Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Personally, I’d ride out Sema until the effects wear off and then either switch or add in Tirz. I didn’t even have to try and I had a 1000 cal deficit with only 0.25mg/wk Sema for about a month. Month 2 I was doing 0.25mg 2x/wk and eventually over 8 months I ramped up to 0.4mg/day. Even that eventually wears off and then I personally added 2.5mg/wk Tirz and right now I’m up to 5mg/wk in addition to my daily Sema. The dose Tirz definitely takes the edge off and still keeps the costs reasonable
Never got any nausea from any of the doses of either of those GLP1?
How do people go through life being this helpless? Here you go, I searched for "identify products" and found the answer in less than 20 seconds.
I wasn’t even asking, what is your point? Thanks for the answer to a question I didn't ask though, you fucking dork lol
Adding to the shit posts in this fucked up thread. Clogging it up with insults and stupid fucking noobie questions. Email the guy stop asking so much retarded questions here. Jesus
You are completely wrong. Biofilms=Biofilms. Biofilms=pathogens which are protected by often an impenetrable shield. Biofilms are not supposed to exist in your body.

It is YOU who must go do more research. Don't tell me to go research. I've already done the research. I don't open my mouth unless I know what I'm talking about.

Fucking ignorant assclown.
lol name callers are usually the ones that are less knowledgable as have NOTHING to back there claims up...

the fact u think mucus membranes are bad and natural flora that protects surfaces of your skin and intestine are somehow a BAD thing is WILD claim man..

I encourage you to post literature and not blog from a naturopath about your WILD claims... and I think you may learn some basics of physiology as pretty clear you didn't make it past high school biology.

I think you are conflating PATHOGENS with biofilm and mucus being a bad thing because TOO much mucus is bad for your lungs. BUT mucus is important to PROTECT your membranes from infection (ie those viral nasal sprays are essentially adding to mucus to prevent infections.) also we have 'biofilm' all over our bodies this prevent PATHOGENIC bacteria and fungus from taking over, same with intestines, proper flora or "biofilm" with mucus is important to prevent infection aswell as absorb nutrients and excrete waste properly.

again, to the point please google what HIGH glutathione levels cause that we KNOW, this includes infertility and liver damage and gastric issues(maybe from thinning mucus membranes?? hmmmm) theoretical issues aswell. MORE is not always better although understand its marketed as such and what most people read.

biofilms are great, they protect cathedrals from the elements and protect plants and animals from infections. in agriculture many products to produce "biofilms" on both leaves and roots. yes there are BAD biofilms of pathogens but I think you have read too much marketing by naturopaths that ALL biofilms are bad.. there not.. just FYI...

old school idea is to KILL all bacteria and fungus and were your idea comes from... this is to your detriment as I am sure you are aware yes you can have overgrowth of "biofilm" in your mouth that treat with harsh thymol to kill everything which than in turn just makes the core issue worse be it tartar or bad breath. this is why you now see more products for mouth and skin that are "probiotic" this helps form a HEALTHY biofilm that offers protection.. although understand its hard as you have been told to kill everything since a small child.

PS unhealthy gut flora is linked to brain function and perhaps part of the anger issues u experience? I encourage you to try and keep an open mind as you may learn something that disagrees with your world view. hope you can learn something!
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Words can't express how wrong this is. I honestly can't tell if you're a troll or not.
again, your conflating biofilm with pathogens that can form biofilms.. biofilms are VERY important to protect you from infections. this is again why so many things now days are PRObiotic as to provide a condition favourable for biofilms... interesting how this is such an outlandish statement to you. think washing your hands to much and getting staph because remove biofilm on your skin. similar thing happens in your intestine protective flora forms biofilms in your intestine with mucus to prevent bad bacteria and viruses from entering your skin. Think about how folks have GI issues after antibiotics, why? because kills ALL the biofilms that are protecting the GI tract.