Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Surprisingly there are no major side effects except bit anger issues.. I tried several times to take 100mg and up a day. I am pretty sure after all I tried that proposed dosing for yk11 is completely wrong. I think of yk11 as tool to increase follistatin as much as possible to lower myostatin. I tried it injectable as well and tbh i did not notice any difference between oral and injectable, though I only made 10ml/100mg vial. And I used for 5 days 200mg injectable. I tried high dose yk11 on its own as well and I can say I was not impressed in terms on muscle gain,but when I added very strong steroid like M1T I could gain ton mass,I just needed to eat more and strength was through the roof. I seen no point in going over 300mg of yk11, like I said I done 500mg as well and didnt feel different than 300mg, however 300mg felt more potent than 100mg.
Tried m1t on its own and with high dose yk11.. I will just say,you feel in gym like u took speed. Fat loss great, strength great..muscle size gain awesome.

Told my friend to do cycle of yk11 100mg and 30mg m1t and he is top level and his claims are same,best shit ever and strongest so far..he did not experience any side effects that he knows of expect if he would take it too late he wouldn't be able to sleep..

I honestly believe that these doses 5mg or 20mg are useless unless your genetics are awful and you have triple myostatin levels than majority of people.
At this point you probably get Sucralose powder, not yk11 .

Have you tried this dosage with an other source ?
Ok great I want to get my 5 year old daughter started on them the data shows that waiting any longer is counterproductive to her transition. Also do you think trenbolone would be more effective than testosterone when she needs to start the cross sex hormones?
Honestly, I think it would be child abuse if you don't give her tren.
Hey @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals ! I just got my order of boldenone cypionate today, but it is very crashed with huge chunks of shards. I’m concerned about the PIP with this considering the oil was already very warm when it was crashed. (Pics attached)

Is there anything you could do for me? It is still unopened in case you’d be open to a return or something. Thanks!
Just wanted to update that I was able to dissolve the crashed bold cyp back into solution. I've been using it for a couple weeks now and the PIP isn't bad at all. Thank you to everyone for your advice!

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals @Laxbro88 @GaulEmilRenzo
We put numbers, not letters.
And no one can tell you what number you have, the only way is to email me to get identication.
Often identification within 24 hours.
Is that number listed on the box? I bought 2 kits and trying to make sure what is what. I have a good idea but replies to email has been spotty. Thank you for all you do!
Has anyone bought their Levitra powder? If so, could you tell me what letter the bag was labelled with?
I can't tell you how they labeled it for your order.... but i can tell you the batch i recieved was fuckin outstanding!

Mixed up 15mg caps. Way better than viagra for the short term. 5-6 hours for me, and always into the next morning. Way less stuffy nose and congestion or headaches.
Still doesnt hold a flame to Tadalafil, but i wanted to try it and it is gto.
I can't tell you how they labeled it for your order.... but i can tell you the batch i recieved was fuckin outstanding!

Mixed up 15mg caps. Way better than viagra for the short term. 5-6 hours for me, and always into the next morning. Way less stuffy nose and congestion or headaches.
Still doesnt hold a flame to Tadalafil, but i wanted to try it and it is gto.
The main problem with their vardenafil raw is that it was about 83% purity.

but in reality, its pretty cheap... 100g is about 4000 (MAX) doses if you dont lose any powder

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The main problem with their vardenafil raw is that it was about 83% purity.

but in reality, its pretty cheap... 100g is about 4000 (MAX) doses if you dont lose any powder

That full stop you got there hanging out by itself done my head in.

I thought it was something on my phone. Got me good.
Tirz and sema being lyophilized would be difficult to confuse with an oral raw like retatrutide?

sema can be oral, prob tirz aswell, right ;)

also possible Retatrutide sold as injection as public not aware its being tested orally until recently, also very likely may be even more effective injected like sema... or simply a way for folks to dose easily with sterile oral solution..

also there is plenty of other GLP peptides(drugs) already out there too.

that being said it also could be caffeine and sugar or 99% Retatrutide anyones guess.

reminds me, prob should stock up as crack down is a comin....
Dude, that's badass! Watch out for that damn rebound...
This is the truth right here. That rebound is strong!!! I have seen it with sema. Not 100% sure it's the same with Tirz but damn I have heard the hunger that hits you is no joke when you come off sema. :oops: