Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I am pretty lean where I inject yeah, and I use the long ones on my chest because it completely eliminated any pip I was getting. The thinner gauge helped the needle slide into the pecs a little easier.
Dude you pin pecs, geez
Just make sure it's the right kind of material used for the filter, it HAS to be the PVDF filter. Otherwise the BB/BA in the gear will dissolve some of the filter membrane and you will potentially be injecting weird plastic polyvinyl shit without knowing it.

I haven't been able to find any filters I would trust on Amazon that's why I just pay a little extra to get the whatman name brand filters.

When it comes to sterility of your gear and injecting it into your body it's worthwhile to spend a couple of extra bucks to make sure you have the appropriate materials.
Nylon filters work. Biomed on amazon has good ones i used for many homebrews
İ want ordered İpemoralin and Bpc 157 and can tell me his experience? I somehow don't trust the Chinese. sorry!
i just ordered a bpc 157 kit, did a shot last night, this morning, and then after work.

been 1.5 days and already i had enough confidence to hit shoulders and bench in the gym today. been avoiding it this last week.

so it works just as well as amino asylum or peptide sciences in my opinion, unless im fooled by placebo im very happy with my purchase already and have noticeable pain reduction and use back to my shoulder almost right away. I imagine ill only use 1-2 bottles this time so now ive got 8 in the freezer for whatever i screw up next.
i just ordered a bpc 157 kit, did a shot last night, this morning, and then after work.

been 1.5 days and already i had enough confidence to hit shoulders and bench in the gym today. been avoiding it this last week.

so it works just as well as amino asylum or peptide sciences in my opinion, unless im fooled by placebo im very happy with my purchase already and have noticeable pain reduction and use back to my shoulder almost right away. I imagine ill only use 1-2 bottles this time so now ive got 8 in the freezer for whatever i screw up next.
Ive ran their bpc for years and its always been solid. I keep it in stock for my fam
Hey everyone

I have the QSC injectable oil-based winstrol and can ***taste*** it every time i pin it (I inject in my glutes). It is a gross chemical taste that hangs around in my mouth for the whole day (as long as it remains active in my system, I guess). Just wondering if anyone else experiences this? It is not a case of me "hitting a vein". It happens every time i pin it.

ALSO - i run the winstrol 3 times per week - on the days I am lifting weights. I am running 400mg mast e, 250 test e, 2iu GH p/d, and then the 3 administrations of winny each week. Planning to keep this going over the winter months and would welcome any feedback on longer-term, intermittent winny use. I feel like it gives the liver a chance to recover if it is only every second or third day for the winny

take care bros!
i pin 3cc into my pecs weekly with 25g 1in no problem. the only time ive had issues was if i tried to pin after chest day while on tbol or winny because of the cramps id get.
Same, I can put 3ml into my delts, pecs, and glutes. I put 1ml into traps and biceps
Unless you live in an igloo and its -10 degrees in your house you just didn’t heat it up enough or didn’t heat evenly
Do you live somewhere cold or are you storing it in the fridge or something dumb?
They crash when they get cold
My DHB is always crashed in the winter and I have to heat the vial before every injection but I do that with DHB anyway year round crashed or not.
If you heated it and it crashes in the syringe then you didn’t heat it enough or your doing your injections in a meat freezer
It’s not that complicated
I store all my gear at room temp.... I guess I didn't heat it enough then... I heated it for about 10 mins in boiling water.. it looked fine but 5 min later... I was able to inject like 1/2 of the oil then I it literally crystallized in the syringe and I couldn't push the reminder out... I still have it in the syringe lol.. tryna figure out what to do with it
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I store all my gear at room temp.... I guess I didn't heat it enough then... I heated it for about 10 mins in boiling water.. it looked fine but 5 min later... I was able to inject like 3/4 of the oil then I it literally crystallized in the syringe and I couldn't push the reminder our at that point.
I used to heat in boiling water and I switched about 6 months ago to a cheap coffee warmer I got on Amazon. Works great and it’s a little easier and quicker than heating up water. I noticed with gear that was crashed real bad I would have to remove the vial and reheat the water and repeat the process more than once.
I think you just didn’t heat long enough. When you think it’s done give it a few swirls and look closely, make sure there isn’t any shard looking pieces at all because it will recrash when it cools
Can you Google it for him and let him know what you find?
He never says shit when you help him, just pops up with more dumb questions.
So I alternate 50/50. He only reply’s to the shitposts. I shit post and then helpful post. My last post was helpful so….
I think he’s 12 years old and his mommy is making him dinner right now so he took a break from asking stupid fucking questions for a few minutes
The funniest part was when he blew this thread up with stupid posts and Tracy said it was fine and then he’s since made tons of posts shitting on QSC gear loll