Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

CAS 1191237-69-0 available?
Sure you want "remdesivir metabolite" and not Nirmatrelvir+ritonavir combo? Also just a heads up, you (generally anyways) need to take these at first onset of symptoms for them to decrease your COVID time. Taking them a week or two later is typically less helpful. Best to have them in your medicine cabinet just in case.
ya would be nice to see some PCT vendors here carry some of the cheap (part of the deal is cant charge more than 25$) generic paxlovid now available. can increase test levels apparently aswell..
Sure you want "remdesivir metabolite" and not Nirmatrelvir+ritonavir combo? Also just a heads up, you (generally anyways) need to take these at first onset of symptoms for them to decrease your COVID time. Taking them a week or two later is typically less helpful. Best to have them in your medicine cabinet just in case.
Remdesivir doesn't work for SARS-CoV-2 (unless you want to kill humans). Maybe he wants it for his cat to treat feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).

QSC sells ivermectin powder. That actually works for SARS-CoV-2 and nearly everything else you can think of, preferably taken as early as possible, or even better, prophylactically. Hydroxychloroquine also works but QSC doesn't sell it. They sell chloroquine powder, which is also effective, but it is more likely to cause damage to the eyes than HCQ. I wish they sold HCQ powder.
Remdesivir doesn't work for SARS-CoV-2 (unless you want to kill humans). Maybe he wants it for his cat to treat feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).

QSC sells ivermectin powder. That actually works for SARS-CoV-2 and nearly everything else you can think of, preferably taken as early as possible, or even better, prophylactically. Hydroxychloroquine also works but QSC doesn't sell it. They sell chloroquine powder, which is also effective, but it is more likely to cause damage to the eyes than HCQ. I wish they sold HCQ powder.

We're talking about GS-441524, not Remdesivir.

In a very large study of 4891 people who were given Remdesivir, it did show that Remdesivir is particularly stressful on the liver and also causes nausea in ~10% of patients.

In a very large study with 3515 patients, Ivermectin was not found to improve patient outcomes. This "large" study totally blew away results from earlier promising "meta-studies" (which combined results from multiple small studies to become "one big study") in terms of the number of patients.

> The evidence supporting the role of ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19 is inconsistent. At least three meta-analyses of ivermectin trials have strongly indicated a treatment benefit, and others have concluded that there was no benefit. Although the number of included trials involving outpatients varies among the meta-analyses, the overall number of events that occurred in our trial is larger than the number of all the combined events in these meta-analyses.

I believe I've seen similar very large studies showing hydrochloroquine was ineffective for treating COVID as well.

But hey, we're all our own doctors on MesoRX, that's kind of the point -- if our own medical systems weren't failing each of us, we'd be on MesoRX talking about training programs and diets, not here talking about drugs. So I 100% encourage you to do you! There are tons of studies showing that this-or-that PED is either ineffective or potentially harmful and I myself still take some of them anyways. The beauty of this place is that we're not locked into the restrictions and limits of the normal medical system.
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We're talking about GS-441524, not Remdesivir.

In a very large study of 4891 people who were given Remdesivir, it did show that Remdesivir is particularly stressful on the liver and also causes nausea in ~10% of patients.

In a very large study with 3515 patients, Ivermectin was not found to improve patient outcomes. This "large" study totally blew away results from earlier promising "meta-studies" (which combined results from multiple small studies to become "one big study") in terms of the number of patients.

I believe I've seen similar very large studies showing hydrochloroquine was ineffective for treating COVID as well.

But hey, we're all our own doctors on MesoRX, that's kind of the point -- if our own medical systems weren't failing each of us, we'd be on MesoRX talking about training programs and diets, not here talking about drugs. So I 100% encourage you to do you! There are tons of studies showing that this-or-that PED is either ineffective or potentially harmful and I myself still take some of them anyways. The beauty of this place is that we're not locked into the restrictions and limits of the normal medical system.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is not the thread for this debate. If you want to have the debate, then somewhere else. I don't even want to have this debate. It's exhausting. So exhausting. All of these negative studies were proved either fraudulent or extemely poorly conducted. There are counter studies that show the opposite. Personal experience also shows the opposite.

And any metabolite of remdesivir is useless and dangerous, but they need to make the drug look credible because of how bad it really is, so that's why this data is put into circulation.
Why does it seem like there is alot of master brewers who can either make shit stronger than qsc or they seem to just know everything and can make just about anything better. Its old.
I've only been brewing 8 months lol

Water based products are ridiculously easy to brew.