Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Oh I totally thought it through.

Of course they wouldn't lead anyone to their doorstep. So then the question is, WHY post a US address at all??? Why would a chinese company have a website with an address in Florida?

Because it is ALL fake.

There is no Qingdao Sigma Chemical with a nice cozy lobby.

There's an old man in a shithole Quonset hut in some back ally smoking opium and posting as the "exclusive MESO customer rep" and "mrbishop"

This is a scam and with 1 month shipping, when a problem happens and these guys leave (including you) how much money are they stealing from customers?
lol, funny little man...I would need access to their accounts which I don't and if you are going to accuse a member about stealing then what you're saying is that meso admins are responsible for stealing from customers/members because I have zero control over who they added to this forum. Good please help this child....Please run along, I have no time for the bull shit.
You have no principles so go on with that crap. One of your customers tests a batch of your trash and you don't take care of other customers that prove they purchased the same trash. Your whole post is a lie because you clearly only care about everyone else you'd have to reimburse for your trash product. Fuck off trying to act principled.
what are you saying? Is this the rule you made? What a ridiculous rule. Are you sure the test is qingdao? I think that test report is just a competitor smearing qingdao.
I think you understood very well that it is not a question of money but a question of principle.

I don't give a fuck about the money honestly, unlike other sources who may be willing to bribe you and even suck your dick to keep you quite.

This is not the case for me.

i swear to God i would rather you shipost for the rest of your life, plus all the bored shitposters here who are always waiting for a show, and that won't change a thing until you do your homework, which is the lab test.

At least if you came to me to negotiate reimburse you for the lab test if it comes as bad as skank's with a willingness to do your own test, I will find an arrangement but as long as you have no intention of testing your hcg but just waiting for the opportunity that presents itself to scratch a few bucks, I swear you won't get a single $.

It's a matter of principle not of money, I'd rather pay off $180 for a lab test + the gap rather than give a mourner $ 45.
If the batch is underdosed the BATCH is underdosed. If it tests as such, why should every customer order a test? Is it just that one vial that’s low? That’s fucking moronic.

“Scratch a few bucks” should be translated as “wanting compensation for paying full price for half the agreed upon product”. Acting like they’re the ones trying to scam you, when you gave them half the agreed dosage for full price, is also fucking moronic. There’s most definitely a victim in that scenario, and it isn’t you, and trying to turn that around as them scamming you is trash.
what are you saying? Is this the rule you made? What a ridiculous rule. Are you sure the test is qingdao? I think that test report is just a competitor smearing qingdao.
Let me ask you this.
Of I got batch 1234 and it tested underdosed by 50% or more. You look and see you have the exact same batch number, are you seriously saying its ok your is probably not underdosed?
Let me ask you this.
Of I got batch 1234 and it tested underdosed by 50% or more. You look and see you have the exact same batch number, are you seriously saying its ok your is probably not underdosed?
I haven't tested them, but they make me feel good. I think I got a great value for a very low price and I am very satisfied. But you trolls are destroying qingdao.
Are you familiar with the term "product recall"?
No shit Sherlock but do you really think @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is going to send out a recall notice and make right by everyone with that batch? Then everyone with it is going to break the law shipping it back to him?

No its as simple as hey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, here is a picture of the batch you sent me that was underdosed please either ship me more for free, or refund me.
Let me ask you this.
Of I got batch 1234 and it tested underdosed by 50% or more. You look and see you have the exact same batch number, are you seriously saying its ok your is probably not underdosed?
Even if they are underdosed. You tell me, after qingdao leaving, where did I go to buy such a great value.
Trust me, not everyone has a lot of money.
I haven't tested them, but they make me feel good. I think I got a great value for a very low price and I am very satisfied. But you trolls are destroying qingdao.
I think you have the trolls part backwards... those of us trying to hold @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals accountable is a good thing. We are pointing out his short comings and faults. Shit we all want good reliable sources at a good price but they have to be good, price dont mean shit, quality does.

Also basing quality on feels is foolish
No shit Sherlock but do you really think @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is going to send out a recall notice and make right by everyone with that batch? Then everyone with it is going to break the law shipping it back to him?

No its as simple as hey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, here is a picture of the batch you sent me that was underdosed please either ship me more for free, or refund me.
You misread what I wrote my friend. BabyShark was acting like @Sp2.0 invented a "new rule". But it's been around for a while. When a producer has an issue with their fucked up product they issue a product recall which is a refund when you can prove you purchased the faulty product

It's ok, I know it's hard to navigate this thread without bumping into a shill.
Bought hcg for personal use, will send test to Jano. 180$ test for 90$ of product lols..

Was also preparing to buy proviron as well as GW0472 but will wait for Jano tests.
I think you have the trolls part backwards... those of us trying to hold @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals accountable is a good thing. We are pointing out his short comings and faults. Shit we all want good reliable sources at a good price but they have to be good, price dont mean shit, quality does.

Also basing quality on feels is foolish
So you give me an alternative to qingdao.I believe there is not.
But you trolls are destroying qingdao.
He/They destroyed themselves here on Meso, not any member.

Their stupid way of managing problems where they have been only discovered thanks to the members. And even with that instead of trying to do the right thing and become more popular, they prefer to get shitstormed.

I remember you that they need the boards since the Aliexpress ban of AAS and peptides. We do not need them at all, plenty of sources willing to come here and happy to comply with the vet requirements.
I think the correct response from the source regarding the bunk hcg should have been
“we’re sorry this happened. We’d like to determine if this is an isolated event or a widespread issue with the whole batch. if another member can confirm they ordered hcg from x to x date I would like them to send it for testing and they will be reimbursed the cost.”

Instead the response was “fuck you it’s cheap lol what do u expect”
So you give me an alternative to qingdao.I believe there is not.
Yes there are tons of better alternatives to this shit show of a source. This isna harm reduction board notna source board. Source boards generally have shitty sources because anyone who holds the source accountable is banned. They are heavily moderated.

Check the underground and research the sources there are some great ones