Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If I’m not mistaken, a lot of test e raws had an elevated carboxylic acid level from production -3 or so years ago. however, my memory isn’t the best. so yah, spot on.
My knowledge of chemistry is rudimentary but interesting to note degradation of raws causes inflammatory response. So many variables with pip.
My knowledge of chemistry is rudimentary but interesting to note degradation of raws causes inflammatory response. So many variables with pip.
@blinz77 mentioned that it may have been some kind of enanthic acid by products in the TE or perhaps some kind of degradation was occurring. Not sure what it is but either seems to be a plausible explanation. So not sure if generally degradation would cause PIP across the board it just seems to be the case with Test enanthate unfortunately.

I know guys like Narta have spoken about using TE raws from 10+ years ago that were fine, so it must be change in the production process or chemical reagents used that has caused it to be an issue. It doesn't seem to be every batch either, but Liska did some digging on it and it seems that degradation made it worse in some of their products.

Just glad Masteron Enanthate and Primobolan Enanthate haven't been affected in the same way!
Do you have any evidence to support this statement? Drop the link. I am running QSC test E and smooth as silk. Not all humans are taken out of a text book and side effect profiles can differ greatly between individuals. Try a patch test.

There is no need for any Evidence, it’s well known among suppliers. Test E was causing PIP for many users in the last couple years from bad raws. It was such a big deal that most people switched to Test Cyp.
There is no need for any Evidence, it’s well known among suppliers. Test E was causing PIP for many users in the last couple years from bad raws. It was such a big deal that most people switched to Test Cyp.
Not much difference between half lives of both esters anyway. Just order cypionate if this is a concern. Is there a reason you prefer test E?
Do you have any evidence to support this statement? Drop the link. I am running QSC test E and smooth as silk. Not all humans are taken out of a text book and side effect profiles can differ greatly between individuals. Try a patch test.
Yes this has been popping up a lot especially recently with a lot of sources across many forums that people that usually use test e with no issues are getting terrible pip from the more recent batches of test e. So it's a pretty popular thing recently
Any experiences ordering international to USA with 150+ vial order? Do big orders get seized more? I'm out on the road and won't need the gear for 2 months so I'd prefer to order international for the cheaper cost.
Any experiences ordering international to USA with 150+ vial order? Do big orders get seized more? I'm out on the road and won't need the gear for 2 months so I'd prefer to order international for the cheaper cost.
I've never ordered that much but large orders get split into multiple packages.
Any experiences ordering international to USA with 150+ vial order? Do big orders get seized more? I'm out on the road and won't need the gear for 2 months so I'd prefer to order international for the cheaper cost.
It'll go via their special line shipping. Still a reship from China. I've done something similar without issue...
Any experiences ordering international to USA with 150+ vial order? Do big orders get seized more? I'm out on the road and won't need the gear for 2 months so I'd prefer to order international for the cheaper cost.
Can’t help you I’m to poor to order that much
seeing a lot of talk about DHB, I brewed DHB with QSC raws and it came out great. 2/20 ba/bb 100mg in CSO. Running 400mg/wk atm split into daily shots with some other compounds that dilute it, it makes up about half the shots volume. That being said I get no pip from it or any other ill effects, at least so far. will continue to update.
Congrats on 2 years. I remember I first started lurking on this board the day of your first post! Early pages of this thread were hilarious to say the least.

How is your shipping to Dubai?
Any experiences ordering international to USA with 150+ vial order? Do big orders get seized more? I'm out on the road and won't need the gear for 2 months so I'd prefer to order international for the cheaper cost.
Well let's say your in the USA, and your trying to order test p, primo and tren a vials, since the test p and primo are available in the USA warehouse you would have to buy from the USA warehouse for them and then the tren a would come from the china warehouse. Maybe since it's a bigger order they can do you a.favor idk but that's usually how it goes when ordering

