Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That’s not the point and that’s terrible logic. The point is that the supplier fucked up and he needs to make it right. Next it’ll be “o it’s only a floater”.

don’t let the suppliers slip down a slope of poor quality

I fix all my customers problems, without exceptions.
He is not my customer, I don't recongnize him, and I never had a conversation with someone in Alibaba, only per mail for those who know me.
And if it was me, he won't speak english with me, as I can speak french et he is french...
I fix all my customers problems, without exceptions.
He is not my customer, I don't recongnize him, and I never had a conversation with someone in Alibaba, only per mail for those who know me.
And if it was me, he won't speak english with me, as I can speak french et he is french...
But your company sells on Alibaba.

Then you are their reseller, which is still bad for anyone interested in this company.

WHO ARE YOU THEN? be clear

I'm not french, how many times i can say that.
But your company sells on Alibaba.

Then you are their reseller, which is still bad for anyone interested in this company.

WHO ARE YOU THEN? be clear

I'm not french, how many times i can say that.
He’s now reverting further into childishness by pretending everything is a joke. Clearly @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals is a consummate professional. And I can’t believe all of the people defending the source on here. MESO has changed a lot, for the worse in the last 2 months or so
Man, you give customer support like a 12 year old... reacting to my post with a laughing emoji.

This is a joke at this point. I hope nobody is stupid enough to order from them. Fuck the money at this point.

I had sources scam me, I had sources fucking up my order, but never have i seen a source with such shitty replies like you guys. Shows a lot about the quality of your products too.
I cannot speak on quality of products. This source is very early in the discovery process.

What I can say is the customer service would stop me from considering an order.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals you are far too emotionally immature for the job you hold. You will always be the weak point in this operation with your current attitude.

But hey these are just my opinions. I have been know to be wrong. I hope you decide to calm yourself a little bit and maybe take some time before responding to things you take as a slight to your company. Remember if you are not the most mature voice in this thread, you failed. You came here to do business, most the others are not. Act like it.
I don't disagree, we just don't have all the facts. Shills come and go for sources just as much as they do against them. See Skank's thread for plenty of that.
Well well well. What a shit show. Had to do a lot of catching up.

At least now we know who this source’s rep is here.

Hate to say it, but told ya so. The member is being honest. He can’t post those results here as it would get him banned from his home board. Big no no. Same goes for PM. It’s actually a good deal. Well not for us but great for that board.

Anywho, he’s just here spreading awareness. Do with it as you will. Without the report it doesn’t mean much to us but this has been a real eye opener. This source showed their true colors. Now we know that if you do speak out against them you better be prepared for a war where they try to discredit you. I’m your huckleberry, ladyboy.

As usual, just test your gear gentleman and report back.
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Injectables 10 x 10 mlDosagePrice ($)
Test E250 mg/ml65
Test C250 mg/ml70
Test PhenylProp200 mg/ml65
Test P100 mg/ml60
Sustanon250 mg/ml65
Test Undecanoate250 mg/ml70
Test Isocaproate100 mg/ml60
Test Decanoate200 mg/ml65
Test Acetate100 mg/ml60
NP100 mg/ml60
Deca200 mg/ml70
NPP100 mg/ml65
Boldo U200 mg/ml70
Boldo Cyp200 mg/ml70
Tren E100 mg/ml100
Tren A100 mg/ml100
Tren H (Parabolan)100 mg/ml126
Mast E200 mg/ml100
Mast P100 mg/ml95
Primo E100 mg/ml140
Winstrol50 mg/ml65
Trestolone A (Ment)50 mg/ml180
Ripped: Test P 100/Mast P 100/Tren A 100300 mg/ml145

Oralsdosageprice ($)/60pillsprice ($)/600pills
Primo acetate75mg65390
Winstrol10 mg3095
Superdrol10 mg40170
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50 mg40240
Turinabol20 mg40200
Oxandrolone / Anavar20 mg40200
Metandienone / Dianabol10 mg3595
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin10 mg50290
Methyltrienolone1 mg49180
Mibolerone1 mg49180
Proviron25 mg30160
T325 mcg55150
Aldactone50 mg38200
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg40120
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen20 mg40100
Letrozole1 mg45210
Anastrozole / Arimidex1 mg50250
Exemestane / Aromasin10mg40170
Pramipexole1 mg49150
Isotretinoin / Accutane10 mg40250
UDCA1000 mg50300
Dutasteride1 mg4590
Finasteride1 mg4075
Vardenafil40 mg50200
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra100 mg48200
Tadalafil / Cialis40mg50230
Dapoxetine hydrochloride25 mg45170
telmisartan50 mg39180
Metformin1000 mg40210
MK677 Ibutamoren10 mg35140
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg40150
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg38150
SR900910 mg45180
GW074210 mg45200
GW501516 Cardarine10 mg38160
S410 mg40240
RAD14010 mg45280
S2310 mg40240
YK1110 mg45300
AICAR10 mg45380

HGH, Peptides, HCG, HMG, Sarms
1 box is 10 vials


RAW Materials10 g ($)50 g ($)100 g ($)
Boldione / 1,4 Androstadienedione4070110
Halodrol / Turinadiol75220440
Methylstenbolone/ Ultradrol110455880
T4 sodium salt105470880
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid45120225
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen355580
4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione / 6-OXO45100185
Anastrozole / Arimidex75290545
Exemestane / Aromasin57200400
Isotretinoin / Accutane96
Boldenone Propionate406095
Boldenone Acetate4575110
Boldenone Cypionate406090
Boldenone undecylenate406090
Testo PP305070
Testo P305070
Testo Acétate406085
Testo E284565
Testo C304570
Testo Decanoate305070
Testo Undeca355080
Testo isocaproate4575115
Testo sans ester385070
Nandro Cyp45100170
Nandro sans ester5095155
Nandro Undecylate55130225
Tren Hexa / Parabolan100375710
Tren E45120210
Tren A45120210
Tren sans ester65215330
Mast P50135260
Mast E50135260
Primo A98410780
Primo E100410785
Trestolone acetate / Ment250
Winstrol micro powder4580160
Winstrol ordinary powder4580160
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50125240
Oxandrolone / Anavar50140270
Metandienone / Dianabol5080130
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin210
Methylepitiostanol / Epistane75285550
4-Chlorotestosterone acetate / Clostebol5590150
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra203040
Tadalafil / Cialis254253
Dapoxetine hydrochloride40100140
Berberine HCL60

