Hey everyone
I have the QSC injectable oil-based winstrol and can ***taste*** it every time i pin it (I inject in my glutes). It is a gross chemical taste that hangs around in my mouth for the whole day (as long as it remains active in my system, I guess). Just wondering if anyone else experiences this? It is not a case of me "hitting a vein". It happens every time i pin it.
ALSO - i run the winstrol 3 times per week - on the days I am lifting weights. I am running 400mg mast e, 250 test e, 2iu GH p/d, and then the 3 administrations of winny each week. Planning to keep this going over the winter months and would welcome any feedback on longer-term, intermittent winny use. I feel like it gives the liver a chance to recover if it is only every second or third day for the winny
take care bros!