Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I mix my weekly test and Primo in a sterile vial then inject.
No more pip.
But that's primo.
It's nasty in a new muscle too lol
did you try previous batch of primo the one with sesami oil ? I never had any issues with that one. Also i started doing somewhat the same, i fill the syringe with test and primo the day before injection so it would mix, then pin it, its better but still PIPy
what exactly do you mean by box looks legit? the fact that its a white box? damn near everyone who sells gh kits has white boxes.

as for the 92% purity, without dimer testing being ordered, no way to tell. you can read more about dimer here: Dimer and related proteins in HGH
How tf you gonna all go in on a group test of HGH and not also test for dimer? w-t-actual-fuck? Like if it's just you, sure that's expensive. But if you got 5+ people splitting the bill ... that's just super lazy.
How tf you gonna all go in on a group test of HGH and not also test for dimer? w-t-actual-fuck? Like if it's just you, sure that's expensive. But if you got 5+ people splitting the bill ... that's just super lazy.
without the dimer test, its basically worthless....
Show data based on what ? U never selled IGF-1 DES at 1mg.

If you are comparing show data beetween IGF-1 LR3 1mg AND DES 0.1mg its à big mistake .

Because we dont use IGF-1 LR3 same as IGF-1 DES .

Who the idiot who want to buy a IGF-1 DES 1mg to let Open thé vial 1month+ in the fridge knowing the shelflife of this product.

IGF-1 LR3 its OK, majority of us consume it in a space time of 10-15day, which is the consumption limit, but not IGF-1 DES.

This make sense for you ?
I always sold IGF DES at 1mg.
I started selling 0.1mg leftovers when the 1mg version was out of stock.
The data is my sales data, IGF DES 1mg used to sell much faster than the 0.1mg version.
Please,come to this tread and explain all of us
I think it's up to the tester to give you more information about when the HGH was purchased, and by who, and how stored, and how did he get black tops?

We've seen HGH results tests from 93% to 97%, and it's becoming a ridiculous game of who gonna ship the freshly made batch sample in winter to Janoshik in order to get the best purity score for the meso dick size comparaison game.

I posted myself my first lab test in summer 93%

HGH 10iu - 072022.png

Then 94%

HGH 10iu 082022.png

The 95%:

HGH 15iu 122022.png

Then 96% by BG pharma of our black tops:

HGH 10iu 022023.png

Then 97%:

HGH 10iu 032023.PNG

What changes between all?
Nothing, same raw, same factory, same process, same engineer, they change nothing, we changed nothing, maybe beside the season temperature, the shipping time.
The same way we see pharma results scoring between 90% and 98%.

And for me it's all the same +98% with old Janoshik standard who keep meso less bored. For me there is nothing to explain, it's more up to the customer to explain how he made the 97% test 92%. And why he waited 1 month to publish the results?
How tf you gonna all go in on a group test of HGH and not also test for dimer? w-t-actual-fuck? Like if it's just you, sure that's expensive. But if you got 5+ people splitting the bill ... that's just super lazy.
What happens in that group is that they gather all the samples and leftovers they have from many sources.
They vote what source will we test?
Obviously most of them vote for QSC. Even that the head of group hates us so bad, 60% of group members still buy from us on regular basis, life in France is becoming expensive.
They know I don't refund the lab tests, so that makes them a bit angry.
So try their best to pick a sample no matter how old is it, or dirty is it. They already shipped a sample of oil in a peptide dirty vial..
One of them will say, hey I think I got bunk HGH from QSC my IGF didn't score well.
They know the dimer is important, but fuck we already spent more tha $1000 of tests and free advertising for QSC. So no need to dimer.
Once they have the results, they debate for it for months if they will post it or not.
It's actually the dumbest testing group I've ever seen.
I can definetly give a recent/current review on QSC IGF-Lr3. As of today I believe I am about 10 days in. It’s my first time using QSC igf but not first time using the compound. I am doing 100-120mcg in workout days and 75mcg on my off days. It is absolutely awesome/game changer when used correctly. IMO it’s the single fastest physique changing compound I’ve ever used. Within the the very first five days I already am noticeably leaner. Vascularity is insane all day long. Fullness is crazy. You definetly need to be prepared to eat, it’s makes my hungry, constantly and compliments gh better than anything there is. Strength has gone up . Biggest thing is watching your watching your blood sugar and listening to your body. Huge fan of the compound in general and huge fan of QSC quality with it as well. Very very good
Are you using it Pre workout and post workout or just pre workout? How noticeable has it impacted BG? I’m using Gh and wanted to implement Igf-1 lr3
Should your growth hormone be stored in the fridge before being mixed? As Ive heard different hgh need different storage depending on fillers etc thank you
just got a couple kits of gh from them TA was great going to test it out and maybe dabble into his other kits just a little hesitent because its not domestic ahaha
Replying to “Taco1760”. I’ve used it both ways. My last run which was with another company that I am 95% sure just resold QSC igf now that I see they’re exactly same tops. And feel exactly same. So first run I did 80 workout days and 50mcg off days. I did my gh 1.5hrs before gym and then igf postworkout. This time around I flipped it and was doing the igf 30-45min preworkout and gh hour or so post. After about a week I definetly noticed and prefer doin the gh pre and igf post . Reason being I know how important it is taking in as much nutrients after your workout as possible for the first couple hours. When I use the igf within 15mins I already start to feel the hunger kicking in and I can eat like a monster. So I take advantage of that to the fullest. Esoecially cause some workouts now that it’s hot as hell where I am make it hard to eat post workout. The igf makes it easy as hell.
I didn’t want to make one super long post so this is to reply to your BG question regarding the igf. I know everyone’s bodies act and react differently to each compound. I can tell you I’ve always known it’s risk and how it can make you feel like your going hypo. Then factoring in its super long life you definetly have to keep an eye on it. I didn’t expect to go to the gym Sunday so I did just a 75mcg shot in the morning before my big breakfast. I ended up goin to the gym and hitting legs later in the day cuz I had time and new my gym was gonna close early Monday. So I did my normal gym routine gh 1.5hr pre then intra shake with 75g carb/10g glutamine/ 5g creatine/15g Eaas . Then did my post igf shot but only 75mcg cuz if my shot earlier. Later that nite when I went to take my “pre work” nap cuz I work night shift I went to long without eatin and went hypo while napping. I woke up completely dazed/confused not knowing what day it was what time it was and actually had a small “accident” in my sleep. My gf started shoving food/carbs down me cuz she knew what it was from and it took about 30-45 mins to start for my brain to feel normal again. Very very scary ass moment. So to answer your question yes yes yes keep an eye on your blood sugar. Don’t forget how long this stuff stays active in you for. I made the mistake one other time in my life years and years ago when I was first using insulin and it literally same feeling but that time I was in the gym and caught it. Be careful and be smart . Don’t make the same mistake I did my friend
I always sold IGF DES at 1mg.
I started selling 0.1mg leftovers when the 1mg version was out of stock.
The data is my sales data, IGF DES 1mg used to sell much faster than the 0.1mg version.
Oh okay, im mad because the 0.1mg was a good idea :/

I was trying my best for you to continue this dosage too, but doesn't work lol
got a kit of semaglutide now from QSC now

less than 1 month, special line to BR

gonna test at 0.6mg/week, after 3 weeks going to 1.2mg/week

thanks @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ur cute

That's not how it is adviced to take. Good luck.

I mean... It's not far off the prescribing guidelines.

And I don't see anything particularly wrong with this protocol.

Personally I dose my semaglutide in response to my appetite levels the preceding week. Titrating upwards 0.25 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 as my tolerance develops. I do this instead of adhering to a strict protocol.
I mean... It's not far off the prescribing guidelines.

And I don't see anything particularly wrong with this protocol.

Personally I dose my semaglutide in response to my appetite levels the preceding week. Titrating upwards 0.25 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 as my tolerance develops. I do this instead of adhering to a strict protocol.
lmk how it goes, something similarly conservative is how I planned to do it also. Makes sense to me with all the side effects being reported.