Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Goddamn, if this is what Americans have to offer, whining Canadians are way more tolerable. Last week it was a paranoid murican, now this lol.
Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose. Mental health treatment is not where it needs to be in this country. Otherwise we would probably have restricted that dumbasses access to the internet.
This is a question I have never seen answered in this thread and I have followed this thread from the very beginning......it is like a War and Peace novel in length ...how many cc's are in each vial in his 10 vial kits, specifically of Test Cyp 250, Primobolan Enan 200 and Masteron Enan 200 ? Like 9.0.... 9.3.... 9.5 .....9.8 .....9.9 ...
.10.o.. ...10.1.... 10.3.... ? Thank you. By the way, when figuring out how many cc's are in each vial, be aware there is .10 cc's of waste in 3cc syringes and .07 cc's of waste in 1 ml syringes, so you must account for the waste (ie unusable oil trapped in the head of the barrel) in your measurements.
What a doof. 10cc per vial bud. Move on its gonna be ok.
I just had a crazy thought. The rep for QSC is Chinese...I think? Really wonder how they think us westerners are. I mean after reading all these posts they must think we're a bunch of geniuses of something.
This forum definitely does not show our best and brightest. lol
Nahh you Canadians cry about everything. If it's not the tracking info you're crying about it's the delivery time. If it's not that it's the identification of your items. If it's not that, you're going into detail about what was sent to you and how it was packaged. Canadians have been such a risk lately.
I'd cut ties all together. It would probably be better for business. Less bullshit emails. Who knows
Typical American crying about Canadians crying
Insulin syringes have slightly less waste - .07 cc's of waste - than a regular 3 cc syringe - .10cc's of waste
Draw in a little bit of air into your syringe and use that to push the last of your oil through the hub and needle. Since you're injecting IM, or maybe SC, it won't matter if you over do it and push in a little air.
Draw in a little bit of air into your syringe and use that to push the last of your oil through the hub and needle. Since you're injecting IM, or maybe SC, it won't matter if you over do it and push in a little air.
I don't understand what you mean totally. But are you saying there is a way to get that .o7ml or .10ml of waste oil trapped in the syringe out so that there is effectively zero waste oil left in the syringe after you inject subq or im ? If so, that is wild, I never knew you could use up the waste oil. I am gonna Google it and youtube it and see if what I think you mean - "draw in a little bit of air into your syringe" is what you actually mean...like I think you are maybe talking about...if I wanna inject 1.1 cc's...then I could pull up to where it reads 1.0 on the barrel...but since we know there is .10 ml of waste in a 3cc syringe, then that 1.0 is actually 1.1 cc's if we could get the .10 ml of waste out of the syringe, right ? I think this is what you are referencing ? And you are saying the way you can get the .10ml of waste out of the syringe....is to pull in some air into the syringe - After- you have pulled out 1.o ml reading on the barrel ? Is this what you mean ? Anyways, I appreciate it, and I am gonna search for this technique. I don't think anyone on meso or outlawmuscle or anabolicboard knows of this technique, as any board I am associated with....it has always been assumed there is no way to get that waste oil out of there. Thanks !
I don't understand what you mean totally. But are you saying there is a way to get that .o7ml or .10ml of waste oil trapped in the syringe out so that there is effectively zero waste oil left in the syringe after you inject subq or im ? If so, that is wild, I never knew you could use up the waste oil. I am gonna Google it and youtube it and see if what I think you mean - "draw in a little bit of air into your syringe" is what you actually mean...like I think you are maybe talking about...if I wanna inject 1.1 cc's...then I could pull up to where it reads 1.0 on the barrel...but since we know there is .10 ml of waste in a 3cc syringe, then that 1.0 is actually 1.1 cc's if we could get the .10 ml of waste out of the syringe, right ? I think this is what you are referencing ? And you are saying the way you can get the .10ml of waste out of the syringe....is to pull in some air into the syringe - After- you have pulled out 1.o ml reading on the barrel ? Is this what you mean ? Anyways, I appreciate it, and I am gonna search for this technique. I don't think anyone on meso or outlawmuscle or anabolicboard knows of this technique, as any board I am associated with....it has always been assumed there is no way to get that waste oil out of there. Thanks !
Fuck that was hard to read... let me show you what I do.

Say I'm filling 0.3ml just like this. From the 0 to the needle is all air. I'll flip it over, give it some flicks until the air is at the rubber rather than the needle, then it's an air bubble pushing the solution through.
Fuck that was hard to read... let me show you what I do.

View attachment 267155
Say I'm filling 0.3ml just like this. From the 0 to the needle is all air. I'll flip it over, give it some flicks until the air is at the rubber rather than the needle, then it's an air bubble pushing the solution through.
View attachment 267156
OK, but the air between the black rubber and the oil at the .30ml line in your 2nd picture....as soon as you press down on the plunger, isn't the black rubber immediately gonna dissipate that air space and go straight down flush on the oil at the .30ml level ? Or will that small pocket of air be maintained as you press down on the plunger ? Seems like a silly question, but I honestly dunno if the pocket of air will be maintained as you press down, or if the pocket of air will immediately dissipate and the black rubber will go straight up immediately flush against the oil at the .30ml level ?
Fuck that was hard to read... let me show you what I do.

View attachment 267155
Say I'm filling 0.3ml just like this. From the 0 to the needle is all air. I'll flip it over, give it some flicks until the air is at the rubber rather than the needle, then it's an air bubble pushing the solution through.
View attachment 267156
Matter of fact, I need to inject tomorrow night, but I am curious about your technique, so I am gonna inject tonight and see if I can replicate the technique I think you are showing. Thanks for the help.