Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I figured out which one is which from the boxes, of course stupid me I forgot what came from what box lol, but I’m like 85% sure I know which is which, worse case scenario I check and see if I have any masteron sides before running it a couple months later on prep lol, appreciate the help
Good luck on your prep brother!
Consensus of cyp vs e? I always considered them basically the same, but there was some recent posts about potential for increase c reactive or inflammation with test e? This real or sounds more like a thing of the past?
Consensus of cyp vs e? I always considered them basically the same, but there was some recent posts about potential for increase c reactive or inflammation with test e? This real or sounds more like a thing of the past?
Pin them both and let God sort it out lol
Consensus of cyp vs e? I always considered them basically the same, but there was some recent posts about potential for increase c reactive or inflammation with test e? This real or sounds more like a thing of the past?
Only the raws if not brewed within x amount of time and that’s also selective, qsc test e oil is smooth as butter, 3ml in delts no pip
By "10 units," do you mean 10 clicks, which correlates with 0.9 on the pen?
No I mean 1ml is 100units on an insulin syringe so if you do the math the 10 on the insulin syringe would be about 4iu of hgh. Where I would usually reconstitute my hgh to have 4iu be the 40 on the insulin syringe
So has anyone had success with their NAD+ yet and how much bac water did you use? I've had some for awhile but haven't used any yet
Where do international orders get shipped from? Does the sucess rate change? How long would international shipping take for 10 vials of each hgh, hcg, semag to north eastern EU?
Where do international orders get shipped from? Does the sucess rate change? How long would international shipping take for 10 vials of each hgh, hcg, semag to north eastern EU?
HGH 10iu from Spain
HCG from Germany
EU only
3-5 days average, sometimes more

HGH 15iu and international items not available domestic from China, ETA 3-4 weeks average
Say I were to order
1 kit hgh 15IU, 1 kit hcg 2500IU, 1 kit semaglutide 2mg
Internationally to Latvia
It would come from china 3-4 weeks ETA
And price would be 80+70+65+shipping?
Did I understand correct?
Consensus of cyp vs e? I always considered them basically the same, but there was some recent posts about potential for increase c reactive or inflammation with test e? This real or sounds more like a thing of the past?
Some people just get bad pip from test e no matter how good it's brewed. I am one of them. I only use test c for that reason. For a person that gets pip with test e they will have systematic inflammation from the pip. But there's really no difference between them. Some people say they feel different on one vs the other but they will both get the same job done.
Those are 15ml. Might be the trouble with the fit.

I use these here 10-15ml they fit nicely probably a little snuger

Also has pockets in the top where I keep orals
That looks exact like the first case I ordered from Amazon for like 26 and then I found that cheap $12 one, turns out they are identical with that same pocket system for blister packs. They are both 10-15ml inserts so my engineering brain just hates the sloppy fit. I searched for just a 10ml one and didn’t find anything so I’m just letting it go. After I clean each vial with alcohol and print out my nice labels, they go in one of the cases; it’s kinda my ritual now, feels slightly religious almost for some weird reason.

Before QSC I just had what I consider a few vials of my favs. I love these guy but damn their 10 unit kit system really encourages me to stock the F up! Like I just ordered a ripped kit, test p/tren a/mast p and I know I’m only going to tap that for 1ml a week maybe 12 weeks max with 2 blasts a year so that’s like 4 years! Of course I’m not even gonna run it every time so way longer.

Disclaimer: All of the above is purely my mental justification for having 2x70 essentially oil cases but cut me some slack since I resisted the urge to buy stanfords 1100ml mega jugs, maybe….. now that I wrote this all out it just sounds like I have a hording problem, well shit.
That looks exact like the first case I ordered from Amazon for like 26 and then I found that cheap $12 one, turns out they are identical with that same pocket system for blister packs. They are both 10-15ml inserts so my engineering brain just hates the sloppy fit. I searched for just a 10ml one and didn’t find anything so I’m just letting it go. After I clean each vial with alcohol and print out my nice labels, they go in one of the cases; it’s kinda my ritual now, feels slightly religious almost for some weird reason.

Before QSC I just had what I consider a few vials of my favs. I love these guy but damn their 10 unit kit system really encourages me to stock the F up! Like I just ordered a ripped kit, test p/tren a/mast p and I know I’m only going to tap that for 1ml a week maybe 12 weeks max with 2 blasts a year so that’s like 4 years! Of course I’m not even gonna run it every time so way longer.

Disclaimer: All of the above is purely my mental justification for having 2x70 essentially oil cases but cut me some slack since I resisted the urge to buy stanfords 1100ml mega jugs, maybe….. now that I wrote this all out it just sounds like I have a hording problem, well shit.
Ah, I must of looked at it wrong. I thought they are the exact same size and yours was 15 and holds 60 and mine are 10-15 and holds 70 meaning the holes are slightly smaller to accommodate 10 more vials in the same space. But if yours are 70 also then I don’t know what I was looking at lol

Ha ha completely understand that stocking up. I do the same thing with my labels and organize the cases. OCD style lol.
Wait till you start brewing it becomes a stupid lot of gear. I’ve got gear divided up by different types then within that different dosages and then different carrier oils.
Your not a horder just well prepared lol
Can this be right?

I'm getting 10 kits 150iu a kit HGH $780, 1 kit peg-mgf $80, 20 testosterone cypionate $140, $55 shipping = $1055? Qsc is asking for a little more $ not including the alibaba fee