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Didn’t see this until now but the fact you are trying to compare someone abusively using PEDS to flat earthers just shows what a mental midget you are. Try harder.
Point was if you are a idiot (like your case) you shouldn't have a opinion.
Was a analogy...
If that’s your competition body behind fuxking goro your physique is more trash than most of what I have seen on this board. You have the lower body development of a fucking figure competitor.
Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
Point was if you are an idiot (like your case) you shouldn't have an opinion.
So I’m an idiot because I think abusive doses and a subpar physique are pathetic in comparison to the negative attention that promoting such a retarded protocol brings on the entire industry. Clearly it’s ME and not YOU who’s an idiot.
Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
Wow. You might be the stupidest person Ive encountered so far. Is English your second language or are you just exceptionally fucking stupid and illiterate.
So I’m an idiot because I think abusive doses and a subpar physique are pathetic in comparison to the negative attention that promoting such a retarded protocol brings on the entire industry. Clearly it’s ME and not YOU who’s an idiot.
Yep. You said it. Clearly is you that is a idiot. Glad you figured that out
Also it’s “an idiot” but I wouldn’t expect any better from someone with a fucking high school education.
Grammar police is here. Dude for a guy that speaks 3 languages and english isn't my first language I speak and write ok.
Don't start with who has a bigger dick around here
It's a forum not a university
Grammar police is here. Dude for a guy that speaks 3 languages and english isn't my first language I speak and write ok.
Don't start with who has a bigger dick around here
It's a forum not a university
No simply pointing out that the guy calling people an idiot is just that.
This topic has a lot of off topic post as it is.
I will let you to be happy in your world and not continue back and forth a discussion that goes no where.
Whatever. There is no point
This topic has a lot of off topic post as it is.
I will let you to be happy in your world and not continue back and forth a discussion that goes no where.
Whatever. There is no point
That almost made sense good job there Einstein. If you can’t make any sense in English maybe try your native tongue. My Spanish is passable so convince me you are NOT A DUMBFUCK.
That almost made sense good job there Einstein. If you can’t make any sense in English maybe try your native tongue. My Spanish is passable so convince me you are NOT A DUMBFUCK.
Dude you heard somewhere that Chase Irons has a sub par physique and you keep regurgitating and don't have your own opinion.
And its obvious because you are very defensive.
Just chill and be yourself its ok guys on the internet can’t hurt you.
funny the guy with a retarded avatar and a fat man calf is ripping on the 280lbs visible abs guy who actually has the balls to show his face and body to the public....
funny the guy with a retarded avatar and a fat man calf is ripping on the 280lbs visible abs guy who actually has the balls to show his face and body to the public....
Don't argue with that fat ass loser. He's gonna blow up your inbox asking you to send pics of your physique so he store them in his spank bank
That almost made sense good job there Einstein. If you can’t make any sense in English maybe try your native tongue. My Spanish is passable so convince me you are NOT A DUMBFUCK.
Dude just let it die here and not continue this non sense.
For a guy that didn't achieve anything and start to talk shit on someone who actually is doing something and it's saying that from gh your head is growing you have a big mouth.

You said you don't post a pic of you because of LE but you are 260 16% bf. Don't worry you can post one because we know who are you. You are this guy

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Dude you heard somewhere that Chase Irons has a sub par physique and you keep regurgitating and don't have your own opinion.
And its obvious because you are very defensive.
Just chill and be yourself its ok guys on the internet can’t hurt you.
This literally has zero to do with his actual physique and everything to do with putting out “info” that will bring unecessary heat on the industry. But yeah I’m just regurgitating something I heard. It doesn’t just apply to irons but the majority of the retards on YouTube pushing these protocols. I guess when you have had people go down because people don’t know how to stay “low key” you tend to feel some type of way.
Don't argue with that fat ass loser. He's gonna blow up your inbox asking you to send pics of your physique so he store them in his spank bank
I asked you to send a picture of your calves fat boy since you have opinions on my legs let’s see what you have that’s so superior. But it seems you are just another fucking internet loser.