for those who've used other brands?
After readin the more recent PIP comments I can’t believe I forgot the most painful stuff I’ve used and it didn’t matter ifnur was pharma or ugl. Inj. Winny was the worst and then I will get instant pip from anything that’s an oil based no ester cause if the guccianol or whatever it’s called. But I’m even lucky with those cuz it’s only an pain when it first goes in then goes away for me within an hour. And like TXhero said anything in my quad now will cause pain but it’s not until the day after the shot. But I only do those if I’m gettin scar tissue buildup in other areas so that’s rare. Great trick for leg/quad shots is if you have to do them make sure you hit legs that day and it’ll help rid the pain almost completely, pretty much anywhere u hit urself. I’m assuming it helps oil disperse or the muscle moving while working out massages the oil out. My two favorite spots now that are totally painless are the lats and the ventro gluteal area. I only use a 25g 1in in each spot and never pain
The carpel tunnel is also a huge indicator of dehydration . Seriously make sure your drinking more than the “average” water consumption amount needed. I have years and years of experience with gh and have used QSC a lot within the last year and it’s very good quality. So I highly doubt /don’t believe it’s possible to have CPT from gh still after a year off. I’m not a doctor or expert but just going off my own personal knowledge and what I’ve read while doing HW about it
I love to experiment with myostatin possibly lowering peptides. Want to maybe order ace031 10 vials which is 10mg and inject all at once. It is still not even close as much as it should but..worth a try? Anyone had any experience with ace031 and do we have test results for it from qsc?
The carpel tunnel is also a huge indicator of dehydration . Seriously make sure your drinking more than the “average” water consumption amount needed. I have years and years of experience with gh and have used QSC a lot within the last year and it’s very good quality. So I highly doubt /don’t believe it’s possible to have CPT from gh still after a year off. I’m not a doctor or expert but just going off my own personal knowledge and what I’ve read while doing HW about it
Well, I'm not numb anymore if that's what you mean. But it's still painful as hell to grip things and throw things and just have my hands at certain angles. That being said, it actually goes away for a few hours/days if I lift that day which i always found odd. I had a few months where I didn't lift at all and it the pain was there in my wrist every morning, but would go away until I went to sleep at night.
Also anyone with tons of HGH experience tied Qingdao's HGH? I took it last year and I got massive water retention at 1.5 iu a day and developed carpel tunnel from it. I took it last year for about 5 months and stopped but I still have the carpel tunnel.

I know the carpel tunnel is a side effect of HGH but I've been hearing that different brands brings different Sides for hgh due to filler/purity. Any truth in this? Is Qingdao's generics relatively decent for those who've used other brands?
yeah to be honest all ugl HGH is trash when it comes to sides.

If anyone says otherwise they are 100% bloated or they agree because they want the sides but want the benefit of igf-1 lvls elevated.. but its honestly not worth it if you're shredded it will ruin your physique if you go beyond what you mentioned. stick with pharma hgh and ignore all shills who say otherwise.

Even if it says 0 dimer. its UGL. Be aware it will give you shitty bloated sides. And many shit on mk-677 because of bloat. well the forum posts are quite correlated . mk and ugl hgh = water bloat/carpel tunnel etcetcetcetc

and anyone who says "no i dont get sides..." please post your physique, nut up or shill who never has used pharma.
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yeah to be honest all ugl HGH is trash when it comes to sides.

If anyone says otherwise they are 100% bloated or they agree because they want the sides but want the benefit of igf-1 lvls elevated.. but its honestly not worth it if you're shredded it will ruin your physique if you go beyond what you mentioned. stick with pharma hgh and ignore all shills who say otherwise.

Even if it says 0 dimer. its UGL. Be aware it will give you shitty bloated sides.
I dont get sides im already mentally ill