Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Can you be more precise please ? I tend to be a little on the anal retentive side. Don't just say 10 or 9 or 11......say 9.8 or 10.1 or 10.3. Am I anal? Yes, I am, but I really like to know exactly how much.
No I can’t be more precise. You’ve looked around this forum, no one in thousands of posts has mentioned the EXACT amount. Because it doesn’t matter.
You British guys are a trip. Instead of speaking normal intelligent (American) English, you Brits speak that goofy ridiculous British English. Are British guys all virgins ? Do ya'll even get laid ? Americans are the shit, I am afraid to say. I heard that like 98% of British women are fat, that true ? That is gross, 98% fat women !!!
I am teasing, a friend of mine at my Anytime Fitness is originally from Chelsea and we give each other shit about each others' accents. He teases me for my Texas drawl, I tease him for his British accent. Really good guy, you would like him Var1, but I fucking hate his accent ! I fucking hate the way Brits speak !!
, where’s your bloodline from lol. You yanks are that intelligent you don’t even have your own language
Can you be more precise please ? I tend to be a little on the anal retentive side. Don't just say 10 or 9 or 11......say 9.8 or 10.1 or 10.3. Am I anal? Yes, I am, but I really like to know exactly how much.
It must be hard going through life being worried about minutia like that. I was irritated at first but now I just feel sorry for you. Seriously, there's not an answer to your question and all your doing is wasting your time/energy that could be spent doing something productive instead of creating a cascade of shit talk because of your obsession over the exact amount in each vial.

That is literally not important, they are 10mL with a margin of error of probably .25mL which will not be consistent since it is a mass production line.

I feel like you may just be trolling because this is seriously so dumb I cant even bring myself to insult you properly.
You injecting the primo with test in the same syringe or just the primo by itself?
Do you have injection sites that don’t have pip? If so, use those and avoid injecting a muscle that is currently aggravated with pip
I’m going about 25mg test prop daily mixed with 50mg primo and then 2x a week I do an additional 1cc of primo by itself. It’s the 1ml primo by itself that’s still fucking me up. Actually tried a quad injection and never again. Literally couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. I thought the pip was never going away.
It sounds like you’re injecting subq. I get similar pip even with 1 inch needles. For best experience I found 1.5 inch needle 25g (use 21g to draw), into ventrogluteal, to be the best.
Yeah maybe I do need longer needle. I’m using 29 gauge half inch. It’s making its way into the muscle though. That’s forsure. I don’t have much bf.
I’m going about 25mg test prop daily mixed with 50mg primo and then 2x a week I do an additional 1cc of primo by itself. It’s the 1ml primo by itself that’s still fucking me up. Actually tried a quad injection and never again. Literally couldn’t walk for 2 weeks. I thought the pip was never going away.
Yeah that makes perfect sense why your experiencing pip
Test P isn’t the very best option to mix with Primo for both pip and ester
Test C or E would be better
Yup that Primo by itself if you’re just starting out with Primo can be rough for some people.
I had a baseball size lump in my quad first time I used Primo. Could clearly see it though a thick pair of jeans lol
I never got pip again after that…from Primo
But I had to let my quad recover, couldn’t inject it for a while. Now inject quads constantly with Primo, no problem
It must be hard going through life being worried about minutia like that. I was irritated at first but now I just feel sorry for you. Seriously, there's not an answer to your question and all your doing is wasting your time/energy that could be spent doing something productive instead of creating a cascade of shit talk because of your obsession over the exact amount in each vial.

That is literally not important, they are 10mL with a margin of error of probably .25mL which will not be consistent since it is a mass production line.

