Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If this was a controlled delivery set up, they would bring it to your front door and ask you to sign.
The Cops wont be just hanging around the PO for you to show up. They would be doing a controlled delivery to the address provided.

Swagger into that GD post office and say 'postal service slower than ever where's my package' thank you.

Read War & Peace or Read this.


Now i'm not trying to fear monger, and these folks were picking ups lbs of other shit, but a quick google search shows it clearly does happen at the post office. I am still of the opinion these guys delayed packages will show up eventually.

Now i'm not trying to fear monger, and these folks were picking ups lbs of other shit, but a quick google search shows it clearly does happen at the post office. I am still of the opinion these guys delayed packages will show up eventually.

This is unlikely to happen if you aren't shipping in some crazy amount of shit and it isn't obviously illegal drugs (e.g. reeks of bud or says trenbolone acetate on the box). I've had some friends who have shipped in pounds of shit and only ever had letters of seizure, no post office funny business. Can't imagine how they would determine its gear from outside of the package (unless source was busted).
your wrong, they go in the back call cops.. they come.. ask the guy who just said it happened to him.. and u think u know better, based what? having u on camera out of your home is safer and easier and better evidence.. also can wait till u get home open it and 5 am the next day bust in your door...happens all the time man..

that being said it does happen where they screw up and leave it on the truck or didn't want to backtrack when doing mail door to door.. happened before for perfectly legal item to me.

if u dont pick up it up doesn't really help if ever plan to order again. if watched you for awhile and planning a bust id be extra careful ordering talking online etc... can call the office and see if will try delivery aswell.
this is the dumbest thing ive ever seen......... the cops dont care about your personal steroids. and they didnt open your mail. they go after dealers not buyers. especially not for a couple vials of T lol
this is the dumbest thing ive ever seen......... the cops dont care about your personal steroids. and they didnt open your mail. they go after dealers not buyers. especially not for a couple vials of T lol
Correct, no warrant means they can't search your mail. Sounds like the people in the articles that guy posted delivered their package to the PO box intentionally. Making the post office their "home" in a typical controlled delivery scenario. There isn't much benefit for them to perform a CD on you at the post office as opposed to your house
The incompetence of shipping companies is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure, stress, paranoia and anxiety to gymbros as shown by this thread lol
Can you elaborate how a man in the middle attack can be performed when there is end to end encryption?
Replace the first word with c instead of X to get the link.
feds can do it however the f they want to do it. My friends pack was saying same shit undeliverable. He called up there and talked to a few people and turned out he was talking to the feds. They told him to come in and get the pack and sign some paper. Well it was all a set up and he got popped good once he took the pack and got in his car and left. He had about 20 cars on him leaving the lot. I love how some here try and give their 2 cents with guesses this was real life.
come on. 20 cop cars doing a take down on one guy for essentially a 16 week cycle of hormone. fake story. geesus. stop this.
Hammertime is right. where did all the fing pussies come from.
Being that your package doesn't contain anything schedule 1, it's far more likely that it just wasn't delivered for some reason. And if you don't pick it up, they likely will eventually open it, and THEN you'll be watched.

Also, I wouldn't expect QSC to do anything for you here...
Just to follow up, i had a “package held at customer request”. Shower up today, just one day late. So… im kind of believe that instead of admitting fault, or there delinquency, the post office scans it as this when there not going to make it on time for whatever reason
My Int pack of oils finally got to my local PO. Instead of it being delivered to me, tracking says its ready for pickup. WTF? Why isn't my pack being delivered? I've never had a pack needing to be picked up before. It doesn't make sense. Unless its leaking...
If you're so scared to get your package why don't you just call them and see what's up.

It's not like they are going to ask what's in the package or something. You just saw it pop up on your informed delivery.
Just to follow up, i had a “package held at customer request”. Shower up today, just one day late. So… im kind of believe that instead of admitting fault, or there delinquency, the post office scans it as this when there not going to make it on time for whatever reason
I've had packages marked as delivered show up 2 days later lol
Now i'm not trying to fear monger, and these folks were picking ups lbs of other shit, but a quick google search shows it clearly does happen at the post office. I am still of the opinion these guys delayed packages will show up eventually.

Do they have dogs that sniff out testosterone lol
Just to follow up, i had a “package held at customer request”. Shower up today, just one day late. So… im kind of believe that instead of admitting fault, or there delinquency, the post office scans it as this when there not going to make it on time for whatever reason
Bingo! Give this man a prize. It's the same as when tracking says, "No access to delivery location." That just means they're being lazy and will deliver it when they feel like it.
You're going to need that pack immediately to do a proper cycle strengthening your ass cheeks and butthole.For prison you're going to want to get those stronger than a bank vault. The process of getting someone into prison takes a while though so you should have enough time.
Now i'm not trying to fear monger, and these folks were picking ups lbs of other shit, but a quick google search shows it clearly does happen at the post office. I am still of the opinion these guys delayed packages will show up eventually.

Interesting. Usually they bring it to you because it will increase the probability of you accepting it.

Perhaps they will hold the package at post office if the package is no signature. Bc dropping it off in mailbox won’t build a case.

I know if the package requires a sig like international, they will bring it to you as the mailman everytime.


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