Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Definetly hepatoxic, look around the forum and you will find reports from people that it raised liver values including in my own experiments
While it's known to raise AST/ALT/LDL and lower HDL, it's not clear in the medical literature that this qualifies as "hepatotoxic". Some studies measure liver enzyme activity more directly while administering oxandrolone and while those studies see these changes in "liver values", they don't see evidence that that the liver function is actually impaired.

I think there's strong evidence that there's additional stress on the liver (more work for it to do) but not lots of evidence that most people actually experience hepatotoxicity (that it's actually doing any less work than before). Some % of people have been seen with liver damage/failure/cancer caused by oxandrolone but it seems to be rare, as the FDA still considers it a safe and effective drug. These severe complications do seem to be at least somewhat related to how long oxandrolone is used continuously (shows up mostly, but still rarely, in long-term continuous use).

Note that just lifting heavy weights without AAS also raises ALT/AST, but this generally doesn't mean the liver is stressed out by the weightlifting. ALT/AST is an indicator that something is potentially wrong, but not an indicator that something is definitely wrong. If you come off anavar and drop to a cruise dose of test/whatever, and take a few days off lifting to rest, and your AST/ALT is still elevated, then yeah probably something is wrong with your liver because there's nothing else that would be causing that elevated AST/ALT except for a damaged liver.
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im aware of the negative effects on cholesterol. Can you ELI5.

Basic question - 6 week cycle at 60mg a day. Bloods prior are healthy on almost all accounts. Only abnormality was elevated CRP. Would I be fucked permanently from this cycle?
Honestly? I'm not qualified to say. If it were me I'd search here and on r/steroids for people of a similar weight as you taking doses around that range who have posted pre/during/post blood work and see if any of them have elevated AST/ALT still like 2 months after stopping anavar.

Basically though it looks like generally if you use a dose around the FDA guidelines (10-20mg/day?) and don't do it for super long, the medical data says you'll be fine. Unless you're unlucky, and then maybe you'll get liver cancer or some other liver problems and be fucked -- but only if you're pretty unlucky. I don't think there's medical data for 60mg/day so that's why I'd search for people who posted pre/post bloodwork.
Cool maybe il give that a try and take it all at once before bed right now I’m doing half the bottle in the morning and the other half at night the handnumbness is bad but tolerable and worth the results I’m getting from it, for a short time I was taking 1.5 bottles a day morning post workout and before bed but I couldn’t sleep the handnumbness was so bad I’d wake up every hour
Id recommend taking a few days off the hgh and any insulin let the water come down and the numbness go away and then start at bed time and work the dose up slowly you will get much less sides than just jumping right to it. Thats what ive seen avoid such bad numbness
How was the hand numbness on 20iu? I’m currently on a 10iu bottle per day and really liking the results but the hand numbness is pretty bad, iv only been on this high of a dose for less then 2 months so maybe it will get better over time
I don't have any numbness at 20iu.... I think that's the Telmisartan that fixes this issue... Give it a go at 40mg daily.
While it's known to raise AST/ALT/LDL and lower HDL, it's not clear in the medical literature that this qualifies as "hepatotoxic". Some studies measure liver enzyme activity more directly while administering oxandrolone and while those studies see these changes in "liver values", they don't see evidence that that the liver function is actually impaired.

I think there's strong evidence that there's additional stress on the liver (more work for it to do) but not lots of evidence that most people actually experience hepatotoxicity (that it's actually doing any less work than before). Some % of people have been seen with liver damage/failure/cancer caused by oxandrolone but it seems to be rare, as the FDA still considers it a safe and effective drug. These severe complications do seem to be at least somewhat related to how long oxandrolone is used continuously (shows up mostly, but still rarely, in long-term continuous use).

Note that just lifting heavy weights without AAS also raises ALT/AST, but this generally doesn't mean the liver is stressed out by the weightlifting. ALT/AST is an indicator that something is potentially wrong, but not an indicator that something is definitely wrong. If you come off anavar and drop to a cruise dose of test/whatever, and take a few days off lifting to rest, and your AST/ALT is still elevated, then yeah probably something is wrong with your liver because there's nothing else that would be causing that elevated AST/ALT except for a damaged liver.
agreed on all acounts, the only thing I would like to add is that ggt was also elevated for me after var cycle but returned to normal at the next check up a few months later... so any damage is temporary... until it isn't I guess :))
all depends on dosage and duration
Speaking of var…. Qsc var has me feeling better then any var i ever got from local sources…. Was paying 10x as much almost for a 1/4 the results. Even has me feeling great mentally, mildly stimulated. Till i sit down then im out lmao, but im easy to take a nap when not moving on my summer cycles
about half the reviews here on the primo 200 say "zero pip" and half of them say "significant pip". Even QSC says it's about 50/50 whether someone gets PIP from it or not. Wish they still had primo 100 but that's what home brewing is for.
I’ve run multiple compounds from QSC with no pip at all, but Jesus Harold Christ that primo 200 was like getting hit with a spiked baseball bat by your wife after she found out you fucked her best friend.
Worst pip I’ve ever had (and I’ve been doing this for a long time) and lumps didn’t go away for almost 2 weeks. Sucks because those kits aren’t cheap.
Everything else I’ve run from him I’ve been happy with. Just going to chalk it up as a loss.
I’ve run multiple compounds from QSC with no pip at all, but Jesus Harold Christ that primo 200 was like getting hit with a spiked baseball bat by your wife after she found out you fucked her best friend.
Worst pip I’ve ever had (and I’ve been doing this for a long time) and lumps didn’t go away for almost 2 weeks. Sucks because those kits aren’t cheap.
Everything else I’ve run from him I’ve been happy with. Just going to chalk it up as a loss.
Ummm the kits are cheap lol
I’ve run multiple compounds from QSC with no pip at all, but Jesus Harold Christ that primo 200 was like getting hit with a spiked baseball bat by your wife after she found out you fucked her best friend.
Worst pip I’ve ever had (and I’ve been doing this for a long time) and lumps didn’t go away for almost 2 weeks. Sucks because those kits aren’t cheap.
Everything else I’ve run from him I’ve been happy with. Just going to chalk it up as a loss.
I have the same reaction to their 200mg/ml primo. I have to mix 1:1 with test cyp. and heat the vial before drawing. This makes it usable.