Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

lol name callers are usually the ones that are less knowledgable as have NOTHING to back there claims up...

the fact u think mucus membranes are bad and natural flora that protects surfaces of your skin and intestine are somehow a BAD thing is WILD claim man..

I encourage you to post literature and not blog from a naturopath about your WILD claims... and I think you may learn some basics of physiology as pretty clear you didn't make it past high school biology.

I think you are conflating PATHOGENS with biofilm and mucus being a bad thing because TOO much mucus is bad for your lungs. BUT mucus is important to PROTECT your membranes from infection (ie those viral nasal sprays are essentially adding to mucus to prevent infections.) also we have 'biofilm' all over our bodies this prevent PATHOGENIC bacteria and fungus from taking over, same with intestines, proper flora or "biofilm" with mucus is important to prevent infection aswell as absorb nutrients and excrete waste properly.

again, to the point please google what HIGH glutathione levels cause that we KNOW, this includes infertility and liver damage and gastric issues(maybe from thinning mucus membranes?? hmmmm) theoretical issues aswell. MORE is not always better although understand its marketed as such and what most people read.

biofilms are great, they protect cathedrals from the elements and protect plants and animals from infections. in agriculture many products to produce "biofilms" on both leaves and roots. yes there are BAD biofilms of pathogens but I think you have read too much marketing by naturopaths that ALL biofilms are bad.. there not.. just FYI...

old school idea is to KILL all bacteria and fungus and were your idea comes from... this is to your detriment as I am sure you are aware yes you can have overgrowth of "biofilm" in your mouth that treat with harsh thymol to kill everything which than in turn just makes the core issue worse be it tartar or bad breath. this is why you now see more products for mouth and skin that are "probiotic" this helps form a HEALTHY biofilm that offers protection.. although understand its hard as you have been told to kill everything since a small child.

PS unhealthy gut flora is linked to brain function and perhaps part of the anger issues u experience? I encourage you to try and keep an open mind as you may learn something that disagrees with your world view. hope you can learn something!

To anyone interested, just go to the journals, go to pubmed, read about biofilms, read about NAC etc. All the information is there. It's very interesting and worth understanding. It's a good rabbit hole to go down. Don't listen to this "clearheaded" person. He's dumb. If you want to see the definition of ignorance, it's this guy.

Take NAC. It will protect you and so much more. Better yet, take glycine with it. And better yet, destroy all biofilms whenever you get the chance.

"Clearheaded": don't even reply to me. This is a QSC thread for QSC related topics. Don't derail this thread.
To anyone interested, just go to the journals, go to pubmed, read about biofilms, read about NAC etc. All the information is there. It's very interesting and worth understanding. It's a good rabbit hole to go down. Don't listen to this "clearheaded" person. He's dumb. If you want to see the definition of ignorance, it's this guy.

Take NAC. It will protect you and so much more. Better yet, take glycine with it. And better yet, destroy all biofilms whenever you get the chance.

"Clearheaded": don't even reply to me. This is a QSC thread for QSC related topics. Don't derail this thread.
So in your opinion is nac worth useing
Hello everyone,

I am back, I am sorry for the late/no replies during these last days, since I was off, but no worries, all emails will get a reply. I replied to most of them and still have about 400 to answer + DMs.
Thank you for your patience.

And like usual, I am back with the good news and few lab tests.


We heard that some chinese have better prices, so the new batch we decided to discount it, and give you the best prices.

Preorders accepted, shipping in 10 days, discounted price:

Tirzepatide 10x10mg
1-9 kits: $350/kit (instead of $445/kit)
10-99 kits: $320/kit
+100 kits: $270/kit

Qingdao Sigma will be always the best and first choice of the buyers !

New Janoshik tests:


View attachment 259620View attachment 259621

Trestolone Enanthate oil 100mg/ml

Will be available soon in EU warehouse


I already sold the leftovers in china warehouse this morning

Janoshik test:


View attachment 259622

Tesamorelin 10x2mg

(tested 3mg)


View attachment 259623

Many other lab tests soon.

