Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Look the prices are great, and you’re right to an extent… we can order it if we want, and not order if we don’t. But with tests done with a tester we recommend and prefer used here at MESO, aka @janoshik, you’d stop all the questions. I don’t think anyone is asking to test everything you offer. That would be rediculas. But if you tested maybe 10 raws with Jano, it would build a LOT of confidence with real true members and not noobs dying to spend their money on a hopeful promise.

I’m not doubting your quality, or business sense. I’m only suggesting this to help everyone involved. Because if you could convince the serious members of this forum, you’d make a lot more than just a quick buck. Just food for thought

Either way, gotta admit the prices are unbeatable and I can’t wait to see how the hcg turns up I ordered from yas. I was going to have it tested but it seems another member is already in the process of doing so, so I’ll let them do that lol can’t wait to see the results
I love how I posted this… then about an hour later you post tests from Jano that were about 6 days old. And 4/10 were significantly underdosed. And it was because of your shitty brewers because the raws tested so good right? Tested good when it’s YOUR lab doing the tests.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals … you fucking idiot :p

Edit: all this over $45.
First package (growth hormone, tren, masteron, and some raws) delivered after 47 days. Picking it up from my mailbox tonight. Other two packages are still not in Canada yet. The good news is, once you get a tracking update in Canada it gets delivered 2 days later. Will be ordering more growth hormone and some ralox soon. Will post pics of my first package tonight.
Yes there are tons of better alternatives to this shit show of a source. This isna harm reduction board notna source board. Source boards generally have shitty sources because anyone who holds the source accountable is banned. They are heavily moderated.

Check the underground and research the sources there are some great ones
Cool story bro. Now go back to paying 10x the price elsewhere ;)
all those sources you talk about buy their raws from china lmao
Cool story bro. Now go back to paying 10x the price elsewhere ;)
all those sources you talk about buy their raws from china lmao
Yes but there is value in the domestic sources testing stuff and doing the quality control for you. Too many people might get the impression they can save a ton of money by going the QSC route only to find out their cheap hCG is 50% underdosed, their raws are all over the place, their finished products were produced by someone who can't effectively weigh out powders (which should raise concerns about other parts of the processes).

It's not like 1 is clearly the best, but people do need to understand their options. We have guys here saying they're waiting 45+ days for a pack, we have guys testing products on their own dime to find their all underdosed. Those prices don't mean jack if the product isn't as advertised. At least there are some NA/EU domestic sources who test stuff for you. At that point you're paying for the convenience, peace of mind, speedy delivery, etc..

We all know the raws are cheap...
Yes but there is value in the domestic sources testing stuff and doing the quality control for you. Too many people might get the impression they can save a ton of money by going the QSC route only to find out their cheap hCG is 50% underdosed, their raws are all over the place, their finished products were produced by someone who can't effectively weigh out powders (which should raise concerns about other parts of the processes).

It's not like 1 is clearly the best, but people do need to understand their options. We have guys here saying they're waiting 45+ days for a pack, we have guys testing products on their own dime to find their all underdosed. Those prices don't mean jack if the product isn't as advertised. At least there are some NA/EU domestic sources who test stuff for you. At that point you're paying for the convenience, peace of mind, speedy delivery, etc..

We all know the raws are cheap...
The only good thing about domestic sources is the fast shipping. Their quality control is debatable. For all we know their products can be underdosed as well. Qingdao provides lab tests just like any other domestic source does. Even with popular domestic sources I never see people testing the gear or providing lab tests. All I see people saying is, "xxxxx is g2g!"

Not to mention domestic sources are a complete scam. People think the reps actually give a fuck about them and their products lmao. You can spend thousands upon thousands and all these domestic sources really care about is your draining your pockets.

These domestic sources buy all their raws from china and then slap a pretty ass label on it and then charge 10x the price. Domestic sources are a joke. If you're in this game for the long run then don't waste your money with domestic sources. I spent too much money with domestic sources for too long. They are nothing special.
Yes but there is value in the domestic sources testing stuff and doing the quality control for you. Too many people might get the impression they can save a ton of money by going the QSC route only to find out their cheap hCG is 50% underdosed, their raws are all over the place, their finished products were produced by someone who can't effectively weigh out powders (which should raise concerns about other parts of the processes).

It's not like 1 is clearly the best, but people do need to understand their options. We have guys here saying they're waiting 45+ days for a pack, we have guys testing products on their own dime to find their all underdosed. Those prices don't mean jack if the product isn't as advertised. At least there are some NA/EU domestic sources who test stuff for you. At that point you're paying for the convenience, peace of mind, speedy delivery, etc..

