Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

your wrong, they go in the back call cops.. they come.. ask the guy who just said it happened to him.. and u think u know better, based what? having u on camera out of your home is safer and easier and better evidence.. also can wait till u get home open it and 5 am the next day bust in your door...happens all the time man..

that being said it does happen where they screw up and leave it on the truck or didn't want to backtrack when doing mail door to door.. happened before for perfectly legal item to me.

if u dont pick up it up doesn't really help if ever plan to order again. if watched you for awhile and planning a bust id be extra careful ordering talking online etc... can call the office and see if will try delivery aswell.
I’m not wrong - it happened to me and some other friends over half a decade ago and I did time for it. Not bodybuilding related. Most of the time they bring it to you and kick in the door soon after when it’s opened. There are always exceptions - but that is the norm because it is the least suspicious from the receivers end and thus far more likely the suspect will accepts the package which is what the authorities need. If the box is opened they got you dead to rights. If box not opened they have to build a case proving you knew what was inside the box. But even if you don’t open box, accepting gives them the ability to kick in your door and search the house and anything they find they will have you dead to rights on.

I spent 50k fighting my case with good lawyers and studied similar cases because when your freedom is on the line all you do is obsess over it. I became a bit of an expert on how things are done.

Mine was international and thus required a signature. I’d imagine the only time a package will be held is if the package does not require a sig bc you can’t build a case by dropping a box in a mailbox.
Also chances of Feds spending the resources to do any of this over personal possession amounts of bodybuilding supps is slim to none. They are mostly looking for larqe quantities of narcotics. Your packages are 99% fine to be picked up. USPS messed up constantly.
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also in USA folks in prison for joints, or selling BONGs.... NEVER underestimate the power of $$$ and corruption with private prisons... should keep that in mind when selecting your gov... more laws more criminals more$$ for them.... just remember in a few years when crack down on hormones in name of the children (protect trans kids), and they figure out can lock up a bunch more people to fill the void from cannabis prosecutions lowering..

normal liberal folks(live let live type) who are sold this "anti woke" anti lockdown etc and now think they are conservative are being played.. remember lockdowns were under TRUMP, trumps WARP SPEED vaccine!!! lest we forget.

at any rate, to OP about pick up, probably nothing, but dont listen to people who say its impossible or they never pinch folks at the post office(unless XYZ)... happens ALL the time and they clearly have no real life experience and get news form tiktok. also very much a difference from 3 viles and bags of raws which is for manufacture, manufacturing is very different than personal use... heck the these 'new members" saying all good pick up are prob LE...
I’m not wrong - it happened to me and some other friends over half a decade ago and I did time for it. Not bodybuilding related. Most of the time they bring it to you and kick in the door soon after when it’s opened. There are always exceptions - but that is the norm because it is the least suspicious from the receivers end and thus far more likely the suspect will accepts the package which is what the authorities need. If the box is opened they got you dead to rights. If box not opened they have to build a case proving you knew what was inside the box. But even if you don’t open box, accepting gives them the ability to kick in your door and search the house and anything they find they will have you dead to rights on.

I spent 50k fighting my case with good lawyers and studied similar cases because when your freedom is on the line all you do is obsess over it. I became a bit of an expert on how things are done.

Mine was international and thus required a signature. I’d imagine the only time a package will be held is if the package does not require a sig bc you can’t build a case by dropping a box in a mailbox.
lol what are u talking about? I just said u can get busted picking it up and u are saying u got busted for a controlled delivery or pickup aswell? lay off the Tren man ur agreeing with me
Do they have dogs that sniff out testosterone lol
yes they do have dogs that sniff out steroids... not sure if that was a joke? dogs can smell CASH never mind chemicals. Can Dogs Smell Testosterone? - Wag!

heck dogs can smell diabetes or covid infection lol

anyone notice influx of new members saying go pick up, all good... hmmmmm....

prob fine they do screw up, but very much a risk that is not 0%, esp if RAWS...

Also there is MUCH better case if u go pick up. and are on camera signing...taking to your house u have to be home for 1 and also have to co ordinate with when mailman comes.. much easier and better case when pick up at post office. again, happens ALL THE TIME... no they do not need a warrant to open international mail (again new members 0 clue of real world).. also much easier and safer taking u in your car vs at home where u may have weapons, can flush prob harder to get a warrant to enter a home vs pull u over.
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Well this is a first for me. My pack showed up witht the mailman today. He says I have a pack for you which is weird cause he just puts it in the box usually.

