Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Well I guess the debate isn't settled on the best hgh then if you are saying it's luck, and if it's just luck then I guess thats not good for anyone.

Seems like a strange comment for Meso considering I thought sources prided themselves on producing accurate tests. But you're saying not to trust yours this time? Guess we all never know what we are really getting unless we test it ourselves.

So why is the Test result identical for you and Rido with no variation In the Purity, IU, sample recieved date, testing ordered date, as well as test concluded. If every batch and vial is different as you say, (which it is), super lucky. Impossible mathmatically actually.

Well, either you or Rido definitely have/had them, and each paid for tests because the unique Key is different. But there's a 0.0% chance in a probability calculator of all factors being identical. 99.697% is a very specific number. So between Janoshik, Rido, and QSC, something seems off this time. The reports are definitely real, but seems like the same vial. Even if Rido is reselling these from QSC which is fine (no problems with Rido), why 2 seperate tests? Having a hard time making sense of this. View attachment 267279

Im just like anyone else that wants the best at a good price and want whats shown on the reports since thats every sources's form of advertisement. Anyway just pointing this out for anyone wanting to get the HGH posted a couple days ago, but not reliable apparently and old apparently, but the PDF wasnt changed until now. Rido probably has it though if its the same batch.
This is what we we need. We don't need dickriding when a source is calling out other sources, it's pretty bold imo.
Well I guess the debate isn't settled on the best hgh then if you are saying it's luck, and if it's just luck then I guess thats not good for anyone.

Seems like a strange comment for Meso considering I thought sources prided themselves on producing accurate tests. But you're saying not to trust yours this time? Guess we all never know what we are really getting unless we test it ourselves.

So why is the Test result identical for you and Rido with no variation In the Purity, IU, sample recieved date, testing ordered date, as well as test concluded. If every batch and vial is different as you say, (which it is), super lucky. Impossible mathmatically actually.

Well, either you or Rido definitely have/had them, and each paid for tests because the unique Key is different. But there's a 0.0% chance in a probability calculator of all factors being identical. 99.697% is a very specific number. So between Janoshik, Rido, and QSC, something seems off this time. The reports are definitely real, but seems like the same vial. Even if Rido is reselling these from QSC which is fine (no problems with Rido), why 2 seperate tests? Having a hard time making sense of this. View attachment 267279

Im just like anyone else that wants the best at a good price and want whats shown on the reports since thats every sources's form of advertisement. Anyway just pointing this out for anyone wanting to get the HGH posted a couple days ago, but not reliable apparently and old apparently, but the PDF wasnt changed until now. Rido probably has it though if its the same batch.
It's not that hard to understand, if you have followed enough how testing works.
QSC produce batches of 3000 kits often.
We send some to USA, some to EU etc.. and we keep some in China.
Rido decide to grab some to resell it, like he does and did for many other products and we decide to share the testing cost.
You get a copy from Janoshik with your name, like many sources here in Meso do.
You will find some Janoshik reports here identical to some others you will see in SST, and other forums, because simply when two or 3 sources share testing on a product, they can have their names and personal copies.

Now that said, who is here have enough confidence to tell how janoshik testing work? or to tell that he can get exacly a certain purity for HGH?
I've seen purity varying from 94% to 99%.

But same engineer, same HGH raw factory.

We don't do batch numbers, and we don't really care if you are getting a 99% or 94%, because you will notice zero difference, the only difference is in your heads.
I do testing to keep a continuous quality control, randomly, and to follow meso standards, the testing I do was never in the purpose to tell you "you will get this results if you test your batch". Our volume of sales don't allow us to do testing on every batch, and sometimes during the transit time of the sample to janoshik, the batch is already sold out. It happens that I send a customer several kits, from 2 different batches. So all this parameters with us doesn't really matter. It just gives you an idea about our quality and what we are able to offer you.

This HGH vial, from this batch, tested better than any pharma brand, no dimer while all tests of HGH lately tested with dimer, including pharma, do you think I will have the courage to say or garantee all the vials from the same batch will test similar with such low data and zero understanding of how Janoshik works? Even Janoshik was enough shocked and tested the vial like 3 times.

