Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I generally like your posts, but I'm having a hard time understanding how there would be a proper forum for buying illicit drugs.
Whatsapp is like having a sign over your head saying "Look here! I am being a dumb ass!"

Secure mail, vpn, delivery options.

SecOps is mandatory when dealing with these kind of things. Everyone is relaxed and casually ordering illicit drugs in cleartext with no consideration of basic security. That was EXACTLY the sentiment before ORD and SSB takedown. Everyone and their grandmother was ordering and discussing their orders in clear open chat. And then... the sky ell down on their heads and everybody was shocked it happened.

History usually repeats itself.
Whatsapp is like having a sign over your head saying "Look here! I am being a dumb ass!"

Secure mail, vpn, delivery options.

SecOps is mandatory when dealing with these kind of things. Everyone is relaxed and casually ordering illicit drugs in cleartext with no consideration of basic security. That was EXACTLY the sentiment before ORD and SSB takedown. Everyone and their grandmother was ordering and discussing their orders in clear open chat. And then... the sky ell down on their heads and everybody was shocked it happened.

History usually repeats itself.
I usually enjoy your posts too. But we pay with credit card to QSC so your argument doesn't make a ton of sense. Whatapp is more secure than than Gmail
you're stuck on something that isn't even the subject of my complaint.

my complaint is that another QSC seller was ready to sell me primo 200mg/ml at 300$/kit, telling me that they are available now internationally, when they don't have any, they only have 100mg/ml available.
Well finally you're stuck on a paranoic complaint, because primo 200 is available
Because their main seller is on what'app, it's the seller who works directly with them at their factory in China.

The seller you have here on meso, is only a European intermediary, who has never seen what the factory looked like and who has never set foot in China.

And my message was simply to say be careful with the seller who works directly there in China Aka Whats app man "Alisa",

He is also the one who prepares all your orders from here, because I suspect him of scamming his customers from very clever way as soon as he have the opportunity
Check out my post regarding the bad hgh batch they sent to me and wouldn’t agree to replace it. And I was a customer for two years. That Alisa dude on WhatsApp is an asshole and treats clients like shit.
Nah I just read a few pages back in a response that there may have been something in process bringing oils to the Canadian warehouse, I don't know anything for sure. I just check back every couple weeks or so. I don't mean to spread rumor I genuinely read over 20 pages..
This is the Canadian dream my friend!
Test is the best
US domestic order came in. 4 days from payment to delivery. All superdrol and DHB came crashed, the sustanon looks good. Was able to get the DHB back into solution easily. Superdrol was a bit more difficult but looks good now. I will update if they crash again. Besides that everything looks solid.
How was the Sustanon?
Well finally you're stuck on a paranoic complaint, because primo 200 is available is available
I don't care, you just lost a customer who spends €500 a month in your shop, because you're not professional.

For the moment you have the monopoly, but it will not last and at this time you should review your professionalism and your arrogance.
I don't care, you just lost a customer who spends €500 a month in your shop, because you're not professional.

For the moment you have the monopoly, but it will not last and at this time you should review your professionalism and your arrogance.
We are happy to get rid of pain in the ass paranoiac customers like you, your stupid 500€ are not welcomed.
Whatsapp is like having a sign over your head saying "Look here! I am being a dumb ass!"

Secure mail, vpn, delivery options.

SecOps is mandatory when dealing with these kind of things. Everyone is relaxed and casually ordering illicit drugs in cleartext with no consideration of basic security. That was EXACTLY the sentiment before ORD and SSB takedown. Everyone and their grandmother was ordering and discussing their orders in clear open chat. And then... the sky ell down on their heads and everybody was shocked it happened.

History usually repeats itself.
You think it’s bad here you should see what’s going on on Reddit.