Available products in USA Warehouse:

MT2 100mg =$65
BPC157 5mg =$55
tb500 50mg =$85
ipamorelin 50mg =$55
HGH 100iu =$70
pt141 100mg= $85
HCG 50000iu =$95
1kg tadalafil powder=$310
1kg sildenafil powder=$140
1kg Stanozolol powder=$1420
Admittedly I was VERY excited about this supplier based on pricing and compounds (I really wanna try out nand prop and cyp). I’ll give it a little time to see how all of this unfolds.
I don't disagree, we just don't have all the facts. Shills come and go for sources just as much as they do against them. See Skank's thread for plenty of that.
This is the point of the forum, to post your experience with sources. I guess since it doesn't fit your opinion I'm a shill then?

I have provided evidence to back up my claims. You seem to be stuck on the lab testing for some reason. the point is their crappy customer service and the bad vials.
Well well well. What a shit show. Had to do a lot of catching up.

At least now we know who this source’s rep is here.

Hate to say it, but told ya so. The member is being honest. He can’t post those results here as it would get him banned from his home board. Big no no. Same goes for PM. It’s actually a good deal. Well not for us but great for that board.

Anywho, he’s just here spreading awareness. To with it as you will. Without the report it doesn’t mean much to us but this has been a real eye opener. This source showed their true colors. Now we know that if you do steak out against them you better be prepared for a war where they try to discredit you. I’m your huckleberry, ladyboy.

As usual, just test your gear gentleman and report back.
I'm not part of the french meso, if anyone is interested, this is how the story goes:

I was looking for a source for primo since all of the primo in my country is pretty much underdosed/fake. I came up with a guy who ordered their primo (saw his post on Reddit) and when we chatted he then claimed he had to cancel his order because they were "still making the oil". I was curious about this source and started googling and came up to the french meso. I then joined a group testing to see the quality of the products.

In the meantime i spoke to Joy on Alibaba and asked a lot of questions before finally placing an order in June (me and the testing group ordered in the same time) and as you see, this proved to be a waste of money.

i guess my mistake was that I didn't wait until other people test this source. I'm assuming we were one of the first guys to order their finished AAS oils and they were not skilled enough at the time to produce this.

All of it was not a problem if they just agreed to send new products and not insult their customers like little kids
I don't disagree, we just don't have all the facts. Shills come and go for sources just as much as they do against them. See Skank's thread for plenty of that.

So I am a shill because a person was speaking out of their ass on @SkankHunt thread, but when I asked for proof on his claim providing I kept dropping more and more info on this subject he deflected and brought another member began named calling, instigating, and deflecting when I and another member asked for those pics?

It's not the first time I called out someone's bullshit and won't be the last.

That member was a competitor for @SkankHunt it was clear as day, he didn't want to buy his shit products so he came in to spam and retaliate.

That troll also didn't like that Turkish Pharmacy and I called him an idiot about the Anapolans.

"I am smarter than you"

"You can't beat me"

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So I am a shill because a person was speaking out of their ass on @SkankHunt thread, but when I asked for proof on his claim providing I kept dropping more and more info on this subject he deflected and brought another member began named calling, instigating, and deflecting when I and another member asked for those pics?

It's not the first time I called out someone's bullshit and won't be the last.

Check your facts.
I don’t know anything about that thread, but are you sure he’s talking about you? No one was mentioned by name.

I’m not trying to stir the pot. I’m genuinely curious
I don’t know anything about that thread, but are you sure he’s talking about you? No one was mentioned by name.

I’m not trying to stir the pot. I’m genuinely curious

We were the only two people.

A troll and me.........

The troll came onto @SkankHunt thread to derail it and to instigate other people and to smear my credibility on a subject (Pharmaceuticals) that I have a fair knowledge on.

But that troll is banned now after being caught.
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Client satisfaction is our priority.
I have solved problems of all my clients since I am with Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, even the smallest ones, and keep working to improve our service to be the best source ever.
Our products are well dosed, vials are properly sealed, and if any client faces a problem, our policies are clear, if they have proofs, we are a able to solve it.
None of my clients was ignored by me, and this things won't happen.
All my customers can attest to the impeccable quality of my customer service.
But I won't say sorry and ship products to a troll who have zero proofs and never been my client.
@Mcflyfast no bro, kino retard was the one I was referring to. 100% not you. My point was he kept coming at Skank when it turned out he was a competitor. That's the parallel I was drawing. I love the ninja speed on your defense though. xDDDDDDDD
Client satisfaction is our priority.
I have solved problems of all my clients since I am with Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, even the smallest ones, and keep working to improve our service to be the best source ever.
Our products are well dosed, vials are properly sealed, and if any client faces a problem, our policies are clear, if they have proofs, we are a able to solve it.
None of my clients was ignored by me, and this things won't happen.
All my customers can attest to the impeccable quality of my customer service.
But I won't say sorry and ship products to a troll who have zero proofs and never been my client.
Sometimes good faith will skyrocket your reputation and sales. Just a thought, it’s your business not mine.