Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just an update. Got the serum test back and very good results. After taking 10iu 3hrs before blood test results are what you would expect. Sorry to all the guys here for jumping the gun but I was really thrown off when I saw the poor igf 1 results. Although the hgh serum test shows forsure the vials contains real hgh.

[EDIT: PDF removed with potentially personally-identifying information.]
[EDIT: PDF removed with personally-identifying information i.e. name.]
Anyone cycling their new Primo 200? I on it for a week and it is somewhat nippy, but i am also pinning 2 ml at once so that might be the issue, seem to be working thou.
Ok just a quick update. HGH Serum results back and are consistent with 10iu I injected 3hrs before bloods drawn. HORMONE STUDIES SPECIMEN: Serum Date
Time Request Growth Hormone 05/05/2023 09:48 23
21.6* Units µg/L
Reference Ranges < 5.0
Ok just a quick update. HGH Serum results back and are consistent with 10iu I injected 3hrs before bloods drawn. HORMONE STUDIES SPECIMEN: Serum Date
Time Request Growth Hormone 05/05/2023 09:48 23
21.6* Units µg/L
Reference Ranges < 5.0
Just a little info, there's a video of liver king on high amounts of gh and tested normal on his igf numbers. He's a liar so I don't know, however the bloodwork was definitely legit.

In my opinion there are so many factors involved when it comes to gh, sure-fire way to know is get your gh tested. I think your situation comes up once a month.
Glutathion peptide (tested +98%)

S-Acetyl-Glutathion (cas 3054-47-5) is orally bioavailable and a 200mg/day dosage for a week has the same impact as a 1400mg IV administration.

S-Acetyl-Glutathion (cas 3054-47-5) is orally bioavailable and a 200mg/day dosage for a week has the same impact as a 1400mg IV administration.

any idea on sub q dosing?
what doses would you guys run the bpc157 for tendonitis in the forearms? would hgh alongside help as well? trying to recover asap before it gets worse.