Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Since I am a whiny bitch I've ordered 100mg/ml of Primo instead of PIPy 200mg/ml. Will report in 2 weeks if its the way to go. I would rather inject more often then being in constant PIP from 200.
Down to a 1/4 bottle of Test C now. I wasn't told the Test C was sold by QSC until after I already sent $491 BTC... I'd be cool with the offer I sent via email(thought it was extremely generous on my end as I'm going to be stuck paying double what we had agreed to. I've been dealing with you for over a year now under 3 addresses and handles, and never had this happen to me.

I told you I had a completion coming up in a couple months that I've been training 7 months for now. I ordered because our agreement was 3-4 days for domestic shipping and you had exactly what I needed for US Domestic, and now I'm screwed... If you wanna just refund the test, I can send all the Tren to Janoshik for testing(I'll supply you the testing) and I'll just wash this up as a learning experience. Only the first time I've had a deal go south in almost 2 years.

I'm also willing to accept a full refund, but I can't handle the Test E PIP or the Blood Clots with the Sustanon.

If you're going to refund me can you please let me know soon so I can get another order in asap bro?
I sent you $491 USD for: Order:
Test C 250mg/ml 100
Tren E 200mg/ml 190
Tren H (Parabolan) 100mg/ml 155

I'd take another Tren E or a refund please, I'm still going to end up paying close to $1,000 total for the missing Test C. @Stanfordpharma1 hopefully can hook up the Test C and whatever you're not willing to refund me? I'm honestly 100% shocked, but I guess that's the game. QSC and Stan were my only go-to's unless I needed some rare item from BG. Def ruined my weekend bro, and probably gonna cost me my pro card(gonna be of of Test C for a while now... Promising 3-4 days really wasn't cool.
Good lord don’t expect this type of drama from a member who’s been here for awhile. Get your shit together no one’s fault except your own for not properly planning.
I don't know what is your order, but by email it will be easier for me to know the order and check the tracking, if you ordered when the EU domestic HGH was sold out, it means the HGH is shipped from China and you paid china cheaper price $55/kit.
I emailed you this morning as it looks stuck at the shipper warehouse from almost a couple of weeks

When you have a minute please let me know

They multiply daily.
Is that really you in your pic lol?
Good lord don’t expect this type of drama from a member who’s been here for awhile. Get your shit together no one’s fault except your own for not properly planning.
I apologized to the vendor for getting so upset. No excuses but I'm dealing with some extreme personal issues and everything bottled up. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is good to go and hopefully is understanding that it wasn't personal and it was misdirected anger, I've been working with their products for almost 2 years and zero injections/pip/etc. Not going to keep bumping this thread with drama. We worked it out and I think we're both willing to move past it and continue future business.
Is that really you in your pic lol?

I apologized to the vendor for getting so upset. No excuses but I'm dealing with some extreme personal issues and everything bottled up. @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is good to go and hopefully is understanding that it wasn't personal and it was misdirected anger, I've been working with their products for almost 2 years and zero injections/pip/etc. Not going to keep bumping this thread with drama. We worked it out and I think we're both willing to move past it and continue future business.
Yeah it’s me?

Hope you got everything worked out. Here and in personal life. QSC is good people.