Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I haven’t yet purchased a pen but when I get my hands on it I’ll try using 31g needle tips. Those work fine with MCT oil when I inject subq with slin pins. I think the standard length for these pens is 6mm. Not sure if it’s possible to get them in 0.5 inch but that would be amazing cuz you co shallow IM
I use the pens and use one for test with 29g 1/2” needles. They are excellent, beyond painless to sensation-less when I do shallow im with the cough with the insertion jab technique. oil does take a bit of time to push through but not bad. Probably at least a couple units per second without pushing too hard but I’m not pinning that much.
I use the pens and use one for test with 29g 1/2” needles. They are excellent, beyond painless to sensation-less when I do shallow im with the cough with the insertion jab technique. oil does take a bit of time to push through but not bad. Probably at least a couple units per second without pushing too hard but I’m not pinning that much.
Coughing and stabbing myself sounds scary lol

Edit: not with the pens, but just the general idea lol
I keep reusing my (1) 25g needle. I soak it in bleach and then put it in the baby bottle sterilizer. It’s really really really fuckin dull at this point but I refuse to spend 31 cents on a new pin.
I haven't wiped my ass since 2007. Also cat food cans have more protein than tuna per dollar.
Does anyone have experience with the Spanish Post (correos)? It says my package was delivered on the 6th, but my friend who lives in the country of destination (Portugal) said nothing has been delivered to him, and their website doesn't give details.
Does anyone have experience with the Spanish Post (correos)? It says my package was delivered on the 6th, but my friend who lives in the country of destination (Portugal) said nothing has been delivered to him, and their website doesn't give details.
Maybe it is delvired to his neighbours? Happened once for me(postnl) with no notice.
I use the pens and use one for test with 29g 1/2” needles. They are excellent, beyond painless to sensation-less when I do shallow im with the cough with the insertion jab technique. oil does take a bit of time to push through but not bad. Probably at least a couple units per second without pushing too hard but I’m not pinning that much.

Which pen do you use for your oils ? Thanks
Which pen do you use for your oils ? Thanks
I like using 27g 1/2” slim pins for oil, it draws pretty quickly and you can do subcutaneous or shallow intramuscular. For peptides and HGH which uses BAC as a carrier I do 29g 1/2” slin pins. You could use the 29g for oils too but it just takes forever to draw and you can use 27g for BAC solutions, really doesn’t matter. I push 1cc of air into the vial for oils to create a better vacuum. Don’t really need to with BAC carrier solutions. The difference between 29 and 27 is really nothing but you’re not sitting there for a couple minutes drawing up 1cc with a 27 like you are with a 29.
I keep reusing my (1) 25g needle. I soak it in bleach and then put it in the baby bottle sterilizer. It’s really really really fuckin dull at this point but I refuse to spend 31 cents on a new pin.
You can always sharpen your dull needles on the striker part of a book of matches LOL
In all seriousness. You are ordering from a decent Chinese source that is cheap as fuck. You're complaining about getting, the quote is above estimating it out, less than 5 bucks lost. You should be more worried about your diet and training. Thinking it's fun to talk to your friends and compare about a 10.3 vs 9.9 vial of test shows you shouldn't be in the game... more social media influencer wannabees.
Even if this source gave their gear away for free people would still be complaining on here. People are just never happy and will always complain about anything just to get attention.
Even if this source gave their gear away for free people would still be complaining on here. People are just never happy and will always complain about anything just to get attention.
Thats the sad truth of things. You could sell 2-3 bottles depending on your areas market and have 7/8 free. Nothing worth complaining about, if you have different needs, pay more for it else where