Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone had a problem about package and custom? Im trying to order since 2 days but still couldnt. Response times are too late. They declare item “ag100 silver white” i dont know whats it mean. And is that okay for custom? Are they hide raw in package or something? Anyone can explain? Cause i cant get answers from them…
They’re probably not going to detail the packages they send by email before you order, it’s fine, they know what they’re doing, never had an issue, if their opsec was no good this thread would be full of people complaint their stuff didn’t arrive, it will be fine bro
I don't know man, that would just illustrate how much of a bitch the US government is if they only need pharmaceutical pressure to move on QSC.

But it doesn't matter, you pop one drug dealer on a corner, two outfits have already set up shop even before they clear the smoke.
Big pharma is very powerful, don't underestimate. But I don't know if there's other Chinese labs like qsc gonna pop up again, if this were the case there would be other sources like qsc already, and there are not any other sources like qsc.
Anyone had a problem about package and custom? Im trying to order since 2 days but still couldnt. Response times are too late. They declare item “ag100 silver white” i dont know whats it mean. And is that okay for custom? Are they hide raw in package or something? Anyone can explain? Cause i cant get answers from them…
Not making a lot of sense, wait until Monday
Ugh this amount of publicity definitely stresses me out. I’ll be stocking up on test just in case there is any repercussions from this article.
At least someone else is understanding the gravity of being publicly advertised as a steroid supplier. And Chinese chemical companies are responsible for fentanyl so our stupid government is probably going to assume qsc is making fentanyl or selling the precursors.
Who would enforce this laws then? They operate in China, hence, the Chinese LE who needs to impose the rules.

Remember they stopped oral tablet productions, that is their local government cracking down on them. So unless the local LE cracks down on injectable steroid production for imports, then operation keeps running.
The USA is sanctioning Chinese chemical companies as we speak for selling precursors chemicals for fentanyl. And qsc sells a lot more than what they lost to us on their price lists that we get.
I thought qsc plan was to stock domestic warehouses with all oils because the Chinese government was cracking down on that too. Then raws. But it hasn't happened yet..
The USA is sanctioning Chinese chemical companies as we speak for selling precursors chemicals for fentanyl. And qsc sells a lot more than what they lost to us on their price lists that we get.
Like I said, bust one drug dealer and there's dozens setting up shop even before you prosecute the old one. Did the sanctions stop fentanyl in the streets?

Look man, its OK to feel bad that your favorite cheap source might get busted, however, you should've more in the first place. People never stopped homebrewing after ORD or using gear when the Mexican market shut down. We'll be fine, no need to panic.
Anyone had a problem about package and custom? Im trying to order since 2 days but still couldnt. Response times are too late. They declare item “ag100 silver white” i dont know whats it mean. And is that okay for custom? Are they hide raw in package or something? Anyone can explain? Cause i cant get answers from them…
Ag is the chemical symbol for silver. Ag-100 is a white form of silver that is an industrial powder that is sometimes used as a pigment. It's also the name of some colloidal silver ingestible supplements, but those are in liquid form.
At least someone else is understanding the gravity of being publicly advertised as a steroid supplier. And Chinese chemical companies are responsible for fentanyl so our stupid government is probably going to assume qsc is making fentanyl or selling the precursors.
If you're an American adult, you should understand this does not bode well for QSC and us fortunate customers. I foresee that QSC Facebook page being taken down soon (I was not aware there was one until I read the WSJ article) and an increase in focused customs seizures.
I hope I'm wrong and QSC continues to operate normally.
Well, all we can suggest is moving lots of products to domestic warehouses, where customs are not involved...
Except those warehouses can be raided and products seized. So not sure if they are even going to restock the domestic warehouses. Risk is higher for them in that regard.

It may be harder to get finished oils across customs than anything else, hopefully raws will still flow easily across customs as the US government is never going to start funding the customs agency well enough to adequately interdict all incoming contraband l.

If they can’t do it to stop fentanyl then they can’t do it for raw steroid powders.
Hey guys I'm almost to my second kit of DHB I’ll need to re heat because they been crashed since I received it. I heated my first received kit on the coffee maker with no issues. I was paranoid the whole time of pressure buildup and popping the caps. On my second kit I reheat should i put a needle in each one to vent them?
Yes. I do that with all my vials to equalize pressure, even peptides etc that don't get heated. Too much pressure/vacuum makes it a bitch to properly dose, especially when mixing compounds in one syringe.
Whats the general consensus about the ripped blend? Pip? Lumps? need to be reduced with other oils?
I ve taken in the past and I just recently got some more. I love it but for it is definitely puppy for me. I usually mix it with 1cc with a half cc of sustanon 250. It’s still kind of pippy but not terrible. I also run scolding hot water over the syringe first as well rotate my injection sites.

I did 1 1/2 cc of the ripped blend a while back. It was crippling. I could barely put my socks on lmao
Whats the general consensus about the ripped blend? Pip? Lumps? need to be reduced with other oils?
I’ve personally not had any pip outta the ordinary from it. I kinda half-assed looked through the thread to see if they use EO or guiacol to keep it in solution, but gave up. for me, .7 have been pip free.
Yes. I do that with all my vials to equalize pressure, even peptides etc that don't get heated. Too much pressure/vacuum makes it a bitch to properly dose, especially when mixing compounds in one syringe.
Thanks, yeah i figured it would be best. I was paranoid even though my last kit I didn’t heat to hot i was worried the whole time of the top blowing of and id have a whole kit of wasted gear. Im not to my other batch yet I’ll probably buy some slin needles to vent because id rather not waste 10 needles that I usually use. I appreciate the input.
Look man, its OK to feel bad that your favorite cheap source might get busted, however, you should've more in the first place.

Everyone should do this.

If you're a n00b reading this, you shouldn't be looking for the one cheapest best source. Pick a few domestic and international sources.

There will be differences in pricing, T/A, comms, etc. That's expected.