Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Folks run it differently tho. Leave em both solo and let them mix as they see fit if they even wanna mix the two together. Kinda cements someone into a single choice. 5mg each vial do what you will.
I have both compounds was going to mix myself. Just wanted to make sure.

That said i have read sooo many dosing protocols. What is a normal amount to take of tb-500 and bpc-157
This is weird. Last batch of Tren E I cooked from QSC was dark yellow (left); the batch I just cooked now is very, very light (right). I use MCT oil, so but this Tren E is super light yellow, and I don't see why it is it. I didn't cook it any different than I usually do. Morever, the raw powder isn't a yellow as it usually would be; it is like an off white. 1.jpg2.jpg
Unfortunately, my first order with QSC was a bust as it seems the postal service lost my order and there's no reship.

Read most the recent comments on here at the time and decided to give them a try in February. Placed an order and made payment, then received tracking number on Feb 15. Noticed the tracking number wasn't updating, communicated with them and was told it takes 2 - 3 weeks for the package to get to NL and tracking to be updated. After another complaint, 30 days since the orginal shipment date, an updated tracking number was provided on March 17 which showed the package progress.

Things moved quickly up until April 4 when all tracking ceased after the status of "Exported from the departure country". Waited another 28 days (58 days since orginal tracking number/order placement) before complaining about the issue. Got a very unhelpful response that they don't know how long shipment to my location in Sub-Saharan Africa is, the local post office has likely lost it and they're sorry for my loss. Responded about how ridiculous and unhelpful their response was and inquired what their reship policy is. The reps response as that "African countries do not have a reship policy" and this has been mentioned in the Mesp-Rx forums. I've been searching for any post where I missed the reps stating it but can't seem to find anything like that. It's been 82 days since the original tracking number was provided and 65 days since the last tracking update.

Just for clarity, the local post office rarely loses orders and the parcel never registered as within the country. I even visited my local post office multiple times to check on whether it had been registered on their internal systems from the international airport as PostNL parcel doesn't take more than 7 - 14 days to show up within the country. This isn't my first rodeo with a UG source.

In summary, didn't receive my order, lost by postal service, no reship. I kinda blame myself for not asking what the reship or insurance option was before ordering. I operated on the assumption that QCS worked like Basicstero, DO or even SG in their customer guarantee. My mistake and I'm out of roughly $569.

Anyways, for customer based in Sub-Saharan Africa, please do your research and know the risk you're taking. QCS should make it clear in their pricing documents or first mail which countries do or do not have a reship policy.

Not here to rag on QCS as a source or anything. They seem to have tons of good reviews on here and I wish I could've joined in cause I'm yet to see negative reviews. Just wish communication was a bit clearer from the get-go.

Glad to answer any questions or clarify any confusion from this. Thanks.