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Check out Chase Irons on YT he is running 18 iu and 3 grams test.
He documented everything .
That being said the guy is a steroid tank so its not a given that everyone can handle high dosages that well.
If interested check him out its a crazy transformation
Chase looks like dogshit for the amount of gear he’s abusing. His head grew more than anything else on his protocol with maybe the exception being how leathery thick his skin has gotten. But I digress 5 grams of gear on top of insulin and 18 iu of serostim is about 20k more than I can spend per month so he’s got me beat there.
Chase looks like dogshit for the amount of gear he’s abusing. His head grew more than anything else on his protocol with maybe the exception being how leathery thick his skin has gotten. But I digress 5 grams of gear on top of insulin and 18 iu of serostim is about 20k more than I can spend per month so he’s got me beat there.
Its not about how he looks compared to Cbum that matters rather how HE looked before .
We have to work with the tools we have i guess.
That being said I'm a low dose guy but i don't look even near as good as him so i can’t critic him.
Chase looks like dogshit for the amount of gear he’s abusing. His head grew more than anything else on his protocol with maybe the exception being how leathery thick his skin has gotten. But I digress 5 grams of gear on top of insulin and 18 iu of serostim is about 20k more than I can spend per month so he’s got me beat there.
Post physique for comparison please.
Post physique for comparison please.
ve broken my back twice so my physique isn’t anything pro level but that’s also not my goal. If I wanted to look like a walking side effect I’d use 5grams of aas per week and then as much insulin and hgh as I could stuff down id follow his protocol. Truth is I’m 6’4 and 290 at like 16% bf and all I’m really hoping to do is strengthen my lower back and glutes and hip area that was destroyed when I got hit by a fucking alcoholic illegal. So yeah not too interested in having a head that is 4 times the size it’s supposed to be so if you think this pre-palumboid body is worth following his 20k per month protocol to look like this well good luck.

ve broken my back twice so my physique isn’t anything pro level but that’s also not my goal. If I wanted to look like a walking side effect I’d use 5grams of aas per week and then as much insulin and hgh as I could stuff down id follow his protocol. Truth is I’m 6’4 and 290 at like 16% bf and all I’m really hoping to do is strengthen my lower back and glutes and hip area that was destroyed when I got hit by a fucking alcoholic illegal. So yeah not too interested in having a head that is 4 times the size it’s supposed to be so if you think this pre-palumboid body is worth following his 20k per month protocol to look like this well good luck.
Guy "I used to bench 400 lbs in high-school" is here
And for the record your head isn't growing 4X if you use gh. But whatever. Not worth it to continue
New record for domestic u.s. delivery. Got a tracking number Monday pm and was delivered this afternoon. Logistics are very on point.
At what point did I cla
Guy "I used to bench 400 lbs in high-school" is here
And for the record your head isn't growing 4X if you use gh. But whatever. Not worth it to continue
im to bench 400lbs in highschool lol? I simply think that taking doses that high to look that bad is absolutely comical. The fact you are getting your panties in a bunch over it is even funnier. What are you irons boyfriend? You know it’s okay for people to have opinions right?
At what point did I cla

im to bench 400lbs in highschool lol? I simply think that taking doses that high to look that bad is absolutely comical. The fact you are getting your panties in a bunch over it is even funnier. What are you irons boyfriend? You know it’s okay for people to have opinions right?
The earth is flat. It's okay for those people to have opinions also? When is proved to be otherwise

ve broken my back twice so my physique isn’t anything pro level but that’s also not my goal. If I wanted to look like a walking side effect I’d use 5grams of aas per week and then as much insulin and hgh as I could stuff down id follow his protocol. Truth is I’m 6’4 and 290 at like 16% bf and all I’m really hoping to do is strengthen my lower back and glutes and hip area that was destroyed when I got hit by a fucking alcoholic illegal. So yeah not too interested in having a head that is 4 times the size it’s supposed to be so if you think this pre-palumboid body is worth following his 20k per month protocol to look like this well good luck.
My point is it's easy to say shit about someone if you hide behind the anonymity of the internet. The amount of money he spends is irrelevant. The cost is relative, 20k might break us but to him it might just be change.

