Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If easy oil flow is your goal, try 23 or 21 gauge. I've never had any problems with scar tissue or anything like that.
But a lot of guys don't like big needles for whatever reason.
I'm not the one that is having issues, I was suggesting to that guy that was asking if oil would flow thru a 30g needle that he should use a 27g cuz HE was worried about oil flow. And 21g will definitely build scar tissue over time and 23g also can. For my deep injections in my butt area I use 25g 1in and foremost other places I use 27g just cuz I'm too lazy to heat oil up Everytime. I found 27g 1 1/4 inch needles but I'm worried that I'm gonna have problems pushing the oil cuz I'm already at a bad angle when pinning my.butt so I stick with 25g. I would.only say to use 23g if your using castor oil but I would probably try to heat it up and use 25g.
Because they build scar tissues lol. After years of pinning you will build some patches of hard crunchy areas on your injection sites.

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones not to have that problem. It's the same reason I switched to insulin needles, no more crippling pip from large needles after switching to 27-29 gauge.
Yeah there's no need to use big needles like that anymore. I think people use big needles like that so they can push the oil out fast and be done quick, which is bad cuz your supposed to inject the oil slowly. If you need a link for 1 1/4in 27g needles for deep injections let me.know.
Yeah there's no need to use big needles like that anymore. I think people use big needles like that so they can push the oil out fast and be done quick, which is bad cuz your supposed to inject the oil slowly. If you need a link for 1 1/4in 27g needles for deep injections let me.know.
I do daily shots w Test C and Primo 200. While it takes awhile to draw, it works in a 31G insulin syringe.
Shannon informed me that the results of the 5mg AOD are unacceptable, and you are going back to fix quality, I know AOD is one of the peptides that there have been so many issues with lately, great to hear you are testing and revamping....does this affect the 2mg AOD as well?
We only produced and restocked 2mg AOD.
AOD9604 5mg hasn’t been in stock since long time.
QSC does user a reshipper right? I’m 95% sure but want to verify. If they do use a reshipper, I don’t see why domestic is any more risky than int since your name shouldn’t be on any pack going through customs.

I appreciate any input, thank you in advance.
QSC does user a reshipper right? I’m 95% sure but want to verify. If they do use a reshipper, I don’t see why domestic is any more risky than int since your name shouldn’t be on any pack going through customs.

I appreciate any input, thank you in advance.
Dude, you are way too worried about this shit. Just give up any ideas you had of running gear cuz you are way too paranoid about this whole situation of international vs domestic orders and reshippers getting caught. Your just not mentally.built for this life. Stay natty
Dude, you are way too worried about this shit. Just give up any ideas you had of running gear cuz you are way too paranoid about this whole situation of international vs domestic orders and reshippers getting caught. Your just not mentally.built for this life. Stay natty
I’m on gear as we speak from a raws order I made years ago, and I asked the same questions with that source (ppl).

I’m not really worried about a reshipper getting caught as they likely wouldn’t go after the smaller orders anyway. I just want to know if shipments to the USA use a reshipper and if the mitigates customs risk. I know Canada doesn't.

I will be ordering one way or another, domestic or intl. as I want to try out GH. I prefer raws over premade as well but I don’t mind shelling out the extra cash if domestic really is that much safer. Maybe I’m splitting hairs here but I have no idea in reality and that’s why I’m asking for input.

Not sure what happened with this board, but it used to be a risk/harm mitigation board years ago and plenty were willing to chime in and help.
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