Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !
Your parents never taught you to wait huh?
Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !
Maybe if we all keep replying to u on here qsc won't see ur posts and you'll have to wait for ur order like a big boy.
Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !
As a child, did you find yourself crying often for no reason? Serious question.
Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !


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Jesus christ can everyone stop fucking whining already.

Also I'm all for people being their true selves but if you put your 5yo daughter on Tren you deserve to go to prison fucko.
Bros. Whats QSC quality like? Any pip? Good results? Been running geneza and zydus cadila. Want to try something new. Let your boy know. Peace kings.
Damn bro domestic is hit lol out of everything I need…any news on stocking or what’s the average t/a on international.
Running QSC’s GH and LR3 concurrently at 200mcg daily while reversing out of my prep. So far so good, feels like I’m on insulin and going slightly hypo pretty often but the pumps are brutal on just 2.2k calories coming out of my steep deficit.

Been also waking up lighter and more full after big refeeds and free meals but maybe that’s just the cortisol dump that comes with a bigger meal. Planning on running this for 3 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat till I run out of my box. Just my 2¢
What about muscle size using LR3 bro? Which is better for more muscle mass, HGH or LR3? Thanks
Ok great I want to get my 5 year old daughter started on them the data shows that waiting any longer is counterproductive to her transition. Also do you think trenbolone would be more effective than testosterone when she needs to start the cross sex hormones?
wtf? cringe troll tbh