Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.
Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.
And having your story made up in your head as to why you're sending a guy in China $700 before you go into WU
Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.
Seriously all these young ass rookies. They dont know the struggle of forming a gang to break in on a pharmacy warehouse and switch cars to escape with the pharma stuff in some random stolen van under a bridge and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks without a clue if LE got a trail on you just praying a sketchy ass jacked dude buying your stolen goods with 1000 dollars isnt an undercover agent.
Seriously all these young ass rookies. They dont know the struggle of forming a gang to break in on a pharmacy warehouse and switch cars to escape with the pharma stuff in some random stolen van under a bridge and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks without a clue if LE got a trail on you just praying a sketchy ass jacked dude buying your stolen goods with 1000 dollars isnt an undercover agent.
Amateurs these days.
Does anyone know approx. how long Tracy (or whomever) usually takes to respond to new order emails? Does she prefer email over Telegram, or vice versa? (Yes, I've tried looking, but holy fuck I do not have a month to read through 1800+ pages of comments covering two years.)

Obvs. I can expect a 2-7 week shipping time, as long as I'm not ordering right before a major Chinese holiday.
Does anyone know approx. how long Tracy (or whomever) usually takes to respond to new order emails? Does she prefer email over Telegram, or vice versa? (Yes, I've tried looking, but holy fuck I do not have a month to read through 1800+ pages of comments covering two years.)

Obvs. I can expect a 2-7 week shipping time, as long as I'm not ordering right before a major Chinese holiday.
I sent him a email for a new order yesterday and got payment info this evening. Which email provider are you using?
Does anyone know approx. how long Tracy (or whomever) usually takes to respond to new order emails? Does she prefer email over Telegram, or vice versa? (Yes, I've tried looking, but holy fuck I do not have a month to read through 1800+ pages of comments covering two years.)

Obvs. I can expect a 2-7 week shipping time, as long as I'm not ordering right before a major Chinese holiday.
A day or two usually.
Okay, so a little over 24 hours. It's probably time zone differences, and I'm just paranoid. Instant gratification culture has ruined me, and I'm old enough to know better.
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This is exactly what they used to do. I think it's no longer allowed.
hi mate - apologies for the delay responding/clarifying - QSC had a bunch of vials remaining and I simply asked to buy them all. I now have all the colours of the rainbow but have not even really touched them! I was suffering bad sleep aponea, high BP, so I decided I needed to lose some bodyfat, which I have now done. Still not sure what I will do in terms of my next blast. I really like the idea of becoming more vascular/diced, so contemplating the EQ, together with mast/test

good luck to you boys
Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.
The most hilarious thing I've seen about anabolics was on another forum. He went into a catle supply dressed up as a rancher to buy tren.... the damn story had me rolling.
Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.
Hahaha man those were the days. And this wasn't that long ago either
Seriously all these young ass kids. They don’t know the struggle of sending money through Western Union (only to end up blocked from WU) and switch to Moneygram to some random fuck in China and twiddling your thumbs for the next 4-6 weeks with no tracking or communication just praying a sketchy ass package wrapped in 1,000 layers of tape with Chinese written all over it arrives on your door step.

Wait. Y'all never sent cash in a birthday card to a sketchy address halfway across the country and maybe or maybe not got some gear in the mail two months later?

The 1990's called and would like a word with you.

@Disarmer @HB_22
Does anyone know approx. how long Tracy (or whomever) usually takes to respond to new order emails? Does she prefer email over Telegram, or vice versa? (Yes, I've tried looking, but holy fuck I do not have a month to read through 1800+ pages of comments covering two years.)

Obvs. I can expect a 2-7 week shipping time, as long as I'm not ordering right before a major Chinese holiday.
Is QSC still working ?
Is QSC still working ?
I placed an order 3 days ago on the 9th and haven’t heard anything back yet. I assume they are getting pounded with a backlog of orders due to the holiday shutdown.

This is my 9th order with QSC and have always had a response in less than 24hrs.
I placed an order 3 days ago on the 9th and haven’t heard anything back yet. I assume they are getting pounded with a backlog of orders due to the holiday shutdown.

This is my 9th order with QSC and have always had a response in less than 24hrs.

I made order on 9 october at night (europe time) got reply on 11 after lunch time.