Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You misread what I wrote my friend. BabyShark was acting like @Sp2.0 invented a "new rule". But it's been around for a while. When a producer has an issue with their fucked up product they issue a product recall which is a refund when you can prove you purchased the faulty product

It's ok, I know it's hard to navigate this thread without bumping into a shill.
Hi BabyBobby.I've searched the entire board and couldn't find a similar rule. Does this exist in your mad brain?
So you give me an alternative to qingdao.I believe there is not.
Theorically there is another chinese source which you will find in the first pages of the Underground part. It has like an official company style name, similar prices and focused on raws and tablets mainly.
Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Maybe they are willing to follow the vet requirements and gell all the attention and potential sales.

After all these chinese sources are just resellers or distributors, they do not manufacture anything. So in this case they probably got underdosed HCG and paid the same, so they got scammed as well. Instead of assuming the loss and get more customers they decided to choose the opposite. Chinese way of thinking, they are what they are for a reason...
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So you give me an alternative to qingdao.I believe there is not.
Who says? Do you truly believe these guys are the only ones? Take time to go look, research, make calls etc. They might be out here, but there's always alternatives, when people don't play nice.
Hi BabyBobby.I've searched the entire board and couldn't find a similar rule. Does this exist in your mad brain?
That you should get a refund when the product is garbage? Yea, that rule would be great. Of course it doesn't exist though. So people need to move forward relying on common sense. yOu sHouLd hAvE nO pRoBLeM WiTh tHaT.

Look, I realize you WANT a cheap source of GOOD products. You'll have to look elsewhere. Qingdao is trash. Reddit even ripped them apart. This isn't their first try and this scamming.
it's not our job to find you a source that you can afford. Take your broke ass somewhere else with that shit.
Right? If you can’t afford the lifestyle, GTFO of the game. Hell, gear is the cheapest equation of this lifestyle lmao. Unless he’s surviving on McD’s, which is getting super pricey these days too.
Theorically there is another chinese source which you will find in the first pages of the Underground part. It has like an official company style name, similar prices and focused on raws and tablets mainly.
Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Maybe they are willing to follow the vet requirements and gell all the attention and potential sales.

After all these chinese sources are just resellers or distributors, they do not manufacture anything. So in this case they probably got underdosed HCG and paid the same, so they got scammed as well. Instead of assuming the loss and get more customers they decided to choose the opposite. Chinese way of thinking, they are what they are for a reason...
They posted the same pictures from QSC right out the gate....he said it was a mistake....your call
They posted the same pictures from QSC right out the gate....he said it was a mistake....your call
I know, just be careful, but Qingdao images were fake as well, they do not have any office nor reception desk, they got caught in first pages with the original company photos.

After all they are all the same, resellers and redistributors of the raws. Same generic HGH, etc... They do not manufacture anything at all, judt starting with those shameful underdosed oils... imagine manufacturing high technology peptides and meds. The photos of the laboratory tech is fake as awell.

But he asked for another similar source of prices and products offer.
To all those that hate on those that try to hold these shit sources accountable.

1. We wish every source that came here had great gear, great prices, great shipping, handled complaints properly.
2. We wish we didn't have to do what we so in these threads to firstly make them accountable but secondly make it known to all on the forum what we asked and what the responses were.
3. This is to YOUR benefit

If you look at some of the other source threads you will see that at their inception here they are swarmed and asked questions to confirm they are legit and potentially a good source. Then if they do everything right the thread dies down. The source makes his money, the end user gets their product and everyone is happy. None of them are perfect, its how they handle the mistakes that distinguishes them.

Things you should be concerned with

1. Quality, not just verbal confirmation but proof, raws tested, finished products tested, user testing and blood work

2. Sterilization is the gear clean and free of contaminants, what specifically do they do to ensure this. Do you want an abscess, or worse?

