Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Dude just let it die here and not continue this non sense.
For a guy that didn't achieve anything and start to talk shit on someone who actually is doing something and it's saying that from gh your head is growing you have a big mouth.

You said you don't post a pic of you because of LE but you are 260 16% bf. Don't worry you can post one because we know who are you. You are this guy
Bro I’m not like you I have zero invested in you or anyone’s opinion here. Just because you don’t understand safety when it comes to LE doesn’t mean I need to follow your lead. As far as my physique I am 292 as of this morning and I’d say 16-18 percent bodyfat. If I was going to lie about my stats what would be the point of saying I’m X height and weight, what do I gain from that. Keep on being an insecure little manlet. I got fuck all to prove to some internet dipshit
Anyone ordered to Scandinavia? Strict customs and most of the labs/shops wont even ship there. Just curious of how good the stealth is
If that’s your competition body behind fuxking goro your physique is more trash than most of what I have seen on this board. You have the lower body development of a fucking figure competitor.
Imagine getting a handjob from Goro..

I’m sorry guys carry on….
Can I ask exactly how it's changing your life?

How long have you been at this dose?
Are you running AAS with the HGH? Any pictures to back up your claims

Just see a lot of people on "high dose" hgh on this board spouting how great it is but I never seen one transformation picture or actual evidence it's done anything. Seems more of a fad that your all trying to out do each other dose but again iv not seen a single picture
From 6iu on the left/top to 15-20iu’s give or take on the right/bottom. Way less gear on the right, way better BG and A1C levels. Same weight. About 4-5 months apart. IGF has always scored average, been using QSC for more than a year now.

Sort of a body recomp where I spent most of the time in a deficit but didn’t lose much weight. Now I’m pushing the food and threw in a little lantus. Up about 20lbs from these “after” pictures


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