I feel like you may just be trolling because this is seriously so dumb I cant even bring myself to insult you properly.
Exactly right
I happen to have some QSC vials kicking around and I looked closely at them. They look like 10ml minimum fills, some slightly more and a few slightly different so it’s not exact, but not way off either. .25 ml margin of error seems like a very accurate guess.
I’ve also got older pharma vials from the pharmacy I picked up with a script and they are all visually just a touch different

Should I tell him how I throw away unfinished vials when I finish a blast because I only like storing full ones? Or do you think that would send him over the edge? LOL
Exactly right
I happen to have some QSC vials kicking around and I looked closely at them. They look like 10ml minimum fills, some slightly more and a few slightly different so it’s not exact, but not way off either. .25 ml margin of error seems like a very accurate guess.
I’ve also got older pharma vials from the pharmacy I picked up with a script and they are all visually just a touch different

Should I tell him how I throw away unfinished vials when I finish a blast because I only like storing full ones? Or do you think that would send him over the edge? LOL
Oh man his head is going to literally explode .
Where you you all shoot the primo? Am I just lucky, I have zero pip from vg shots. Maybe consider finding the vg if not
Last summer and this past summer, I pinned it everywhere and got no pip.

Traps, biceps, triceps, calves, if there was a muscle belly I poked it.. :cool:
Last summer and this past summer, I pinned it everywhere and got no pip.

Traps, biceps, triceps, calves, if there was a muscle belly I poked it.. :cool:
I have done pecs and delts as I've said in the past but vg is just soo much smoother. I'm surprised it took me this long to get comfortable with the spot
For what it’s worth - I get genuine Sus250 on a scrip - accurately filled - not a chance.

At best 90% vary between 0.9 and 1.1ml with the odd one down to 0.8ml .

In 150 vials the lowest I ever got was 0.6ml ( I was literally hold it up to the light after to make sure there’s no more in the bottom)

Mass production is mass production, and it always got a margin of error.
He has posted videos of the lab filling process of certain peptides….its pretty much top of the line manufactering….i dont think there is a higher end process…so they really do have the manufactoring labs…no tiny toddlers…at least here.

I am gonna try and find the video. I read like pages 1-600 skipped to maybe 1300 read a few hundred more....fuck. gonna take me forever to find the video, but I'll just start looking for it. Quite a few sources I have used over the years have used a peristaltic pump, which I understand to be consistent and accurate.
I am gonna try and find the video. I read like pages 1-600 skipped to maybe 1300 read a few hundred more....fuck. gonna take me forever to find the video, but I'll just start looking for it. Quite a few sources I have used over the years have used a peristaltic pump, which I understand to be consistent and accurate.
Consistent and accurate within a .25mL margin of error. Nothing is EVER exact even in a highly engineered pharmaceutical system. Give it up man and move on to something worthwhile of your time. It’s clear you don’t have a background in math, science or engineering otherwise you would understand how silly this entire conversation is.

I sincerely hope you find a better way to spend your time. I’m the meantime I’m putting you on ignore because I’m trying really hard not to be an asshole.
Consistent and accurate within a .25mL margin of error. Nothing is EVER exact even in a highly engineered pharmaceutical system. Give it up man and move on to something worthwhile of your time. It’s clear you don’t have a background in math, science or engineering otherwise you would understand how silly this entire conversation is.

I sincerely hope you find a better way to spend your time. I’m the meantime I’m putting you on ignore because I’m trying really hard not to be an asshole.

Two different members have sent me PM's telling me you have Aspergers - High functioning autism. I believe them, you are autustic.
Two different members have sent me PM's telling me you have Aspergers - High functioning autism. I believe them, you are autustic.

Okay and the personal attacks start now. Well here you go, please go fuck off and waste your time. No skin off my ass, you’re a fucking loser who has no clue what you’re talking about.

I was trying to be nice to you because I thought you may have undiagnosed OCD or were on the spectrum yourself. But clearly you’re just fucking stupid and not worthy of a second of my time. My mistake, won’t happen again.

Also I bet this retard (me) has a better physique than you ever will, so how does that feel? To get shown up by autistic kid? Hmmmm? Fucking loser.
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Two different members have sent me PM's telling me you have Aspergers - High functioning autism. I believe them, you are autustic.
I think you misread the pm's. They probably asked if you had autism. I personally think you have a touch of the downs. Your need to know the exact level of every vial is a symptom of an extra chromosome, or at least a partially mutated. I read it in a study somewhere, I'm going to have to find it now