Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So, bit of a difference between your "hepatotoxic" and my "stresses the liver". Typical liver stress indicators will be AST aka SGOT, ALT aka SGPT, HDL, and LDL. Oxandrolone is known to make these all worse.
Overall, you'll want your liver functioning at its best to help keep your HDL high, and LDL low ... and while generally we like to keep our AST and ALT low as well, it's worth noting that elevated levels don't always mean there's anything wrong with the liver -- it's possible to have elevated AST and ALT but actual liver functioning to be normal.

More if you want to find and click through a few yourself : Google Scholar -- (can use Sci-Hub: emancipation and democratisation of knowledge to access most paywalled papers)

A few additional selected resources:

("oxandrolone markedly increases hepatic lipase activity" ... seems consistent with "stresses the liver")

"Cholestatic jaundice with, rarely, hepatic necrosis and death; hepatocellular neoplasms and peliosis hepatis with long-term therapy; reversible changes in liver function tests also occur including increased bromsulfophthalein (BSP) retention, changes in alkaline phosphatase and increases in serum bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase (AST, SGOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT)."

https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2005/013718s023lbl.pdf (big ass giant warning in all caps on first page about liver cysts, liver failure, and liver cancer)
As for:

I don't know much about internal medicine. But I have noticed that Doxycycline (the current recommended treatment for chlamydia) is also not processed by the liver (it is primarily excreted by the gut and kidneys) but is also known to cause liver stress and in some cases, hepatotoxicity. Its half-life is also significantly increased in people who have a low-functioning or damaged liver. So, this logic about where something is processed vs. what it affects is definitely not always a clear-cut relationship.
im aware of the negative effects on cholesterol. Can you ELI5.

Basic question - 6 week cycle at 60mg a day. Bloods prior are healthy on almost all accounts. Only abnormality was elevated CRP. Would I be fucked permanently from this cycle?
Looks like QSC got banned / his thread closed on the German roid board.

Reason: Selective scamming.

Reality: Some retard (i think a mod) ordered products to a German packstation, not all products were shipped from the German warehouse (= not by DHL, which is a prerequisite for delivery to a Packstation) and now he is accusing QSC of selective scamming.

I'm pretty sure the real reason is more like a conflict of interest since QSC is now offering the cheapest oils in Germany. But that's just my speculation.

Just in case you were wondering...
What's the board? I'd like to read it
Looks like QSC got banned / his thread closed on the German roid board.

Reason: Selective scamming.

Reality: Some retard (i think a mod) ordered products to a German packstation, not all products were shipped from the German warehouse (= not by DHL, which is a prerequisite for delivery to a Packstation) and now he is accusing QSC of selective scamming.

I'm pretty sure the real reason is more like a conflict of interest since QSC is now offering the cheapest oils in Germany. But that's just my speculation.

Just in case you were wondering...
QSC has disrupted the intl and domestic sources income with the low prices. It's bound to happen to some extend, a board mod gets some free shit or he is the domestic source himself bans the competition.

There are far better (read corrupted officials) countries in EU that QSC can set up shop than Germany. And a rule that failed to deliver - return to sender equals no refund/reship and problem solved.

Anyway not my problem my fucking country is a shithole that no one gives a flying fuck about gear so...
I see you have a much more clear understanding of the chemistry behind it than I do. Are you saying your concerns are lessened by it being an oral solution? Or would you still recommend looking into other options (suspension, capsules)

Edit: I read the rest of your post stating the suspension recommendation. Maybe I will go that route. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I know chemistry to a degree but you clearly have a background in it. Thanks bro
Just mix it with Humco and call it a day. It’s what 99% of the sources do. There’s no need for crazy solvents or chemicals. Just shake and bake before each use.
Just mix it with Humco and call it a day. It’s what 99% of the sources do. There’s no need for crazy solvents or chemicals. Just shake and bake before each use.
Will look into that, thank you.

Does it create a solution or suspension? My goal is a solution
Will look into that, thank you.

Does it create a solution or suspension? My goal is a solution
Suspension. For anavar you’re not going to get a solution. Suspensions are the easiest for any oral that doesn’t have to be critically dosed. I’d grind up the anavar into a fine powder before making a suspension. Plenty of sources have used Jano for their suspensions and it’s pretty accurate.
Looks like QSC got banned / his thread closed on the German roid board.

Reason: Selective scamming.

Reality: Some retard (i think a mod) ordered products to a German packstation, not all products were shipped from the German warehouse (= not by DHL, which is a prerequisite for delivery to a Packstation) and now he is accusing QSC of selective scamming.

I'm pretty sure the real reason is more like a conflict of interest since QSC is now offering the cheapest oils in Germany. But that's just my speculation.

Just in case you were wondering...
The Mod there is involved with many EU sources and used to keep saying shit about us, and last time he ordered to a packstation, to the exact correct address he provided and the parcel couldn't be delivered successfully, and I told him we have no reship policy for orders made to packstations, I mentionned that many times here.
So his last desesperate move was to spread the fake information that QSC shipped to the wrong address and don't wanna take responsibility of their mistake, and banned my account (never been active there anyway, just used to watch) and he closed the thread, like if I give a fuck about that thread in that stupid forum lol.
The Mod there is involved with many EU sources and used to keep saying shit about us, and last time he ordered to a packstation, to the exact correct address he provided and the parcel couldn't be delivered successfully, and I told him we have no reship policy for orders made to packstations, I mentionned that many times here.
So his last desesperate move was to spread the fake information that QSC shipped to the wrong address and don't wanna take responsibility of their mistake, and banned my account (never been active there anyway, just used to watch) and he closed the thread, like if I give a fuck about that thread in that stupid forum lol.

Maybe you should have offered him a free vial of tirzepatide for a good review.
Gonna pick up some anavar and Aromasin powder, any tips for making sure they get dosed evenly?

I have some Aromasin suspended in god knows what from another source and it gives me heart burn
Should have specified, I want to make an accurate tab or cap. I don't like fucking with the suspensions, shit is annoying.

I'd rather make a batch of caps every couple months and take it with all my other supps
Suspension. For anavar you’re not going to get a solution. Suspensions are the easiest for any oral that doesn’t have to be critically dosed. I’d grind up the anavar into a fine powder before making a suspension. Plenty of sources have used Jano for their suspensions and it’s pretty accurate.
Thanks homie
Go intl that shit touches down in like two weeks
Yeah, made plenty of dom and intl orders from QSC. All rock solid. Just trying to limit intl packages coming in when possible. I mean, when considering domestic price/shipping to intl price/shipping it nets me $25 less cost to go with intl, so alllll good to me.
Gonna pick up some anavar and Aromasin powder, any tips for making sure they get dosed evenly?

I have some Aromasin suspended in god knows what from another source and it gives me heart burn
This should help.
Looks like QSC got banned / his thread closed on the German roid board.

Reason: Selective scamming.

Reality: Some retard (i think a mod) ordered products to a German packstation, not all products were shipped from the German warehouse (= not by DHL, which is a prerequisite for delivery to a Packstation) and now he is accusing QSC of selective scamming.

I'm pretty sure the real reason is more like a conflict of interest since QSC is now offering the cheapest oils in Germany. But that's just my speculation.

Just in case you were wondering...
That forum and its mods are full of shit. It's the worst forum in the german BB community.