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You said you are 6'4 290 at 16 percent body fat.

Even for a 6'4 guy that is heavy an lean as fuck
I’ve always had a big frame and was 240 and like 12-15 percent bodyfat before I ever touched a “supplement”. For the past year and a half I have been on 200mg test and 200mg primo every week until the last week of July when I added 200mg tren e and 200mg masteron e. I don’t really know what else to say. I’ve been working my ass off no pun intended for the last 16-17 months and have been incrementally dropping bodyfat and gaining muscle although not a ton given my doses and my diet which is about 250g protein 250g carbs and like 100-120g fat from healthy sources. I’m lean but I have to deal with issues from medications that I still take for my spine and ribs which is prednisone and methocarbomal not sure if that’s correct spelling. I’m also prescribed pregabalin and tizanadine for nerve damage and muscle spasms. I wasn’t trying to compare myself to anyone as I don’t think that helps a person in the long run. I’m just trying to get back to the shape I was in before my body and life were destroyed.
To be honest I don’t really think this is that heavy 2 years ago I weighed 400lbs and was a fucking mess so losing 110lbs of fat and fluid from having no test, being on a bunch of shitty meds, and not being able to excercise. I still feel like I have a long way to go so me posting a picture here doesn’t really mean shit because I’m not building myself up for anyone here or anywhere for that matter. My journey is all my own not really in the business of caring what internet people think.
My point is it's easy to say shit about someone if you hide behind the anonymity of the internet. The amount of money he spends is irrelevant. The cost is relative, 20k might break us but to him it might just be change.

I'm not in favor or against what he is doing, I just find it strange that some people are critical of others while not putting up themselves for criticisms too. You can claim all the stats you want but until you have the balls to put yourself under the scrutiny that he does, your opinion means shit to whoever is spectating.

Just my honest opinion of course.
some people lives are bigger than what is said and done on a steroid board. Just my reality of course
You can call me a pussy for not wanting to post a picture of myself
Let's see a calf picture then at least :p

But seriously. I see nothing but diminishing returns with running GH at 20ius a day (never ran GH even close to that). That's wild (unless it's someone that is competing). At levels like that dose timing and food intake seems like it would be extremely vital to not fuck yourself up. How long you been running growth for?
Let's see a calf picture then at least :p

But seriously. I see nothing but diminishing returns with running GH at 20ius a day (never ran GH even close to that). That's wild (unless it's someone that is competing). At levels like that dose timing and food intake seems like it would be extremely vital to not fuck yourself up. How long you been running growth for?
Since you asked for probably the most random thing so here is my right calf muscle. Flame away. As far as “supplements” I am currently taking 200mg primo per week and 2cc of a tren/mast/test blend at 100mg each per cc. No growth yet. Currently doing BPC-157 and TB-500 to heal past damage and facilitate systemic recovery. Will be adding gh to the mix at 4ius per day 7 days per week in about 3 weeks.


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Since you asked for probably the most random thing so here is my right calf muscle. Flame away. As far as “supplements” I am currently taking 200mg primo per week and 2cc of a tren/mast/test blend at 100mg each per cc. No growth yet. Currently doing BPC-157 and TB-500 to heal past damage and facilitate systemic recovery. Will be adding gh to the mix at 4ius per day 7 days per week in about 3 weeks.
BF'n Calf.

At high doses like that you'd need T4 for your body to take full advantage of the HGH. Otherwise you're risking acromegaly for nothing.

Idk about 4iu though. I didn't read the full article on hgh and T4 tbh since I'm never going to go above 2iu.

The study was copy pasted somewhere in the forum.
BF'n Calf.

At high doses like that you'd need T4 for your body to take full advantage of the HGH. Otherwise you're risking acromegaly for nothing.
Are you saying that 4ius would cause acromegaly because that is definitely not accurate. As far as t4 yes I agree that running hgh it’s wise to add in at least 50-100mcg t4 per day.
Are you saying that 4ius would cause acromegaly because that is definitely not accurate. As far as t4 yes I agree that running hgh it’s wise to add in at least 50-100mcg t4 per day.
Probably not. You mentioned 20 so I was referencing that.

I bookmarked the link and just found it

Oh I was asking the more serious bodybuilders what type of experience they had on such a high dosage. I would imagine non stop fat loss, steady muscle gain and improvement of damn near every body function with the exception of glucose metabolism of course. I’m not ready to push doses like that. I have found for my genetics and body type that the second I go over a gram of total aas I start to get horrible issues with blood pressure as well as sodium and mineral retention. This of course is just my experience and is likely related to previous injuries I have sustained and their affect on circulation and BP. For me personally test at 200-400 and then the other 600-800 mg being filled with either mast/primo/var or NPP. The dht based steroids seem to keep my blood pressure lower than the NPP or tren would.
BF'n Calf.

At high doses like that you'd need T4 for your body to take full advantage of the HGH. Otherwise you're risking acromegaly for nothing.

Idk about 4iu though. I didn't read the full article on hgh and T4 tbh since I'm never going to go above 2iu.

The study was copy pasted somewhere in the forum.
No you don't need t4... It's a bunch of horse shit. We discussed this. People are low on it cause hgh increases conversion to t3
Hey Canadian peeps - any experience with China Post and shipping finished oils? I've had good success with 1 order that had 4 kits of peptides. Just looking to see how oils have been for others
No you don't need t4... It's a bunch of horse shit. We discussed this. People are low on it cause hgh increases conversion to t3
That's what the article says. You should read it. It was written by Anthony Roberts. He's still writing articles for meso.Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 12.23.02 AM.png