Stock questions:

GHK CU restock saturday

Mots-C 5mg added and Mots-C 2mg discounted.

International oils: Test E and Test P this week, rest later, we have no stocks now. We will restock one by one.

USA warehouse:
Have now all the oils, except trestolone enanthate.
Test C is back to stock us domestic.
BPC157 10x5mg sold out domestic and will be replaced soon by 10x10mg us domestic until the new batch of BPC157 10x5mg is produced.
Semaglutide 10x4mg still available.

Canada warehouse:
Will have oils in August (if all goes well with customs):
Sustanon, tren A, tren E, mast P, NPP.

Australia warehouse:
new stocks, stand by, in the meantime, order international.

Attached an updated price list

Let me know if you have any questions

For orders: qingdao.rep@tutanota.com
If all goes well like you said with Canadian custom, oils will be available, will it just be those ones you listed:
Sustanon, tren A, tren E, mast P, NPP.

Or will other oils be available too such as testosterone?

I'm really looking forward being able to order test-cyp domestically.
If all goes well like you said with Canadian custom, oils will be available, will it just be those ones you listed:
Sustanon, tren A, tren E, mast P, NPP.

Or will other oils be available too such as testosterone?

I'm really looking forward being able to order test-cyp domestically.
Only the ones listed, you can order test C international now only.
Only the ones listed, you can order test C international now only.
Yup will do for now, do you have an idea roughly what timeframe testosterone will be available domestically in Canada? Doesn't have to be exact just like maybe end of year, Oct, November, etc? Thanks

I'll order some internationally in the meantime
To anyone interested, just go to the journals, go to pubmed, read about biofilms, read about NAC etc. All the information is there. It's very interesting and worth understanding. It's a good rabbit hole to go down. Don't listen to this "clearheaded" person. He's dumb. If you want to see the definition of ignorance, it's this guy.

Take NAC. It will protect you and so much more. Better yet, take glycine with it. And better yet, destroy all biofilms whenever you get the chance.

"Clearheaded": don't even reply to me. This is a QSC thread for QSC related topics. Don't derail this thread.
for those who aren't dogmatic in there poorly understood beliefs. some easy reading.

. ie dont take if have high blood pressure like many of the folks here... hope some find comfort in science and not dogmatic with a naturopath.

NAC Side Effects: Common, Severe, Long Term - Drugs.com note many are 1-10% of those who use it...

anyway, there is a reason on the bottle it says not to take daily.. funny how folks draw conclusions from folks who have deficiency of glutathione helping them and being great everyday..

again LOVE to see your evidence? literature on long term NAC being healthy in normal people...

PS please stop name calling you look foolish and its pretty clear who the ignorant one in this case. I lay out facts, you name call... lol.. hmmm. I hope one day you understand the role of mucus and microbiome in the human body...

as with EVERYTHING moderation is key.. mega dosing is an old idea in supplements. if want to bring glutathione stores up and have a deficiency do that in cycles. or for when take too much Tylenol.

also dont call someone out when have no real knowledge and when realize your wrong name call and then say "dont derail the thread" haha. bad look home slice.
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Never got any nausea from any of the doses of either of those GLP1?

Splitting the weekly dose into smaller doses never made sides an issue for me. The only side I have gotten from either GLP1 is the few times I have overeaten on it, I’ll get nasty sulphur burps and indigestion all night. But that has only been a result of overeating.
I got heartburn and couldn't eat enough protein to support my goals (appetite suppression). Had to discontinue after a few months.


That’s true it will tank your ability to eat! Since I was cutting anyway and when I first started it, I lost interest in food, I would just eat pouched chicken breast with a sprinkle of salt :D made it easier to get my protein in with such low calories
Yup will do for now, do you have an idea roughly what timeframe testosterone will be available domestically in Canada? Doesn't have to be exact just like maybe end of year, Oct, November, etc? Thanks

I'll order some internationally in the meantime
lol I think it will depend on IF the oils coming get through first... see how they sell, see how stock is and how landscape changes in china. its an impressive feat to keep 4+ wheelhouses stocked in different countries and can only imagine logistics... international leaders have just recently(post oil ban) been meeting with china about drugs so we shall see if and how that changes things.

also once big boys start investing in tele test clinics there will be further lobbying I would imagine to stop imports..
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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals You had mentioned that 1L oils are custom order.

