Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Clinical studies on Retatrutide are wrapping up phase II -- results have been submitted to clinicaltrials.gov and once they're fully public, it should drive demand. Reports are that people lost, on average, 25% of bodyweight in 11 months. It's rather incredible that the worst result in the entire study was someone lost 5% of bodyweight (semaglutide and tirzepatide have about 10% of people not losing or still gaining weight). They've stated that they're definitely moving ahead with Phase III trials.

Also orforglipron is a single GLP-1 agonist that is not a peptide so it's supposed to be basically "semaglutide, but actually really cheap to produce". Studies on that are reported to be positive as well. It only has 48 carbons compared to the 187 carbons of semaglutide. And most of those are in rings so it's only 23 bonds long at the most, whereas semaglutide is super long with 3 different strings that are each like 40-60 bonds long. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention: it's an oral pill. Doses will probably be somewhere between 2 and 16mg taken daily, but need to wait for Phase II results to be published to know more.

Mainstream policymakers strongly believe that both drugs will be approved by FDA, based on the preliminary data made public.

Any chance you can get these, at least as raws?
We can test those no problem. Cheers
Doe anybody have an expirience with pharma seglutimide aka Ozempic. If so how does it compare with QSC one. Trying figure out weekly dosages.
Best thread ever for those who want to cap

XKawn Is number one

or as our neighbors from the south say

¡XKawn Es Numero Uno!
Here's an example with math I made a while back for capping.
1. Fill a capsule with your filler, including tampering if you plan on doing so with your ‘real’ capsules.

2. Determine how much filler weight occupies this specific capsule. This will give you a weight/volume ratio and you can determine the
relative density of the filler.

3. Fill a capsule with your active ingredient (Anadrol, DNP etc.), including tampering if you plan on doing so with your ‘real’ capsules.

4. Determine how much active ingredient weight occupies this specific capsule. This will give you a weight/volume ratio and you can determine the relative density of the active ingredient.

5. Now you have to do the ‘more involved’ math to determine the correct ratio of filler to active ingredient.

1) Determine the dosage of active ingredient you’d like per capsule.

2) For example you want 10mg Dianabol capsules. You determined your filler density to be 500 mg per capsule and your active ingredient density to be 400 mg per capsule.Now you have to set up the two equations and then cross multiply and solve for the unknown.

10 mg Dianabol = Unknown mg Filler

400 mg Dianabol = 500 mg Filler

10 mg Dianabol x 500 mg Filler = 400 mg Dianbol x Unknown mg Filler

(10 mg Dianabol x 500 mg Filler) / 400 mg Dianbol = Unknown mg Filler

Unknown mg Filler = 12.5 mg

NOW you take the total quantity of filler that will fit in one capsule and subtract the Unknown Filler amount we just calculated.

500 mg filler – 12.5 mg = 487.5 mg filler per capsule

Now you’ve got all the information you need to make 10 mg Dianabol capsules. For every capsule you make you need 10 mg of Dianabol
and 487.5 mg of filler, so for 50 capsules just multiply these two numbers by a factor of 50.
Here's an example with math I made a while back for capping.
I feel like the bigger the capsule, the less precise you need to be with the active drug.
for example, a 00 is more at mercy of the filler(can fit nearly 1gram of filler), versus a 1 which is very small.

I am assuming this is with geometric dilution?

When I make filler for 25 var, my target active drug is 2.76% for the mixing powder.
I'm looking for threads on this, not finding anything specific about anavar. I see people talking about humco or something, but don't know. Do we have a easy thread to learn from?
Its easy.

add powder to suspension to ML amount. Thats all…
Yes I believe I answered all unless your emails was sent in the past 5 hours. In case I missed it send a new one.

If your email was about codes you will receive a reply tomorrow
Resent my email a third time from a different email address just in case my Protonmail (to your @tutanota.com) is getting blocked.
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+1 on the Retatrutide and the orforglipron, although the orforglipron will likely be challenging since oral GLP-1s require other ingredients so that it remains bioavailable despite being washed in stomach acid.
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Anybody have a dosing for Aromasin using the Microsppons??

The search function comes up with nothing but I swear I've seen it here?
I think folks should be wary of trying a drug not even entered into phase 3 when real side effects start showing up.... something SOO powerful to curb food intake by likely 50-75% we can assume there will be alot more gastrointestinal issues Gerd gas etc, aswell as perhaps more potent in creating thyroid cancers and of course won't show up for many years. funny as imagine alot of these same folks wanting to take untested drugs and were scared of a vaccine even after billions were given and was safer than the more traditional vaccines for the same purpose.

at any rate unlikely will be good for BB as simply too powerful and will loose muscle and connective tissue.... anyway, just wait another couple years and we will have far more info. esp when these GLP are relatively new (and will still be several years to see if more side effects start popping up) and an uber powerful chemical that is untested is prob unwise, not only that but if becomes available to UGL before pharma and 1-2 people have a bad reaction rest assured will be MAJOR crackdowns backed by pharma lobbying $. remember your seeing ONLY big Pharma's press releases that of course will skew things very positively in order to keep investment/stock price. remember its only hundreds of people not even thousands...
I think folks should be wary of trying a drug not even entered into phase 3 when real side effects start showing up.... something SOO powerful to curb food intake by likely 50-75% we can assume there will be alot more gastrointestinal issues Gerd gas etc, aswell as perhaps more potent in creating thyroid cancers and of course won't show up for many years. funny as imagine alot of these same folks wanting to take untested drugs and were scared of a vaccine even after billions were given and was safer than the more traditional vaccines for the same purpose.

at any rate unlikely will be good for BB as simply too powerful and will loose muscle and connective tissue.... anyway, just wait another couple years and we will have far more info. esp when these GLP are relatively new (and will still be several years to see if more side effects start popping up) and an uber powerful chemical that is untested is prob unwise, not only that but if becomes available to UGL before pharma and 1-2 people have a bad reaction rest assured will be MAJOR crackdowns backed by pharma lobbying $. remember your seeing ONLY big Pharma's press releases that of course will skew things very positively in order to keep investment/stock price. remember its only hundreds of people not even thousands...
Informative post but the glp1 has had more than 10 years of phase trials on it up until now hence why we know of the possibility of thyroid cancer etc. I don’t think it’s anymore negative than other medication I’d go to say superior for insulin sensitivity

But yes there could be more issues like anything but if it’s prescribed up to 2.5mg for weight loss we know enough for it to be safe
I feel like the bigger the capsule, the less precise you need to be with the active drug.
for example, a 00 is more at mercy of the filler(can fit nearly 1gram of filler), versus a 1 which is very small.

I am assuming this is with geometric dilution?

When I make filler for 25 var, my target active drug is 2.76% for the mixing powder.
I was looking at fillers for var but all of the suggested ones have a much lower molecular weight. Is this for ease of calculation? I am guessing this is not needed because the volume of var is typically small? I have seen people say that it needs to be the same molecule weight but to me if you make a homogeneous mixture, it shouldn’t matter from a concentration standpoint?