He tells me that it needs postage and I owe $11.45 cash. WTF? Since when do I have to pay for postage twice? And how the fuck can you ship something that isn't paid shipping yet? So that's why it didn't get delivered and needed to be "picked up". I took a pic and sent it to QSC. I've never experienced this with any package.

He's coming back Thursday since I didn't have any cash on me. Nice touch to end the order. what bullshit.
Well this is a first for me. My pack showed up witht the mailman today. He says I have a pack for you which is weird cause he just puts it in the box usually.

He tells me that it needs postage and I owe $11.45 cash. WTF? Since when do I have to pay for postage twice? And how the fuck can you ship something that isn't paid shipping yet? So that's why it didn't get delivered and needed to be "picked up". I took a pic and sent it to QSC. I've never experienced this with any package.
prepaid label wasnt paid for? idk
I’ve never seen so many pussies in a gear forum If it’s at the fucking post office, pick it up. They’re not magically gonna arrest you
Touchdown. Order on 10/18 and delivered 11/14.
I order BPC157 10mg and TB500 10mg. One has black tops and the other one is blue top.
Can any tell me which is which please?
Touchdown. Order on 10/18 and delivered 11/14.
I order BPC157 10mg and TB500 10mg. One has black tops and the other one is blue top.
Can any tell me which is which please?
I have the same from a recent order and TB is black, BPC is blue. I would email them though to verify because they change the color of the tops frequently
I’m not wrong - it happened to me and some other friends over half a decade ago and I did time for it. Not bodybuilding related. Most of the time they bring it to you and kick in the door soon after when it’s opened. There are always exceptions - but that is the norm because it is the least suspicious from the receivers end and thus far more likely the suspect will accepts the package which is what the authorities need. If the box is opened they got you dead to rights. If box not opened they have to build a case proving you knew what was inside the box. But even if you don’t open box, accepting gives them the ability to kick in your door and search the house and anything they find they will have you dead to rights on.

I spent 50k fighting my case with good lawyers and studied similar cases because when your freedom is on the line all you do is obsess over it. I became a bit of an expert on how things are done.

Mine was international and thus required a signature. I’d imagine the only time a package will be held is if the package does not require a sig bc you can’t build a case by dropping a box in a mailbox.
Pic of prison tattoo and jail boy friend or it didn't happen lol
I’ve never seen so many pussies in a gear forum If it’s at the fucking post office, pick it up. They’re not magically gonna arrest you
Your a clown dude. Some of us have things we care about in life, wives GFs kids good.jobs and so on. It's always a risk in this game and when something seems sketchy you should always be cautious and not so stupid to just throw your freedom away without even thinking. And yes they can "magically" arrest you for taking possession and admitting you bought controlled substances thru the federal mail system when you go to the post office and pick up your illegal things and show id
Correct, no warrant means they can't search your mail. Sounds like the people in the articles that guy posted delivered their package to the PO box intentionally. Making the post office their "home" in a typical controlled delivery scenario. There isn't much benefit for them to perform a CD on you at the post office as opposed to your house
They can get warrants without you even knowing and things have changed a lot now that the us postal inspectors have way more power because they know that everybody uses their service for shipping illegal things
Hey, anybody recently purchase Test cyp or Mast e. I emailed them to help identify what kit was which. But got this in response "1盒TC(1)+1盒DE(2)". I had 1 kit of test cyp and 1 kit of mast e.
Well this is a first for me. My pack showed up witht the mailman today. He says I have a pack for you which is weird cause he just puts it in the box usually.

He tells me that it needs postage and I owe $11.45 cash. WTF? Since when do I have to pay for postage twice? And how the fuck can you ship something that isn't paid shipping yet? So that's why it didn't get delivered and needed to be "picked up". I took a pic and sent it to QSC. I've never experienced this with any package.

He's coming back Thursday since I didn't have any cash on me. Nice touch to end the order. what bullshit.
It happened before, it's a mainly USPS fuck up.


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