Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Testosterone C carrier oil?

Also what's kit? Like 5 or 10 vials, what does it mean?

Shipping estimated time from EU warehouse, my friend is from Poland and asked if I could find out?
Testosterone C carrier oil?

Also what's kit? Like 5 or 10 vials, what does it mean?

Shipping estimated time from EU warehouse, my friend is from Poland and asked if I could find out?
When I ordered from EU warehouse it took 4 days from the day I paid. In Poland it will be maybe 1 day faster.
I am from Slovakia, this is EU country near Austria, Czech, and Hungary. I asked for pricelist and they when it came, they have multiple different shipping options here. I want to buy raw powders, not the premade vials from EU warehouse. What shipping should I chose?

Post NL 20$
EU & Australia special lines 60$
China post (Canada and other countries) 10$
I am from Slovakia, this is EU country near Austria, Czech, and Hungary. I asked for pricelist and they when it came, they have multiple different shipping options here. I want to buy raw powders, not the premade vials from EU warehouse. What shipping should I chose?

Post NL 20$
EU & Australia special lines 60$
China post (Canada and other countries) 10$
PostNL for int shipping from China
EU Special Line for reship service from Within EU
PostNL for int shipping from China
EU Special Line for reship service from Within EU
The special line reship means that the package is almost guaranteed to be delivered unlike shipping from China which is gambling in terms of probability of being intercepted by customs?
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Split it in 3 equal parts. One part will be stored cool and dark and whenever you want to use it go ahead and use it.

The other 2 parts are going to the freezer, separated, for the 2nd and 3rd year.
That's a good idea! Thanks mate
Thanks guys. Trying to understand what's feasible. Small orders peptides, raws, oils, etc. Keep oils to reship? Right now I have my first china post on its way and it's just 4kits peptides and couple grams of raws. But I've done 1 reship with a bit more, and have a current reship with a lot more. Not dealer amounts by any means, but certainly hoarding for in case things get tight.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Is this true? Was reported on reddit recently tho you haven't said anything here.

View attachment 261706
Being able to pay by credit card and the other various payment methods is super convenient with Alibaba but if that rumor is true which I'd agree would be a shame, it's really not that big of a deal...

it's incredibly easy to buy btc, it's 2023 don't act like a retarded boomer who can't use a computer. if youve made it this far, an underground steroid forum buying stuff from China, I'm sure you can also find the numerous crypto sites or download their apps and convert your dollars to coins..
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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Is this true? Was reported on reddit recently tho you haven't said anything here.

View attachment 261706
My buddy says he just paid via Alibaba literally yesterday. Sounds like typical Reddit hysteria.

Most likely this person just had trouble with Alibaba denying his payments with their aggressive anti-fraud measures and QSC said "ok just pay with crypto then idk what to tell u". It helps to use their app on mobile to get a more friendly fraud threshold. Sometimes it will lock you out of payments for a couple hours (all payments will auto-fail) before it will let you try again.