Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Wow ! what a group of Ambitious men who actually have time so reply to All of my messages , whether they apply to you or not , then you even go the extra mile to back track my previous messages just to contradict me ! Congratulations jerkoffs ! your lives are definitely full of Friendship, Promise , and Joy ! Silly Cunts !
Shut up
I'm currently running GH along with IGF-1 LR3. Both from QSC.

I dont care about IGF levels. For me, the LR3 acts sort of like a replacement for insulin. Helps shuttle glucose into muscles and helps with insulin resistance. If for nothing else, the LR3 is very useful for this purpose.
Bro Im running insulin already (Lantus and Novorapid), I feel I ordered IGF1LR3 for nothing...wish I ordered HGH instead
I want to add 5cent about IGF1LR3... Now I did stupid experiment and used 1mg a day/whole vial from qsc. Definitely felt it, bigger pumps,fat loss and I believe I gained new muscle cells because I find it so easier to keep muscle since without training.

Now how smart I was I don't know...but I know ill order 2 kits again and do it again. I dont wanna mess with acetic acid so I just put some sterile water and shot all...It would he different story if I would be paying 70usd per vial...13usd is ok so far. I will definitely go soon make full medical exams to check hearth size etc..
cause it only local effect where injected? how long is the half life?
I want to add 5cent about IGF1LR3... Now I did stupid experiment and used 1mg a day/whole vial from qsc. Definitely felt it, bigger pumps,fat loss and I believe I gained new muscle cells because I find it so easier to keep muscle since without training.

Now how smart I was I don't know...but I know ill order 2 kits again and do it again. I dont wanna mess with acetic acid so I just put some sterile water and shot all...It would he different story if I would be paying 70usd per vial...13usd is ok so far. I will definitely go soon make full medical exams to check hearth size etc..
I want to add 5cent about IGF1LR3... Now I did stupid experiment and used 1mg a day/whole vial from qsc. Definitely felt it, bigger pumps,fat loss and I believe I gained new muscle cells because I find it so easier to keep muscle since without training.

Now how smart I was I don't know...but I know ill order 2 kits again and do it again. I dont wanna mess with acetic acid so I just put some sterile water and shot all...It would he different story if I would be paying 70usd per vial...13usd is ok so far. I will definitely go soon make full medical exams to check hearth size etc..
Man you do more stupid shit than I do

I like it
I think it's hilarious all the people crying about tracking. I've NEVER had it take more than a few days.

Doesn't matter anyway because it's not going to track until it's stateside and then theres only two or three days left anyway
just a question. i bought in genuary a cjc ipa blend of 3+3mg. but in latest pdf i can t see you sell it anymore... why? i think it s a peptides much asked from customers.

maybe u found they degrade if combined? or will return in stock? thanks
....... and now I wanna hear about your yk11 300mg/day x10 days.
Surprisingly there are no major side effects except bit anger issues.. I tried several times to take 100mg and up a day. I am pretty sure after all I tried that proposed dosing for yk11 is completely wrong. I think of yk11 as tool to increase follistatin as much as possible to lower myostatin. I tried it injectable as well and tbh i did not notice any difference between oral and injectable, though I only made 10ml/100mg vial. And I used for 5 days 200mg injectable. I tried high dose yk11 on its own as well and I can say I was not impressed in terms on muscle gain,but when I added very strong steroid like M1T I could gain ton mass,I just needed to eat more and strength was through the roof. I seen no point in going over 300mg of yk11, like I said I done 500mg as well and didnt feel different than 300mg, however 300mg felt more potent than 100mg.
Tried m1t on its own and with high dose yk11.. I will just say,you feel in gym like u took speed. Fat loss great, strength great..muscle size gain awesome.

Told my friend to do cycle of yk11 100mg and 30mg m1t and he is top level and his claims are same,best shit ever and strongest so far..he did not experience any side effects that he knows of expect if he would take it too late he wouldn't be able to sleep..

I honestly believe that these doses 5mg or 20mg are useless unless your genetics are awful and you have triple myostatin levels than majority of people.