If you want really to know what you are getting, send it for testing yourself, I've always adviced this and this is the only answer to your question. You have been spamming me with this question "if I am getting 99% I want to buy", "I want to make sure my kits tests 99%". Test it yourself or don't buy. This makes a difference for you and your obsession with purity scores, not for me.
I find it stupid, and I can't garantee you that, that's why you got no answer and I am not interested in selling to someone who buys with conditions.

People who got this batch with 99% are probably hundreds, and with all the ones who will be getting it from the remaining kits left, maybe a thousand will be on the 99% HGH and won't notice a single difference and feedbacks will remain the same.
The only difference in testing I might have enough courage to state, after seing dimer reports, I can state that we are one of the rarest sources who have very very low to no dimer while most others have it high.
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If BPC157 5 mg is in EU warehouse can I order the 10 mg version from China or I must buy what BPC157 version is in EU?
Can I use the whatsapp number for order raws and peptide or is excessively for GLP-1 like it was 2 weeks ago or so?
yes you can order both from china 5mg and 10mg.
We prefer to keep steroids by email, and to use whatsaap only if you had emails problems, like if they don't go through.
Well I guess the debate isn't settled on the best hgh then if you are saying it's luck, and if it's just luck then I guess thats not good for anyone.

Seems like a strange comment for Meso considering I thought sources prided themselves on producing accurate tests. But you're saying not to trust yours this time? Guess we all never know what we are really getting unless we test it ourselves.

So why is the Test result identical for you and Rido with no variation In the Purity, IU, sample recieved date, testing ordered date, as well as test concluded. If every batch and vial is different as you say, (which it is), super lucky. Impossible mathmatically actually.

Well, either you or Rido definitely have/had them, and each paid for tests because the unique Key is different. But there's a 0.0% chance in a probability calculator of all factors being identical. 99.697% is a very specific number. So between Janoshik, Rido, and QSC, something seems off this time. The reports are definitely real, but seems like the same vial. Even if Rido is reselling these from QSC which is fine (no problems with Rido), why 2 seperate tests? Having a hard time making sense of this. View attachment 267279

Im just like anyone else that wants the best at a good price and want whats shown on the reports since thats every sources's form of advertisement. Anyway just pointing this out for anyone wanting to get the HGH posted a couple days ago, but not reliable apparently and old apparently, but the PDF wasnt changed until now. Rido probably has it though if its the same batch.
Vendors can request copies of labs if they shared the cost. I know GL and GorillaKings have done this with India meds. Gorilla is on Eroids so if he posted up a lab with GLs email it’ll probably raise some flags as he’s not a source there.
Probably a stupid question but just need to be sure …. The 10x10ml kit of test C at 250mg/ml equals 2,500mg per vial or 25,000 total mg, correct?
yeah, it is a crazy good deal. you get 10 vials. each vial has 10ml @250mg per ml. I just received an order and didn't realize how good the deal was. I now have a lifetime supply of Parabolan.
Well I guess the debate isn't settled on the best hgh then if you are saying it's luck, and if it's just luck then I guess thats not good for anyone.

Seems like a strange comment for Meso considering I thought sources prided themselves on producing accurate tests. But you're saying not to trust yours this time? Guess we all never know what we are really getting unless we test it ourselves.

So why is the Test result identical for you and Rido with no variation In the Purity, IU, sample recieved date, testing ordered date, as well as test concluded. If every batch and vial is different as you say, (which it is), super lucky. Impossible mathmatically actually.

Well, either you or Rido definitely have/had them, and each paid for tests because the unique Key is different. But there's a 0.0% chance in a probability calculator of all factors being identical. 99.697% is a very specific number. So between Janoshik, Rido, and QSC, something seems off this time. The reports are definitely real, but seems like the same vial. Even if Rido is reselling these from QSC which is fine (no problems with Rido), why 2 seperate tests? Having a hard time making sense of this. View attachment 267279

Im just like anyone else that wants the best at a good price and want whats shown on the reports since thats every sources's form of advertisement. Anyway just pointing this out for anyone wanting to get the HGH posted a couple days ago, but not reliable apparently and old apparently, but the PDF wasnt changed until now. Rido probably has it though if its the same batch.
Rido is a reseller. He gets his own copy of the test for his customers.