3. Opsec what they do with your information, how they conduct business online, VPN, TOR, etc.

4. Complaints and issues, namely how they adress those issues.

5. Price is important but definately shouldnt be anywhere near the top of the list.

Bad sources rely on your desperation to keep going.
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Is it even possible to find a reliable source for raws anymore?
I believe so, its just takes a lot of time to sort through the bs and check the web for scammers. TBH you might get lucky to get someone over there who has family members that work in these factories. Happened, to me a long time ago & the guy was great....was honest about how his uncle ran a factory, but it was being shutdown etc. Still said I can get it blah blah blah, but this might be the last time. Dude came through...just & email only(ip came back from China & pics with my name with some of the product he had)
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Go by parts, first you insult me , call me poor and other things and then you ask me to give you the blood analysis. If i were you, I would buy an HGH kit that is $ 55 with free shipping that few companies do. and then you do a somatotropin analysis and igf1 3 hours after the intramuscular injection, which is $ 30. I'm not going to give my blood test for free to a lot of garbage people, not even if qigdao wants to give me something in the next order for people who don't have $ 55 + $ 30 to do their own test instead insulting and telling lies about the brand.

On the other hand, do not believe that you are destroying the brand, only boring people by reading your comments, the real buyers continue to buy without coming here to discuss and waste time
Really (not) surprised to see this response. Here's the thing. You've got two options here:

1) refund him his $42.50 and say sorry. He's happy as he now got what he paid for. Everyone else sees you have a shred of integrity. Sales continue. At the cost of $42.50.

2) take this position and refuse to refund. Everyone will think you are a cunt. And on meso people don't like buying from cunts. You've saved $42.50 at the cost of many future sales.

Just a thought.
I agree with you 100% however I think this shows a larger issue at hand.

This rep knows the hcg tested poorly and knows it’s from the same batch but he is firmly stating that he has no intention of making it right unless he also provides a test report showing his is also under dosed.

That’s pretty fucked up in general

Why would this man who purchased the same hcg waste his money and time to send in a sample of hcg he knows will test poorly, he would have to spend more on testing than the actual refund he would receive.

Now let’s say this same scenario happens, let’s use the primo e as an example since so many people are curious about the testing for the primo.

Customer A buys primo and sends it in for testing, primo tests poorly. Now customer B, C,D, etc see the bad report and are not pleased with the product testing. So they reach out to @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals only to be met with this same exact scenario.

Now customer B, C, D, etc has primo that is most likely shit, but mister @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals wont do anything to help these customers because only customer A did the testing on their own, and the only way he could help is if they also sent their product for testing.

The 40 something dollars means very little in the grand scheme of things if this is the way he conducts business
Go by parts, first you insult me , call me poor and other things and then you ask me to give you the blood analysis. If i were you, I would buy an HGH kit that is $ 55 with free shipping that few companies do. and then you do a somatotropin analysis and igf1 3 hours after the intramuscular injection, which is $ 30. I'm not going to give my blood test for free to a lot of garbage people, not even if qigdao wants to give me something in the next order for people who don't have $ 55 + $ 30 to do their own test instead insulting and telling lies about the brand.

On the other hand, do not believe that you are destroying the brand, only boring people by reading your comments, the real buyers continue to buy without coming here to discuss and waste time
Got it... You fucking LIE. No blood testing done.

Thanks bruh.
We have the best quality raws in the Meso as far as I know, with best prices, you have many lab tests in the forum of our raws:

Price list attached
So the Raloxifene was tested in a chinese lab by a new member @jil166 that just happens to be living in China and has access to the chinese lab. Oh and @jil166 joined October 19, 2021 with ALL of his posts in the Qingdao thread.

This is great. I love Qingdao. :D
Go by parts, first you insult me , call me poor and other things and then you ask me to give you the blood analysis. If i were you, I would buy an HGH kit that is $ 55 with free shipping that few companies do. and then you do a somatotropin analysis and igf1 3 hours after the intramuscular injection, which is $ 30. I'm not going to give my blood test for free to a lot of garbage people, not even if qigdao wants to give me something in the next order for people who don't have $ 55 + $ 30 to do their own test instead insulting and telling lies about the brand.

On the other hand, do not believe that you are destroying the brand, only boring people by reading your comments, the real buyers continue to buy without coming here to discuss and waste time
Get the fuck out retard, nobody gives a fuck about your nor your shitty blood testing. As I said, you are just a broken ass guy who was that stupid to admit he is a small starting dealer trying to distribute in Spain.

Hope you have a good OPSEC and taking care of your info/data since these kind of websites are estrictly monitored by anti drug/narcotic agencies looking to catch sources and local distributors like you.

But watching you are that cheap and taking a look at your nickname, I doubt you even know what you are doing. You forgot to include your ID number and address on it.

Say hi to Guardia Civil and Policia Nacional mate!
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