Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

how much do you take of the QSC one ? 2x per day split ? Daily ?

looking fwd to trying it myself… ideally it’s a suitable replacement for winny, which I LOVE as an add on, specifically for the mental boost but cant Run it for too long , sigh. would love to micro dose 5mgs daily as a TRT+ lol
I take 40mg 2x a day. Started at 20mg 2x a say and went up 10mg each week. Was just trying to gauge how i feel before i went right up to 40 2x a day
about half the reviews here on the primo 200 say "zero pip" and half of them say "significant pip". Even QSC says it's about 50/50 whether someone gets PIP from it or not. Wish they still had primo 100 but that's what home brewing is for.

You don't even need to homebrew. Take 10 mL of 200 mg/mL primo and dilute it with 10 mL carrier oil of your choice. Filter and gtg.

Homebrewing is better imo, but if you're not interested in homebrewing...

Speaking of var…. Qsc var has me feeling better then any var i ever got from local sources…. Was paying 10x as much almost for a 1/4 the results. Even has me feeling great mentally, mildly stimulated. Till i sit down then im out lmao, but im easy to take a nap when not moving on my summer cycles
To me it's all the same shit. Just QSC is significantly cheaper and easier to deal with
That’s a good idea. Just a regular thermos? Do you use one?
I buy thermoses from goodwill, I put in a couple of dessicant packs and either the boxes or just the vials and something a little cushy, based on the room in there.


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