We all know the raws are cheap...
Do you think they give a fuck about what they are genuinely getting? In worst cases they will get some underdosed or nothing in products and awful results.

But just imagine those trying to recover their HPTA axis and fertility and using half of the dosages they thought they were using without knowing. Those are the same spaming threads here and messages on reddit crying about not getting results or not recovering properly after several months when not on TRT.

But hey, it is cheap, they simply do not care about anything, they just feel good buying cheap stuff, no matter what it is.

Once the problems arrive they will regret and start giving their health priority
Do you think they give a fuck about what they are genuinely getting? In worst cases they will get some underdosed or nothing in products and awful results.

But just imagine those trying to recover their HPTA axis and fertility and using half of the dosages they thought they were using without knowing. Those are the same spaming threads here and messages on reddit crying about not getting results or not recovering properly when not on TRT.

But hey, it is cheap, they simply do not care about anything, they just feel good buying cheap stuff, no matter what it is.

Once the problems arrive they will regret and start giving their health priority
Lmao. Whatever you buy from your overpriced domestic garbage source is also, "cheap stuff." You think because they slap a pretty ass label on it and charge 10x the price they are legit? Very cute. I bet you think their reps care about you too :rolleyes: Only thing they care about is draining your gullible little pockets.
The only good thing about domestic sources is the fast shipping. Their quality control is debatable. For all we know their products can be underdosed as well. Qingdao provides lab tests just like any other domestic source does. Even with popular domestic sources I never see people testing the gear or providing lab tests. All I see people saying is, "xxxxx is g2g!"

Not to mention domestic sources are a complete scam. People think the reps actually give a fuck about them and their products lmao. You can spend thousands upon thousands and all these domestic sources really care about is your draining your pockets.

These domestic sources buy all their raws from china and then slap a pretty ass label on it and then charge 10x the price. Domestic sources are a joke. If you're in this game for the long run then don't waste your money with domestic sources. I spent too much money with domestic sources for too long. They are nothing special.
Well it comes to individual vendors, doesn't it? The vendors who do test products and offer good service/shipping definitely get more business. Ultimately the number of complaints for "I didn't get my pack" for operational domestic sources are far, far lower than international. There's no getting around it. Anyone who has ever taken the dive to try to rely on international sources has run into seizures and lost packs and issues with getting a reship.

Again you just have to be honest about the pros and cons of each. Pros for QSC? Price. It's big pro. Cons? Well you know very much what they are no matter how much you try to dance around it
Lmao. Whatever you buy from your overpriced domestic garbage source is also, "cheap stuff." You think because they slap a pretty ass label on it and charge 10x the price they are legit? Very cute. I bet you think their reps care about you too :rolleyes: Only thing they care about is draining your gullible little pockets.
No, sources are not friends or anything, but if someone tests something of what you have received and fails by being underdosed or any other thing, lets see how you feel by being asked to do the same lab test again paid by you in order yo receive any kind of compensation, because what others test do not apply for your order lol.

But most prefer to pay 3x or 4x but having peace of mind that source will cover the test, and being able to flood the source thread until he offers a solution in case something happens.

And I can admit this shitty source would have success if management of those faulty cases were done better.

But once again, the only reason you are defending them is because of the price. Would you accept those terms and attitude if price was similar or 20% under the "domestic sources"? Don't think so. You would blame them.
The only good thing about domestic sources is the fast shipping. Their quality control is debatable. For all we know their products can be underdosed as well.
Exactly why I'm looking at starting into home brewing. I just don't see a point in buying domestic gear any longer when all these sources are getting their raws from pretty much the same distributors in China.
First package (growth hormone, tren, masteron, and some raws) delivered after 47 days. Picking it up from my mailbox tonight. Other two packages are still not in Canada yet. The good news is, once you get a tracking update in Canada it gets delivered 2 days later. Will be ordering more growth hormone and some ralox soon. Will post pics of my first package tonigh
Where did you see that?
Forget what but didn’t someone get it tested and was 83% putting it at 166mg. I apologize if I’m mistaken
So Since the shills seem to harp on price and forgive 50% underdose on one, I thought I seen 80% under on another, and was it EQ under by 20%... lets put it into a money perspective.
If you think his price for 5000iu is great but you only get 2500iu that means your paying double what his posted prices are for 5000iu.

The saddest part of all this is how forgiving you are and still willing to trust this shitty source