Two questions:

A) Does this mean they would be subject to testing outside of the oil testing already available since they are potentially a different batch?

B) if they are custom order in the way I am thinking, does that mean (for a price obviously) someone could order custom blends by the 1L? For example Test/Tren blend.

Thank you
Did a sample order with QSC earlier this year, received the product after 4 weeks with China Post shipping. It landed in Canada after 3 weeks but was held up in customs for a week. Product was good to go. Email reply was fast, less than 24 hours and the tracking number was received in less than 24 hours after payment confirmed (just recently emailed QSC and got back to me in the same time frame).
Good to know China post had tracking and got through to Canada. I’ve only ever ordered via ‘special line’ the past couple years, which worked amazing. Currently waiting on an order now via new special line
So in your opinion is nac worth useing
Yes, it is worth using. Most people here will only think about NAC's liver protective benefits. But NAC does many different things, in addition to restoring glutathione, it has strong effects on the immune system.

When combined with Glycine, it can even regenerate the function of dysfunctional aged organs.

for those who aren't dogmatic in there poorly understood beliefs. some easy reading.

. ie dont take if have high blood pressure like many of the folks here... hope some find comfort in science and not dogmatic with a naturopath.

NAC Side Effects: Common, Severe, Long Term - Drugs.com note many are 1-10% of those who use it...

anyway, there is a reason on the bottle it says not to take daily.. funny how folks draw conclusions from folks who have deficiency of glutathione helping them and being great everyday..

again LOVE to see your evidence? literature on long term NAC being healthy in normal people...

PS please stop name calling you look foolish and its pretty clear who the ignorant one in this case. I lay out facts, you name call... lol.. hmmm. I hope one day you understand the role of mucus and microbiome in the human body...

as with EVERYTHING moderation is key.. mega dosing is an old idea in supplements. if want to bring glutathione stores up and have a deficiency do that in cycles. or for when take too much Tylenol.

also dont call someone out when have no real knowledge and when realize your wrong name call and then say "dont derail the thread" haha. bad look home slice.
What the fuck do you understand about being asked not to reply to me here? Go start another thread.

Again, don't reply to me. Your "sources" are total garbage and the quivalent of providing me with some lazy thinks from "fact checking" websites (where the truth is the opposite of the truth). You are retarded. Go away.
BAHAHA NATURE with sources is garbage?????.. your making WILD claims man and I dont thin ku really know what your talking about other than parroting naturopath.

you seem not to understand the difference between deficiency and normal healthy... nor do understand that MUCUS is very protective and needed, you look silly trying to dispute this. you post one article saying glycine helps deficient mice make more glutathione lol ground breaking stuff lol... I mean everyone knows biofilm is important for health. but somehow you think its bad and everyone should drink and bath in bleach for health to get rid of dreaded biofilm... anyway, go talk to gastroenterologist how important biofilms are in your guts.

anyway, if can form an argument great, but looks like u just like to spot nonsense u have no idea what your talking about...again, happy to see your sources. ive provided peer reviewed cited stuff...

remember YOU called me out and then say dont reply when proved wrong.. lol. go ahead name call and ignore thats fine. everyone here knows ur a troll and have 0 clue what u think u know so much about.
lol I think it will depend on IF the oils coming get through first... see how they sell, see how stock is and how landscape changes in china. its an impressive feat to keep 4+ wheelhouses stocked in different countries and can only imagine logistics... international leaders have just recently(post oil ban) been meeting with china about drugs so we shall see if and how that changes things.

also once big boys start investing in tele test clinics there will be further lobbying I would imagine to stop imports..
Fair points brother. I guess I kinda figured top sellers would be like test-e and test-c though.

aren't they like the base to everyting else?


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