Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Have the Tirzepatide pre-orders started shipping out? Still haven’t received any news about mine, even on the new email address. Thanks!
Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !
Why the space before the exclamation marks?

And capitals for words that don't require capitals?
Why the space before the exclamation marks?

And capitals for words that don't require capitals?
Those spaces are indicative of being French. They’re often omitted in informal communication or on English language sites, but they’re grammatically correct for formal French. French Punctuation: The Curious Case of the Space – StoryLearning

For more context, some French AAS groups and QSC have beef. It’s weird, but the French group hasn’t really shown a lot of strong evidence of being competent, so while I withhold judgement, the beef doesn’t really reflect poorly on QSC to me at least.

You can see a small piece of that beef here: Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic if you trace it backwards and it also splits from another thread elsewhere on the board. There’s more beef QSC has referenced that took place before this but I never saw any of that earlier stuff.
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Those spaces are indicative of being French. They’re often omitted in informal communication or on English language sites, but they’re grammatically correct for formal French. https://storylearning.com/learn/french/french-tips/french-punctuation#:~:text=With%20French%20punctuation%2C%20the%20rule%20is%20slightly%20different.&text=…all%20require%20a%20space%20before%20and%20after%20the%20punctuation%20mark.

For more context, some French AAS groups and QSC have beef. It’s weird, but the French group hasn’t really shown a lot of strong evidence of being competent, so while I withhold judgement, the beef doesn’t really reflect poorly on QSC to me at least.

You can see a small piece of that beef here: Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic if you trace it backwards and it also splits from another thread elsewhere on the board. There’s more beef QSC has referenced that took place before this but I never saw any of that earlier stuff.
No bullshit but that's really informative and something to keep in mind when talking with frenchies. This thread has the best popcorn material.

Our friend however, as Borat says, lives in the " U.S and A". Very nice!
Link don’t work on any list! Just ment e
Somewhere here

Nope, the post was for ask if I’m using the correct email address. Please don’t flame every post just for fun.