I'm not in favor or against what he is doing, I just find it strange that some people are critical of others while not putting up themselves for criticisms too. You can claim all the stats you want but until you have the balls to put yourself under the scrutiny that he does, your opinion means shit to whoever is spectating.

Just my honest opinion of course.
I'm not in favor or against what he is doing, I just find it strange that some people are critical of others while not putting up themselves for criticisms too.
It's safer that way , their feelings cant be hurt if there is no way for people to attack them.
My point is it's easy to say shit about someone if you hide behind the anonymity of the internet. The amount of money he spends is irrelevant. The cost is relative, 20k might break us but to him it might just be change.

I'm not in favor or against what he is doing, I just find it strange that some people are critical of others while not putting up themselves for criticisms too. You can claim all the stats you want but until you have the balls to put yourself under the scrutiny that he does, your opinion means shit to whoever is spectating.

Just my honest opinion of course.
Everybody is making fair points. You can call me a pussy for not wanting to post a picture of myself. The reality is it’s important for me to keep my security tight and posting images of myself doesn’t vibe with that so you guys can think whatever you want of me. All I’m saying is when people blatantly put out ridiculous protocols and push the drug envelope in opens up way more issues in this “game” than what it’s worth. You think him talking about home brewing and making his own shit sits well with LE most likely not, so why do we find it entertaining to encourage individuals who will help contribute to the downfall of our hobby and access to certain supplements? Just my take on things. I don’t judge people for drug use I’m not a hypocrite. What I have an issue with is doing it on a forum such as YouTube when he could just as easily set up an ONLYFANS charged his adult fans for access to his routines and info all while simultaneously avoiding exposing the info he is sharing with teens and young people who are far too dumb and blinded by social media to look more muscular and fit that they don’t take health and safety into account. Again just my opinion and I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful to anyone specifically it just irks me when people follow things just because some dude on YouTube did it. Again not saying that about any individuals here that more applies to the Reddit tards .
It's safer that way , their feelings cant be hurt if there is no way for people to attack them.
Dude I’m the first one to say my physique isn’t comparable to a bodybuilder In stage condition. I got on trt a year ago because my test levels naturally were a fucking 52. Yes 52. When I say my body got fucked up it wasn’t just talk. I’ve been rebuilding basically from the ground up. So you guys can say whatever you want about me not posting pictures I’m just here to learn and build my body back. If someone has a problem with my opinion that’s fine too.
Realized that's on the ziplock bags, not on bottles.

Thanks Everyone! The Nimbot sounds perfect. I can use it for some other things too. Now to decide if I'm getting the one that just does the smaller labels or the one the does both. Decisions.. decisions..
I find the smaller ones better but it’s personal preference. The larger ones wrap completely around a peptide vial. I find them too difficult to read when turned around and I have multiple
Dude I’m the first one to say my physique isn’t comparable to a bodybuilder In stage condition. I got on trt a year ago because my test levels naturally were a fucking 52. Yes 52. When I say my body got fucked up it wasn’t just talk. I’ve been rebuilding basically from the ground up. So you guys can say whatever you want about me not posting pictures I’m just here to learn and build my body back. If someone has a problem with my opinion that’s fine too.
I don't know if you follow bodybuilding but your claim to be 290 at 16% is what warrants skepticism and why I call bullshit. That is comparable to an offseason pro, and now you're 52 and on trt at that size.

It's OK to say you don't like someone's physique but don't make claims and excuses to justify putting someone down.

BTW, I am not a fan of his physique too, everyone has their preference.
Dude I’m the first one to say my physique isn’t comparable to a bodybuilder In stage condition. I got on trt a year ago because my test levels naturally were a fucking 52. Yes 52. When I say my body got fucked up it wasn’t just talk. I’ve been rebuilding basically from the ground up. So you guys can say whatever you want about me not posting pictures I’m just here to learn and build my body back. If someone has a problem with my opinion that’s fine too.
You said you are 6'4 290 at 16 percent body fat.

Even for a 6'4 guy that is heavy an lean as fuck