Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

i’m not over reacting. and i already sent a few messages to the new email address
chill the fuck out
if u sent multiple emails since last night then you are creating more admin work for the source

qsc doesnt confirm when payment is received
u just get a tracking number about 5 days after u send payment

now stfu and stop clogging this thread with your useless shite
Ok great I want to get my 5 year old daughter started on them the data shows that waiting any longer is counterproductive to her transition. Also do you think trenbolone would be more effective than testosterone when she needs to start the cross sex hormones?
Is this a joke? 5 year old daughter?
Whatsapp is like having a sign over your head saying "Look here! I am being a dumb ass!"

Secure mail, vpn, delivery options.

SecOps is mandatory when dealing with these kind of things. Everyone is relaxed and casually ordering illicit drugs in cleartext with no consideration of basic security. That was EXACTLY the sentiment before ORD and SSB takedown. Everyone and their grandmother was ordering and discussing their orders in clear open chat. And then... the sky ell down on their heads and everybody was shocked it happened.

History usually repeats itself.
Okay, but nobody knows for sure if Tutanota is any more secure. In reality everyone should be encrypting emails with PGP.
Wow ! your Shady ! your really going to burn me for a lousy $313 ?
Yup. Your money is gone. All the people here that have ordered thousands of dollars worth of gear and peptides… YOURE the one. He really wanted your $313 dollars

I swear to god these stupid kids today think their drug dealers should be like Amazon. Shit like this blows my mind. Maybe… JUST MAYBE you should have been following this thread for several months… if not longer, before you bought. You’d then know how this all works

I swear these are the kind of people you see on tv that call the cops bc their drug dealer stiffed them.
Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !