Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Hey Rido,

Do you still have a kit of LR3 on hand ? Q doesn’t seem to have any interest in carrying it local in the US.. send me a PM , I’ll def take it please
Uhh never had LR3, I don't plan to stock it

Wrong thread. Btw
Wait…hold up….timeout….. just started test c ……when my balls gonna turn into raisins?
Everyone's different. Mine don't shrink from gear, even when I'm not taking HCG.
My total AAS dosage per week has never been over 600/700mg, so maybe that would change if i went higher.
I ate a big meal yesterday afternoon and my stomach is still full 15 hours later LOL
It's a strange problem to have. It can't be good.
I always tell people on these drugs to purposely eat smaller meals, and eat slower. I've only used Tirz, and I'm not one to pig out until I'm uncomfortable, but I learned quickly that eating a normal sized meal can do this. I'll be full a long time and will burp like crazy.
Also if I eat fast food or anything greasy or fried a couple days in a row I'll feel the same. That's pretty rare for me normally, but I had to go to (one of the many) lands of fat fucks for a wedding and had almost no healthy food available. That was a rough week.

You guys are over thinking the small balls. I've never had one woman comment on my nut size. Never used HCG once in 10 years of roiding.

I do miss blowing big loads, ill admit that.
I always tell people on these drugs to purposely eat smaller meals, and eat slower.
Also if I eat fast food or anything greasy or fried a couple days in a row I'll feel the same.
Solid advice. I feel like dogshit today. Usually I eat sushi for my weekly cheat meal but something got into me yesterday and I ordered pizza. I don't think I'll be doing that again while I'm on sema.
I ordered 50g Primo Raws, 100g Test Cyp Raws, and a kit of Semaglutide. My payment was confirmed on 9/21, still haven't heard back about shipping.
I've been using the lyophilzed Ghk-Cu. Typically one would expect stinging and I'm getting none of that. Maybe some slight "itchiness" after the fact for about an hour, but nothing more than that. Most people complain about it being fairly unbearable.
I had the opposite experience. I tried to start a cycle, but could only make it through 7 days. I STILL have huge welts, hard lumps, and bruising... for going on 3 weeks now. I do, however, have very sensitive skin though, so that's not saying much. lol
Like you said it results in a shutdown. Why would you want to shut down your balls? I guess it makes sense to men and they think it’s worth it. I would be uncomfortable in a world where if I didn’t have access to test I would turn into a woman. That seems scary.

But no one here is telling you that you are dumb for killing part of your anatomy.

I would hope that everyone on here that is on HRT has a physician monitoring them. I hope everyone here is getting their blood checked regularly and is checking their blood pressure and trying to achieve normal body fat.

Of course the goal here is for everyone to live their best lives possible.

That is the point of all of this.

Berating people to teach them isn’t a great way to educate. There are better ways to get your point across in a constructive manner.

If you want to be an educator then educate. Do it better.
Calm down ma’m im a drug addict wanting a better body. I’m not doing these drugs and calling it TRT or HRT the ones who do that came from tik tok and reddit. Im a drug addict and want a better body. Idgaf about my balls i already have 3 kids i don't need my balls. I dont care if im steril and i use drugs to make up for my small raisons